Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2959: Yuan Tiangang ran off [Thanks to the boss of Jiangsu Kete]

Early in the morning, everyone woke up from the practice and came outside the station.

Ling Tian was the last one to come down from upstairs.

Feng Qixi said: "Brother, where are we going now? Until now, we don't even know where the event will be held!"

Ling Tian fingered the sky, "Vast Sky Emperor Palace."

When Ling Tian went to Kunlun Ruins before, Mo Yuan had already told Ling Tian about the rules of the event.

The venue of the event is set in the imperial palace, which shows that the Celestial Clan attaches great importance to the event.

In this grand event, except for the high-level leaders of the major Xianzhou teams and the participating Tianjiao who can enter the imperial palace, the other major Xianzhou warriors who watch the battle are not eligible to enter the imperial palace. They can only stay in Xiling City and pass the formation. Watch the progress of this event.

"Imperial Palace!? Then how do we get up there!?"

Feng Qixi and others all looked overhead.

Until now, no one from the Celestial Clan came to take in, and they didn't know where the entrance of the imperial palace was. ,

"Don't worry, go to Kunlun Ruins first and gather with the people from Kunwu Academy."

Ling Tian shook his head, led everyone, flew out of the city, and went straight to Kunlun Ruins.

This time it is a battle with Xianzhou as the unit. Although Kunwu Academy is in the Celestial Clan, it is also a Human Clan. As I said before, they will fight together.

Therefore, before going to the imperial palace, you need to go to Kunlun Ruins. Once there, Yuan Tiangang will naturally know how to enter the imperial palace.

The crowd came to Kunlun Ruins, but Yuan Tiangang was not there. Qin Yu, the disciples, and Emperor Jiuge were already in front of the hall, waiting for them to come.

"Hmph, knowing that today is the grand event of the Celestial Clan, you are still here so late!?"

Seeing that Ling Tian and his party came up mightily, Gao Xing, the second senior from the academy, said coldly.

They didn't pay attention to the group of people coming from the Great Han Immortal Dynasty before. A month ago, their master paid so much attention to Ling Tian, ​​which made them feel unhappy.

Now that this heavenly clan event is about to begin, and everyone in Ling Tian is still late, he feels uncomfortable and can't help but speak.

"Where is your qualification to speak, step back!"

But Ling Tian suddenly let out a cold snort, causing Gao Xing to shake his whole body, his face flushed instantly, and he was about to step forward and talk to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian is too rampant, don't you know where it is! ?

"Well, Senior Brother Gao Xing, Ling Tian is the Human Race leader of this Celestial Race, and we just waited for half a cup of tea, it's nothing."

At this moment, Mo Yuan suddenly spoke.

Although Mo Yuan was only ranked sixth, he was always by Yuan Tiangang's side, so even Qin Yu respected Mo Yuan and never dared to suppress him with the aura of a senior.

"Who said he is the leader of the human race this time!? Where's the big brother!?"

Gao Xing was immediately embarrassed, Mo Yuan didn't even speak for him, and Ling Tian was still the leader, he didn't know.

"What the master said, why, don't you believe it!?"

Mo Yuan crossed his eyebrows, and Gao Xing stunned, he didn't even dare to say anything.

"Mo Yuan told you to shut up, just shut up!" Qin Yu also snorted coldly.

Over the past month, he has also been tormented in shame and anger.

A month ago, he thought he could get along with Di Jiuge day and night, near the water tower, but when Ling Tian entered the hall, Di Jiuge turned his face and left by himself, which almost didn't make Qin Yu angry.

He was a magnificent emperor, but Emperor Jiuge didn't look at him at all.

No matter how stupid Qin Yu was, he understood the relationship between Di Jiuge and Ling Tian.

There is definitely something between these two people!

In this way, Qin Yu looked at the depths of Ling Tian's gaze, almost full of killing intent.

Now, knowing that Yuan Tiangang had directly handed over the rights of the Celestial event and the human race leader to Ling Tian and Qin Yu without any discussion and notification, it was really intolerable.

"Sixth Junior Brother, you said that Master appointed Ling Tian as the team leader, why?"

Qin Yu had never questioned Yuan Tiangang before. This scene changed the expressions of other disciples.

Ling Tian smiled without saying a word.

Mo Yuan said lightly; "This is an agreement between Master and Ling Tian, ​​and there is no reason."

"Furthermore, Master asked me to tell you that if you want to win this grand event, you will listen to Lingtian, do you know?"

"Where is Master now? I'm looking for Master!" But Qin Yu was obviously dissatisfied.

"Master is no longer in the academy now. As for where he went, I don't know." Mo Yuan shook his head.

"What, Master is not here?" Qin Yu frowned. He didn't expect Master to leave the academy at this critical time.

Ling Tian was also stupid, "That's right, Mo Yuan, Senior Yuan is gone!? Then how do we enter the imperial palace?"

At the beginning, it was said that Yuan Tiangang would take them into the imperial palace. How did this run away?

Too unreliable.

"Haha, don't worry, Master has made arrangements first. We will wait for that. By the way, Ling Tian, ​​the event is divided into three competition areas. How do you arrange the team? Can you plan it?"

Mo Yuan looked at Ling Tian.

The latter nodded and said: "It's arranged, there are seven places in the first division, Qin Yu and Di Jiuge, me, and my big man Su Jiu'er, Ross, Feng Jixing, and Qixi Qixi."

"Feng Jixing and Feng Qixi Festival!? Ling Tian, ​​are you sure you are not fooling around?"

Qin Yu was already holding fire in his heart. He couldn't change Yuan Tiangang's order, but he didn't allow Ling Tian to mess around like this!

"Don't tell me, Su Jiu'er and Ross both have the cultivation base of Immortal Venerable Rank 9 and that's okay, but the two of them are only Immortal Venerable Rank 7 cultivation base. What qualifications do they have to go to Division 1!? Send to death!?"

He angrily pointed out that the Qixi Festival and the wind continued.

The two Immortal Venerables of the seventh order are really too much talk.

The Feng Family brothers and sisters shrugged and did not take Qin Yu's words to heart.

Ling Tian sneered, "Why, what Senior Yuan said, you are deaf to your ears!? Didn't you say it, let you listen to me? Whoever I let go, whoever I let go."


"Ling Tian, ​​yes, I hope you can say the same when you become a human sinner!"

Qin Yu stopped talking.

"The remaining second and third regions, Mingyue, Cailin led the teams."

"So, I have arranged the team in the division."

Ling Tian looked at Mo Yuan.


Mo Yuan nodded, and immediately looked at the sky above Xiling City, "Calculate the time, Tianmen, it will open too!"

Sure enough, after its voice fell, there was a roar and shock in the sky above Xiling City, as if there was a vast door opening in the sky, a hundred thousand zhang Rui Cai descended, and the golden light leaked to the ground!

Everyone looked around and found out that amidst the brilliance, a giant gate opened to the sky, faintly, one could see the shadowy pavilions and the fairy mountain lake.

This is the Haotian Emperor Palace! ?

The Tianmen opened, and a platform also appeared in front of the Tianmen.

"Sacred Fire Xianzhou, Zhu Zihuan, Zhu Zihuan of Phoenix Emperor Palace, take Feng Clan Tianjiao to the grand event, heavenly road, open!"

Suddenly, from the city of Xiling, there was a sweet drink, and immediately, there was a phoenix roaring in the sky, and there was a purple phoenix fire, which rose from the city and evolved into a avenue to the sky, leading directly to the platform in front of the vast gate of the heavenly imperial palace.

Immediately, under the leadership of Emperor Zhun, more than twenty celestial arrogances of the Feng clan flew up along the flame road.

It turned out that only these quasi-emperors can enter the heavenly palace!

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