Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2938: Find the location of the Academy

"Tai Chi Academy?"

The people behind him looked at each other.

Secret Path Although they don't know what Tai Chi means, it sounds inexplicably overbearing.

Ling Tian nodded slightly, others didn't know the meaning of this Tai Chi, but he did.

Tai Chi is almost the ultimate meaning.

Ling Tian didn't have a big tone, but the establishment of this academy was to forge the foundation of the human race for generations to come.

Either don't do it, or you have to be the top.

"Yes, the scale of the Taiji Academy is unprecedented. Today, the Dahanxian Dynasty sits on a territory of 5 million li, and its Xiazhou county is 36. Later, I will make a detailed plan, which can also be established in each state capital. The graded primary and secondary school palaces, at the same time, do not affect the foundation and heritage of the martial sects and families."

"After that, the Tai Chi Academy was built in Luoyang City."

"I will choose the top strong from the DPRK to be the teacher of the Academy."

"The collection of the Xuegong is taken from the Eight Great Families of the Hidden World."

"Patriarch Dugu, feasible?"

Ling Tian looked at the Patriarch of the Dugu Family.

Nowadays, the Hidden Family is still the strongest among the entire human forces.

Among the eight hermits, they have been passed on for thousands of years, and there are countless collections in the family, which are more than enough to supply an academic palace.

"If you agree, the palace lord of the Tai Chi Academy is yours."

"After that, I will also collect inheritance from all directions in the immortal world, and put it into the Academy. Your hidden family will give priority to reading."

Ling Tian saw that Dugu Patriarch's face changed.

Said again.

After all, the classics that have been cherished for thousands of years in the family are the treasures and lifeblood of the family.

It is the cornerstone of the family's growth and reproduction.

"Your Majesty, this is a veteran of Zhesha. It is my hidden family's unshirkable responsibility to build the Academy for the Human Race. You can rest assured that this matter is covered by me. The classics of my eight great families include almost all the inheritance of the Human Race. Context, I think, it won’t be long before the arrogance of my human race will gush out like a fountain!"

Dugu Patriarch, naturally did not dare to refuse.

After all, Ling Tian has the ability to directly cause their eight great families to disappear from this world.

"Haha, very good, I am very relieved that the Patriarch can understand the righteousness so deeply."

Ling Tian was also overjoyed when he heard this.

With the strong support of the hermit family, then the Tai Chi Academy is destined to become.

"But your Majesty, the veteran has a suggestion that I have to say."

However, the Dugu family suddenly groaned with embarrassment.

"Dugu Patriarch, but it doesn't matter."

The Dugu family thought about the words, and said: "Your Majesty, you have been to Qingchen Xianzhou, and you should know that the solidity and purity of the vitality there are far surpassed that of the current great Han Luoyang."


Ling Tian had to admit that even though Luoyang was already considered the place where the great man’s spiritual veins gathered, it was still far worse than Qingchen Xianzhou.

"So, if we want to build an academic palace, we must find a place with a magnificent spirit, at least, similar to the Tianzhu Wonderland."

"Otherwise, there will be no inheritance, and we will still be unable to catch up with the arrogance of other races."

The voice of the Dugu family fell, and the other veterans frowned.

Obviously, this is indeed a big problem.

Inheritance is important, and resources are equally important.

"The rest, such as the formations and treasures that control the flow of time and space, are nothing to our hidden family."

"There is only this place for Zhong Ling."

The Qin Zun thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Your Majesty, I think there is nothing more suitable than the Secret Realm of Outer Heaven. Tianzhu Fairyland is actually a kind of Realm of Outer Heaven. I don’t know if there is a secret realm that hasn’t been discovered before. ?"

However, Dugu Hanshan and others shook their heads, "At least for now, I haven't heard the news of the Heavenly Realm, and, even if there is, the Celestial Race and the Dark Demon Race have already explored it."

For a while, everyone's faces were full of melancholy.

Ling Tian frowned, he hadn't really thought about this.

For a time, there were some difficulties.

"The realm outside the sky? I know one place. Although it seems that it is not in the territory of Dahan, it should not be far away."

At this moment, Ran Xiang, who had never spoken, suddenly said.

"Oh!? The dying incense leader knows? Where!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

Ranxiang fell into a deep sleep in the first battle of the Ascension Alliance, and now he just woke up.

After waking up, the dyeing incense has reached the realm of the top immortal sovereign.

As the leader of the Ascension Alliance, Ranxiang is also a high disciple of Zhenyuan Great Immortal sitting down, knowing some unknown secrets of the outside world, but it is extremely possible.

"Nowadays, it should be the place where the Celestial Clan and the Han Dynasty meet. There is a place called Shouyang Mountain. There, I have sensed the breath of the outside world, but I am not sure, and I don’t know if there is any. It was first discovered by the Celestial Clan."

"After all, for so many years, the Celestial Clan has also been constantly looking for a realm outside the sky."

"Shouyang Mountain?" Ranxiang said, Ye Gucheng frowned: "I know this place, right next to the Dawn Pass of the Nine Imperial Passes, and the Jiuding Imperial Sky Array is built on the ridge of the Shouyang Mountain. Above. Strictly speaking, half of it is the territory of my human race!"

"But for more than a year, I haven't found anything special about Shouyang Mountain. It's off the beaten track, and the Celestial Warriors have never been to Shouyang Mountain."

"Then this is good news." Ling Tian was shocked, "Leave it to me to deal with this matter, and you can do your job."

"Wait for my return."

When the voice fell, Ling Tian disappeared under the pavilion.

Within Dahan.

Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue headed towards the Po Xiao Pass.

The Breaking Dawn Pass is considered to be the entire nine passes, except for Luoyang City, as safe.

Because it borders the Celestial Clan.

The Dark Demon Race is absolutely unable to invade from here.

The reason why Ling Tian set up a pass here was actually to guard against the heavens.

After all, Ling Tian was on guard from beginning to end for the Celestial Clan.

Although Jin Zhu is a goddess of the heavenly race.

Above the clouds, Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue stood side by side.

When he came out this time, he only brought Qin Mingyue.

After all, in the entire human race, only Qin Mingyue knew about the heavens.

"Let alone?"

"Is the earth **** general?"

Ling Tian frowned, and the killing intent flashed away in his eyes.

"Yeah. It's the strongest among the descendants of the Celestial Clan."

Qin Mingyue pursed her lips and looked at Ling Tian timidly, "Are you...angry?"

"Hehe, how can I be angry, my wife Mingyue is born with stunning beauty, even in the heavenly clan, she is unique, and it's too late for me to be proud!"

Ling Tian smiled.

But they couldn't hide it from Qin Mingyue.

"Cut, then you are jealous."

Qin Mingyue shrugged.

"If you can't be jealous, then I don't love you anymore."

Ling Tian scraped Qin Mingyue's nose.

Ling Tian seemed to have not done such an intimate action to Qin Mingyue for a long time.

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