Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2958: I want to be the first in three divisions [Thanks to the boss of Jiangsu Kete]

"In-law, I won't say anything else, in-law, Mingyue, don't you bring it?"

"Do you know that in the first division, the imperial palace's strongest disciples must be played, and all the 9th-order Immortal Venerables will play, your team..."

After a long while, other human races were embarrassed to speak, but Long Xuan spoke.

After all, he hopes Ling Tian will win in the end.

But Ling Tian's arrangement for the battle was really a bit... nonsense.

Finally, everyone also reacted, and the Feng Family brothers and sisters were even more dumbfounded.

They know that their combat power is not the weakest, but they are a little worse than the first echelon. At least, Qin Mingyue, Cai Lin, Ouyang Yuner, Dugu Jingtao, and even Yu Ji Jiuyou, But they are much better than them.

How did they rectify themselves to the first division?

The siblings even wondered if Ling Tian had a brain watt.

"Hehe, I think that Ling Tian's arrangement must have his intentions. The first division is not trivial. If we don't use some means, we may not be able to win."

But Qin Mingyue didn't seem to be surprised, and she wouldn't have any objections to Ling Tian's arrangement.

"Msang Gong, you still want to talk about why you arranged it like this, I really want to know."

Ran Hong asked with a smile.

"Actually, it is not difficult to understand. I arranged this way because I wanted to be the first in the three districts!"

Ling Tian leaned on the big chair.

The corners of the mouth raised slightly.

The first team in the first division can have the opportunity to enter the Lingxu first, and after three days, the other counters in the first division can enter.

The first team in the second and third divisions can also be in the second batch. As other teams in the first division enter it, then the second and third divisions are particularly ranked first. It's important.

Moreover, the first team in the second and third divisions will also receive many rewards.

In addition, that is fame.

This is what Ling Tian wants most.

Everyone knows that if it weren't for the Human Race's signs of revival in the last hundred years, it caused a sensation in the entire fairy world. I am afraid that it would be the last to participate in the Celestial Race.

Even so, Human Race does not currently have Emperor Wu, and it exists objectively.

In this grand event of the Celestial Race, the Human Race must be the weakest existence of that background and power.

Humans are now getting better, but they are far from reaching the peak, and they still need to climb.

If this grand event of the Celestial Race can get the first place in the three divisions, it means that the Tianjiao of the Human Race will overwhelm all the geniuses in the fairy world!

This kind of glory is enough to make the whole human ancestor's luck directly reach its peak!

Its significance, in Ling Tian's view, is more important than entering the Lingxu.

Therefore, he had to use extraordinary means.

"First in the three districts..."

Sure enough, Ling Tian's voice fell, and the others were stunned again.

For a time, some reactions were overwhelming.

how! ?

They were still worried that the team in the first division was not strong enough. Now, Ling Tian actually wants to get the first place in the three divisions, which is beyond their expectation.

You know, this time the human race is facing not only the heavenly race, but also other powerful people in the Xianzhou imperial palace.

How hard is that if you want to get the first place! ?

"Oh~ I get it!"

Suddenly, Ran Hongfu's eyes lit up and said: "Ling Tian, ​​you want to bring the top combat power down to the second and third divisions, so that the combat power of these two divisions directly surpasses other Xianzhou, to ensure Win!"

At this time, everyone was also stunned.

"Yes, Mingyue, Cailin, Ouyang, Dugu and Jiuyou, you go to the second and third divisions to lead the team, with you here, I am confident that I will get the first place in these two divisions."

Ling Tian immediately looked at the callers.

The cultivation bases of these people are the highest in the entire team, except for Ross and Jiu'er. Among them, Qin Mingyue, Cai Lin and Ji Jiuyou's cultivation bases have all reached the ninth rank of the terrifying Immortal Venerable, although their Immortal Venerable The cultivation base of Tier Nine is a bit inferior to Tier Nine of the Celestial Clan, but it is a leading advantage if placed in the following two competition areas.

At the very least, it will not be weaker than the Celestial Clan.

"Hehe, it turns out that you played this card counting, well, since it is for the overall situation, then you can rest assured." Kwai Cailin nodded, Ling Tian just excluded her from the first division list. , She was indeed a little angry in her heart.

"However, if this is the case, the pressure in the first division will become extremely great." Although Qin Mingyue had no objection, she still expressed her worries.

"It's okay, even if it is the best, it is very stressful."

Ling Tian smiled lightly. The battle for the first division is already dangerous, but it is not without room for manipulation.

In the first team, in addition to the Feng Family brothers and sisters and him, the other four people now have the cultivation base of the ninth rank of Xianzun.

Needless to say, the two emperors are powerful enough to contend with the Tianjiao of the Celestial Clan, and Rose has one of the nine gods in his body, and the potential for fifty years of submerged cultivation is huge.

And Su Jiu'er is a sky fox, and she has received a lot of help from the sky demon grass, and she has never shown her combat power in front of the world, she is regarded as Ling Tian's trump card.

Ling Tian believed that when the time came, the Tianjiao of the great Xianzhou in the fairy world would be extremely shocked.

As for Ling Tian himself, hehe, his goal is Ren Duxing, the so-called No. 1 Tianjiao, Hua Xiaoyun!

"Okay, since you are already prepared, then we will go all out at that time. Don't worry, I will take action to help you solve some obstacles. I can abolish a few, but only a few."

Ran Hongfu smiled.

Although the Feng Clan is strong, it does not have the qualifications to compete for the first line.

"Me too, the dragons today are really no better than before."

Long Xuan also sighed.

This time the Dragon Race is undoubtedly the weakest, and even not far inferior to the Human Race.

Everyone discussed it for a long time, and finally dispersed. There is still a month before the last grand meeting. This time is also very important.

A month's time passed in a hurry.

After the arrival of the people, ghosts, dragons, and Fengdi clan, the Yao clan also hurriedly arrived the day before the event opened.

However, what makes everyone a little puzzled is that the Shura clan, one of the Xianzhou imperial palaces, still has no strong people coming.

Within a month, Xiling City became more and more lively.

But the Terran resident is extremely calm.

Ling Tian and others have not taken a half step out of the station, nor have any forces come to ask for trouble.

In this way, it finally came to the day when the event opened.

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