Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2957: Unexpected grouping

After all, Ling Tian brought sixteen Tianjiao with him this time.

In addition, Kunwu Academy and Emperor Jiuge are also included.

At least, two places should be allocated to them.

So, it is indeed not easy to handle.

"When I came, the imperial palace had indeed already studied it."

Ran Hong nodded, "Let’s start with our Feng clan. Actually, the conditions in all the major Xianzhou provinces, except for the Celestial Clan, are pretty much the same."

"This time, among our Feng Clan, the imperial palace's top geniuses will use three. Apart from me, they are Imperial Palace Shuangjiao, Zhu Bingyi, and Zhu Fengling."

"They are all imperial nobles, close relatives of Emperor Wu, and their cultivation bases have reached the ninth level of the Immortal Venerable. They are very terrible. Moreover, their relationship is good with the previous dragon emperor, and it is not very good with me, so, This time the Feng Clan, I am afraid that only I can help."

"The Dragon Race needn't be introduced too much. In-law Dragon Profound and In-law Mother Xiaolongnv, other than that, there is no such thing as the 9th-order Immortal Venerable.

"After that, there will be the Demon Race. This time there are a lot of Demon Race's arrogances. There are three of them who have reached the ninth level of the Immortal Venerable. Among them are the sons of the terrifying Tianhuang Jiuying, the son of the dark night ghost car, and the son of Qingxuan Feili , The three are the sons of the demon clan, and they are all the top big demon queens, and they are very famous in the imperial palace."

"I've heard that Jin Peng and Princess Sky Snake are also practicing well in the imperial palace, but they have not yet reached the ninth level of the Immortal Venerable. They are a little bit behind these three."

"Similarly, the relationship between the Yaozu and you, you also know, these three will definitely deal with you."

Ling Tian listened, but nodded without interrupting.

Ran Hongfu continued: "After the demon clan, let’s talk about the ghost clan. They are also three Mingzi, who are cultivated as the ninth-level immortal. Their combat power is even higher than that of the other clan. The ghost clan’s techniques are weird. It's very difficult. I'm afraid that except for the Asura clan, they are not willing to run into them. Similarly, Ling Tian has just offended the ghost clan, and a month later, it is still a tough battle."

"When I arrive at the Asura clan, I am still not sure about this, because after ten thousand years, the Asura clan has hardly been out of the underworld. This time it is said that there will be Tianjiao participating. How many can come and who is coming, I don't know. Very much. mysterious."

Everyone looked at each other when they heard this, and secretly said that the Asura clan was too mysterious, so mysterious that even the Feng clan hadn't found the news! ?

"Finally, it is the most important heavenly race."

"As we all know, the Celestial Clan is the most powerful race in our Immortal Realm today. There is no one. The Vast Sky Emperor Palace is like a cloud and Tianjiao Lin Sheng."

"Even, some of the sons of heaven in the four great emperor palaces are comparable to the arrogances of our other imperial palaces."

Finally speaking of the Celestial Clan, everyone straightened up.

Because, this time if the Human Race really wants to get the top of the Celestial Event, and the second batch enters the Lingxu, it must defeat the incomparably powerful Celestial Race.

There is no other way.

Therefore, how many Tianjiao the Celestial Clan will send to the stage this time is the most concerned by everyone today.

"As far as I know, the Tianjiao generation of Tianjiao has reached the top combat power of the ninth rank of Immortal Venerable, and there are seven!"

"Seven!?" Sure enough, even though everyone had expected it, Ran Hongfu's voice fell, but he couldn't help but exclaim.

In this heavenly clan imperial palace, there are so many who have reached the ninth rank of the Immortal Venerable! ?

It is more than double that of other Xianzhou, which is really terrible.

Ling Tian pursed his lips, the other party has seven immortal ninth ranks, but he did not exceed his prediction.

He even felt that the opponent's top combat power was a bit lacking.

"Yes, there are seven, and they are all the sons of heaven from the four major shrines."

"Among them, there are three of Jiguotian, two more Wentian, and one each for Guangmutian and Gu Luotian."

"These seven sons of heaven rank the strongest among all the sons of heaven."

Ling Tian asked suddenly, "Let alone go first!?"

In the Son of Heaven, he only cares about being alone.

"No, he ranked second. The eldest son of Chi Guotian, Hua Xiaoyun, ranked first." Ran Hongfu smiled and shook his head.


Ling Tian nodded, knowing it.

"Moreover, the rules may not be clear to you. The main focus this time is on the first division. In the first division, each of the Seven Great Xianzhou, only need to send seven Tianjiao to play."

"Seven Tianjiao, grandma's, isn't this tailor-made for the heavenly race!?" Zuo Xiao could not sit still, and immediately cursed.

There were only seven people, and the seven heavenly children of the clan that day went to the first division. Who could be their opponent! ? Just the cultivation base is enough to crush.

"Yes, it's tailor-made, otherwise what can be done."

Ran Hongfu shook his head, also helpless.

For a while, everyone sighed and felt a great deal of pressure.

Regardless of the ghost clan and monster clan, just this heaven clan is like an insurmountable mountain.

"So, how to arrange the team in this competition, Ling Tian, ​​you have to think about it, I think, your current team is not bad, if you can count the Kunwu Academy, it is not impossible to compete with the Celestial Clan. Contention."

Ran Hongfu looked at Ling Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes also gathered.

"The Celestial Clan is acceptable, we are very strong."

However, after hearing what Ling Tian said, everyone's expressions changed in unison.

It seemed that Ling Tian didn't have much worry, on the contrary, he was quite confident! ?

Although Ling Tian had just left the customs, they didn't know how strong Ling Tian was today fifty years later, but the Celestial Clan was not weak.

No matter how strong Ling Tian is, he can't beat a group by himself.

"If you count the academy, it looks like it is really not weak, Ling Tian, ​​how do you want to divide it!?" Ran Hongfu asked.

"The seven players in the first division give two positions to Qin Yu and Di Jiuge in the academy."

Ling Tian said in a deep voice, looking at the others in the room.

Naturally, Tianjiao, a big man, had no objection to letting out such two positions.

After all, these two, after the genuine Emperor Wu, the cultivation base of the ninth rank of Immortal Venerable is comparable to the Son of Heaven.

They want to come, Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue must also occupy two positions.

Then the remaining three positions are the key.

Everyone's eyes flickered, looking at Ling Tian, ​​there was more or less expectation in their hearts. After all, if you win in the first division, then you will be able to enter the Lingxu first.

"The remaining five positions, besides me, are played by Ross, Jiu'er, and the Feng Family brothers and sisters."

However, Ling Tian's quota for the game was almost blurted out, as if he had thought of it a long time ago, but when he finished speaking, the needle fell in the entire room in an instant!

Including those who were named, they were all startled.

Because, Ling Tian's quota really exceeded everyone's expectations.

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