Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2942: Four Heavens【Solve the Seal】

In other words, this place is a realm outside the sky, and it should have been inherited from the ancient times.

However, when Ling Tian stepped into the hall, he found that apart from the sacred and magnificent hall, there was nothing left in the hall.

Even Ling Tian couldn't find even a word.

This is really strange.

After coming out of the hall, Ling Tian went to the giant cauldron and blue pagoda on the left and right sides of the hall respectively.

He discovered that the two huge lights and shadows were not just the projections of the ancient sceneries, but there were actually two treasures.

Na Ding is a three-legged round tripod. Under the cauldron, there is a three-character Qi Ding, which is the top-level existence among the Heavenly Treasures. The rank is similar to the ten thousand beasts cauldron just seen.

It's just that after this cauldron has gone through so many years, there is still a pill incense permeating it, it should be the strong person here before, in the alchemy.

Speaking of pill refining, Ling Tian had indeed not refined a pill for a long time.

Another cyan pagoda also has a famous taboo.

Tower of Supreme Harmony...

Ling Tian glanced at the plaque on the top of the tower, frowned slightly, the name of the tower was not small.

The tower has nine floors, and it looks even more magnificent than the Sixiang Liuli Pagoda.

Ling Tian gate entered the tower, and the next moment, his eyes lit up.

Because he discovered that although this pagoda is not a treasure to the sky, the space inside it is huge.

Not only the space, but also the time flow rate in it is extremely slow.

Ling Tian sensed it slightly. Although it was not as terrifying as the current flow rate of the Four Elephants Glass Tower a hundred times the time, it was still sixty times as much!

For the Tianjiao of the big man, the control of this time flow rate is already quite abnormal, at least in the hidden family, there is no.

It was really sleepy and someone gave a pillow. This gave him the realm of the outside world. Although he didn't get any other treasures, he even gave a cauldron furnace and an ancient tower of time and space.

In this way, the Tai Chi Academy is completely finished!

"Yaoyao, it's your turn!"

Ling Tiandao.

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Tao Yaoyao came out of Taoyuan, and finally uttered a word, and then printed a dharma seal. The entire space suddenly shook violently.

Visible to the naked eye, the sky here has gradually turned into black and white, and this color is the color of the sky in Taoyuan.

After a cup of tea, the sky all turned gray, and Ling Tian directly rose into the sky, only to find that he was already in the Taoyuan.

Tao Yaoyao moved this place outside of the sky directly to Taoyuan!

Such a method really made Ling Tian amazed.

Moreover, this also proved that Taoyuan is huge today, far beyond Ling Tian's imagination.

At least, it is also ten areas of this outer world.

"Yeah, Yaoyao, I didn't expect that you still have such skills. Now Taoyuan, I am afraid that there is already a radius of 100,000 miles, right?"

Ling Tian said in surprise.

"Ninety thousand miles!"

Tao Yaoyao held his head up, "Look at the way you have never seen the market. It's only a space of 90,000 li. I said, give me a few more decades, and I can make this place into a million li. The small world of rules!"

"Hmph, when the time comes, even if it's a half-step Martial Emperor, why not let us Taoyuan!"

"With a radius of one million powers, rules of its own?" Ling Tian was shocked. He didn't expect that Tao Yaoyao had said it before. It was not a joke.

"Hmm, isn't this for you yet?"

Tao Yaoyao raised her chin proudly, "It's not for you, the guys you meet are too powerful now, Taoyuan can't stand it now."

"Okay, okay, our Tao Yaoyao is amazing!"

Ling Tian squeezed Tao Yaoyao's face.

After decades of time, Taoyuan should be able to upgrade after this retreat.

If it is really successful, then if you go to the Celestial Clan, you will have more protection.

After all, this time, he was completely broke up with the Celestial Clan.

Killing so many gods of the heavenly clan, even the son of heaven died in his hands.

Then, entering the Celestial Clan is equivalent to entering the Longtan Tiger Den.

The Celestial Clan will never give up.

He and Qin Mingyue left Taoyuan, and outside Shouyang Mountain, human warriors have arrived.

However, when they saw Shouyang Mountain, which had been stained red with blood, they were all stunned.

The breath that just erupted from the top of Shouyang Mountain was unprecedented, and the aftermath shook a radius of 100,000 li, and you could hear it.

Nowadays, all the mountains and rivers within thousands of miles have been razed to the ground, except for this Yangshan Mountain. With such a method, I am afraid that only the realm of the emperor exists.

Sure enough, when the figures of Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue appeared, the people of the human race shook their hearts and knelt down one after another.

"Liu Jingyao, deputy commander of the Poxiao Pass, see your Majesty!"

Among that group of warriors, the leader is the current leader of the Daxiao Pass, Ye Gucheng's subordinates, the third-order cultivation base of Xianzun is still acceptable.

"Well, get up, nothing else here."

Ling Tian nodded.

The warriors got up, Liu Jingyao thought for a while, still said: "Your Majesty, half an hour ago, we had a patrol team missing here at Dawn Pass."

"They have been killed by the Celestial Clan."

"What, heaven!?" The faces of the human races changed.

I never thought that everything here is actually intervening by the Celestial Clan, and that would be difficult to handle.

"It doesn't matter, those heavenly races have also been killed by me, and these human races have been buried. They are the heroes of my human race."

After Ling Tian said, Wan Beast Cauldron appeared in his hands, Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue's figures flashed, and disappeared in Shouyang Mountain.

Above the break of dawn.

Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue stood against the wind.

"You mean, the sacred general of the Purple Mansion is likely to come to Shouyang Mountain secretly!?"

Ling Tian asked lightly.

"Yes, although the Celestial Clan is the number one in the Immortal Realm, the forces in it are also complicated. Except for the Xiling Imperial Palace, which rarely intervenes outside, the entire Celestial Clan is generally controlled by the four major divine palaces."

"The leaders of the four shrines are naturally the four heavens."

"Among them, Chi Guotian is in charge of the first shrine and has the strongest combat power, followed by Duowentian, Gu Luotian and Guangmutian."

"Guangmu Tian is the weakest among the four heavens, and the fourth shrine is not strong. They are usually in the imperial palace, and they have been bullied by the other three shrines."

"This Purple Mansion is even more true. Although he is the son of heaven, he is not favored by his four brothers. Those who came today are also the guards of the Purple Mansion. Therefore, I think about the imperial palace and the four major shrines. , I probably didn't know that he was coming to Shouyang Mountain."

"The Celestial Clan in the imperial palace still cares about the Human race. They explicitly forbid the Celestial Clan to intervene in our big man's affairs at will, let alone my Celestial Clan killing people. This is to be punished in the Imperial Palace."

After Qin Mingyue said, Ling Tian frowned slightly, "Punish!? Human race should be just a small fish in the eyes of the sky race."

"It's because of the order of Ren Alone."

Qin Mingyue said.

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