Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2960: Blood Shura Lu Bu [Five Watches]

But now, Yuan Tiangang's magic stick has lost its chain!

How is this good! ?

Ling Tian frowned secretly and wanted to scold Yuan Tiangang, but he also knew that it was useless.

As the first existence of the Feng Clan to go to the Celestial Palace, it naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Everyone's eyes fell on the three women in front of the group of Tianjiao, and their hearts swayed.

Today's Ran Hongfu is particularly eye-catching, with thousands of scarlet flames shrouded all over his body, full of divine light, and his fiery red hair flying, as if there is an ancient fire phoenix behind him, looming.

On both sides, the other two Tianjiao of the Feng clan walked side by side with Ran Hongfu.

Zhu Bingyi and Zhu Fengling, the two Phoenix women, are equally graceful, except that, unlike Ran Hongfu's bloodline, they inherit the bloodline of the Ice Phoenix and Fengfeng clan in their bodies. Compared with the Fire Phoenix, they are inferior in bloodline. So a little bit.

But even so, the three phoenix tianjiao like goddess, walking up the sky, still fascinating.

"Hahaha, Zihuan Zhundi, the imperial palace has already embraced the clan!"

On the platform, a celestial **** will fall, Ling Tian frowned, this celestial **** will be shrouded in the quasi-emperor's divine light, his breath is soaring, and the void is trembling, but his face is the same as the purple mansion that Ling Tian killed fifty years ago. God will be very alike.

This guy should be the fourth **** general of the Celestial Clan.

"Underworld, the quasi-emperor Yan Luo of the Fengdu imperial palace, with the ghost clan Tianjiao, go to the grand event, heavenly road, open!"

Another voice sounded. In Xiling City, a gloomy black house demon rose in full bloom, and then rose up into the sky, turning into a road to the sky, and went straight to the gate of heaven.

The Haunted Ghost Master took the three Hades and many Ghost Clan Tianjiao, ascended the dark sky, slowly.

"This is Yan Luo!" Ling Tian looked at him indifferently.

This is a tall, middle-aged ghost tribe, very strong, black hair waist waist, skin is bronze, there is a band of ghost mist around the body, very oppressive.

His eyes are very special. Inside the left eye is pitch black and dead, and inside the right eye, the blood is red like a sea, which looks so strange that most people don't dare to face it, as if a soul can be swallowed.

He walked slowly, like a black ghost mountain, his breath seemed to be able to crush the world, making people tremble.

Worthy of being the powerful first ghost master, this quasi-emperor is much stronger than the quasi-emperor of the Feng clan who has that broad vision.

"Hahaha, Guangmutian, welcome the ghost master!"

The Guangmu Tian settled Zhu Zihuan on the platform, and it hurried to the sky of the ghost race.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to Yama.

And after the Hades Ghost Lord, Ling Tian also looked at the three Hades. Among them, ranked third, Li Chenfeng, who had an intersection with Ling Tian, ​​was on the list. Before him, Hades was fighting. Li Chendan, the first force.

He is the son of Zhundi Yama, his appearance and even his aura are very similar to the ghost master of Yama. He is tall and has a pale face, one eye is dark and one eye is blood red.

It is also the cultivation base of Xianzun's ninth rank, but its combat power fluctuates, which is obviously stronger than the three celestial arrogances of the Feng clan.

"Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou, Yunxiao Demon Palace Imperial Palace Zhundi Chixiao, take the Demon Race Tianjiao, to the grand event, Tianlu, open!"

Another voice sounded, and the crimson demon energy rolled, roaring through the sky, and a big road climbed up and turned into a sky road.

Yaozu finally came up.

However, the one who led Tianjiao this time was not the Qingyi that Ling Tian had seen before, but Chi Xiao.

At this time, Ling Tian also knew that this Emperor Zhu Xiao was originally a woman wearing a fiery red armor, with a demon spirit!

However, its quasi-emperor aura was much stronger than Qingyi.

Behind him, Jiuying, Ghost Car, and Feilian, the three ancient monsters of Tianjiao, followed behind him, with a very strong aura. Don't be the son of the Jiuying Demon Clan, his fighting power surged, his eyes were red, and it looked like , Not even under the first Mingzi.

"Qingchen Xianzhou, Ao Shuyi, the quasi-emperor of Qianyuan Longgong Palace, and the Dragon Clan Tianjiao, go to the grand event, heaven road, open!"

Finally, the dragon appeared.

Inside the Dragon Palace, there is only one quasi-emperor, and that is Princess Jilong, so she can only come.

However, even though there is only one quasi-emperor in the Dragon Palace now, the quasi-emperors of the major Xianzhou provinces looked at the princess Jilong above the dragon clan's heavenly road with serious expressions.

Because, Princess Jilong's combat power is strong, and the aura is not under the spirit master of Yama.

Even behind him, the Dragon Clan Tianjiao seemed to be the least now, but he was not underestimated.

Guangmu Tian settled down that Chi Xiao, and hurriedly greeted Princess Jilong.

Ling Tian looked at Long Xuan's figure, and knew that this grand event was actually quite difficult for the Dragon Clan. Except for Long Xuan, Xiao Long Nu and Ao Xue'er were both slightly worse.

Today, in addition to the heavenly clan, the phoenix, ghost, demon, and dragon clan are all listed in front of the heavenly gate.

In the major immortal states, only the Human Race and the Shura Race were left, and they did not show up.

On the platform, the powerhouses of the great immortals looked down, seeming to be looking for the traces of the warriors of the two races.

Before Kunwu Academy, all the arrogances looked embarrassed.

"Hey, Master, it's really unreliable!"

Zijin shook his head and sighed.

It is really shameful that Yuan Tiangang has not appeared yet.

"Underworld, Blood Shura of the Emperor Luo Palace, come to the event!"

And when everyone in the human race was embarrassed, a voice suddenly sounded from the direction of Xiling City.

But this voice shocked everyone including Ling Tian.

The Asura clan is here! ?

"Li Chendan! Your grandfather is here, and you are still rolling down!" A blood-red figure rose into the sky from the city of Xiling, shouting loudly.

"Bold Shura!"

In an instant, a strong ghost clan was furious, and flew directly from the platform that day, trying to kill the figure.


However, what made people extremely surprised was that the blood-colored figure danced with the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, smashing this strong man who was so powerful that it could rival the Emperor Zhun, directly into mud, and broke to pieces on the spot.

killed! ?

He dared to kill the strong ghost clan on the Xiling City of the Celestial Clan! ?

Everyone was astonished, and when they gathered their eyes, they realized that this was a warrior they had never seen before. The whole body was dazzling and full of blood, as if he was wearing a blood sea armor, with long blood-red hair hanging on his back. He was suspended in Xiling City, as if there was a boundless sea of ​​blood surging at his feet.

He held a terrifying Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, like a stubborn face carved with a sword and axe, with a blood-gold totem flashing.

He was full of blood blasting into the sky, like a **** of blood, rising up to the sky and roaring, extremely mighty, fierce to the extreme!

"This guy, horror!"

Rao Ling Tian, ​​when he saw the strong man of the Asura clan, he couldn't help taking a breath and exclaimed.

"Hehe, awesome, sure enough, the Asura clan still released this killer god."

"He was once the top arrogant of the Asura clan, Blood Asura, Lu Bu!"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Di Jiuge's face was tight, and he said solemnly.

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