Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2941: Guangmu Tiantian's Son [four more]

After landing, Ling Tian's heart was slightly shaken.

Here, precious woods are verdant, ancient trees are scattered, and there are peaks and peaks, and there are lakes after another, Yunqixiawei, dotted in the pure land, and in the distance, you can see that there are thousands of ancient tripods, which contain divine light , There is a blue pagoda standing on the top of the mountain.

There are ancient rare birds and animals, galloping within the fairy light.

Although this was a spectacular scene, I don't know the time and space projections tens of thousands of years ago, but Ling Tian was still shocked.

Among the distant mountains, there is a long road that seems to lead directly to the ultimate mountain.

And at that ultimate point, at the end of the sky, the towering palace complex is looming, like an ancient fairy gods dojo, with divine light soaring into the sky and extraordinary charm.

This place outside the sky is incredible!

However, when Ling Tian's gaze retracted from a distance, it fell to his feet.

But it was surprisingly discovered that here, the blood was blasting into the sky, and the killing intent was endless, like a vast ocean surging.

Looking slowly, one could clearly see that on the road leading to the Immortal Palace, there were densely packed corpses.

Blood flowed into the sea.

The scene is terrifying. Hundreds of thousands of wild monsters, who don't know where they come from, are strangled by organ formations on the mountain road. They are using flesh and blood to try to smooth this road to the sky!

"The Lord of the Fourth Palace, the ninth son of Guangmu Tian, ​​the earth **** general Murong Zifu!"

"This is the son of heaven!"

Inside Taoyuan, Qin Mingyue exclaimed.

Guangmu Tian, ​​but a **** at the heaven level.

Although in the four major gods, the ranking is at the end.

But its combat power is still shocking all over the world.

He has many heirs, and he has five sons, all of whom are heavenly nobles.

Now, this fifth son, Murong Zifu, is dragging the Ten Thousand Beast Cauldron in his hands and marching forward in a sea of ​​blood.

This kind of cauldron is the best among the heavenly treasures.

It is a reward from the broad eye.

In its tripod, there is an army of fierce beasts that Guangmutian didn't know had been collected for thousands of years.

With the cauldron in hand, it is comparable to owning a legion.

Now, this Zifu **** general suddenly wanted to use this tripod to reach the end of the fairy hall.


The Dragon Slashing Sword in Ling Tian's hand vibrated, and he walked forward every time, walking through the secret realm.

The younger generation of an earth **** general, without the power to condense the avenue, will die even if he is the son of heaven!


He seemed to be swaying a dazzling golden fairy river, smashing the high sky with the sword of the dragon, smashing through the sky, with great power!


Ling Tian grabbed the sword and slashed it heavily. The son of the wide-eyed sky was startled by this sword shadow, and suddenly turned around, with divine light surging in his indifferent eyes.

Immediately, he raised the Euphorbia in his hand and greeted him.

He is the son of Guangmu Tian, ​​how can he be blocked by a human race?


However, the big halberd and the golden sword shook each other, and the Purple Mansion God General flew upside down, spurting blood, his strength was directly defeated by Ling Tian, ​​his vitality was already severely injured, and he was now supporting him strongly.

However, the big halberd in his hand is sophisticated, a genuine quasi-emperor weapon, it just fell apart and was not destroyed by the Dragon Slashing Sword.


Ling Tian struck down again, the sword glowing like a ruling

"You can't kill me, I am..." The Purple Mansion God will know his state, and it is definitely not suitable for a battle at this time.

"I care who you are, dare to come to my big man, ruin me, kill my human race, take my secret realm, and you will die!"

"Son of Heaven, it won't work either!"

Ling Tian's heart was still burning with anger, and he needed to vent.

Without giving him a chance to speak, Jian Feng cut down.

"锵", "锵"

The Dragon Slashing Sword is as heavy as a star. Every time the sword is recommended, the **** of the Purple Mansion will spit out blood. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't have a chance.

If it weren't for him to be the body of the Celestial Clan, with a strong immortal and a tough physical body, he would have been killed a long time ago.

"These heavenly sons have great opportunities. Now that I am so tyrannical, it is still so troublesome to kill, and this is only the weakest son of heaven. It can be seen that among the heavenly clan, those truly top heavenly prides should have How terrible." Ling Tian frowned.

"It's over, remember, the Son of Heaven Slayer, Ling Tian!"

In the end, Ling Tian swept out with one sword. The power of Wanjun was shocking. He turned the Dragon Slashing Sword in turn, tearing apart the space in the secret realm.

On the road to the sky, a deep trace was drawn.


Ling Tian cut off the head of the son of heaven with one sword. The headless corpse fell in a pool of blood, and the ten thousand beast cauldron rolled to the side.


The Immortal Soul Infant of the Murong Purple Mansion rushed out of the corpse and let out an unwilling roar, "It turns out that it is you humble Human Race, Human Race Ling Tian! Don't worry, my father will avenge me!"

Immediately, that Ling Ying fled towards the secret realm.

The Heavenly Clan's exercises are endless, his father, and Guangmutian, as long as his spiritual baby is there, he can be immortal.


But Ling Tian, ​​how can you give him a chance? Slashed down with a single sword, its spirit infant collapsed, leaving a generation of sons of heaven to destroy the spirit and form.

Cut the grass and root, even if he didn't want to hide his identity.

But it would be too shameful to put one back.

"Son of Heaven, what about it!?"

Slashing the dragon sword dripping blood, Ling Tian held the sword, stepping on the steps, towards the fairy palace.

There are ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps.

no more, no less.

When Ling Tian walked to the top of the mountains with 100,000 steps and appeared in front of the Immortal Venerable, he also felt his insignificance from time to time.

This great hall is like the dojo of the ancient gods, in the space, the immortal yuan has turned into a whirlpool and wanders.

It can be seen that this is a tempting place for cultivation.

In the central hall, there are huge pillars, one hundred and eight, supporting the dome.

What made Ling Tian slightly puzzled was that the plaque of such a fairy palace was empty.

"Hehe, in that case, I will name this temple."

But when the sword of the dragon was cut out, it was unable to leave any mark on the blank plaque.

Even if it is, Ling Tian has already used all his strength!

This fairy palace is so extraordinary! ?

Ling Tian frowned, a war spirit condensed in his heart. I don't know why, his feeling for this hall was very unusual.

In the dimness, he found this big spot, where he seemed to have seen it.

However, he desperately wanted to brand everything here with his own name.

Therefore, Ling Tian only hesitated for a moment, and directly took the blood drink of the imperial instrument from the Taoyuan!

His eyes were blood red in an instant. Behind him, the tens of thousands of tens of thousands of high-willed war gods appeared before the fairy hall. Ling Tian held the imperial weapon in his hand, raised his hand on the plaque, and dropped the three characters of Taiji Hall.

It's just that, because it is written by imperial instruments, the morality and meaning pervades these three characters

The entire secret realm, after Ling Tian made the last stroke, the world roared, the blood sea dissipated on the way to the sky, Yuyu clarified!

Inside the fairy hall, it seems that there are thousands of immortal gods oscillating, the real secret realm is full of vitality in an instant...

Behind Ling Tian, ​​the light and shadow of the God of War slaying the sky fell, and the emperor blood drink returned to Taoyuan.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Tian panted heavily, looking at the Tai Chi Hall, the corners of his mouth gradually bend.

Finally, the Tai Chi Academy has come to an end.

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