Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2962: Heavenly God

"Damn it, let me do it!"

Li Chen couldn't bear it.

This Lu Bu slapped him in the face in front of all the big forces in the fairy world.

"No, your opponents are Ren Duxing and Hua Xiaoyun!"

"You can't be here to expose your combat power, besides, this Lu Fu is different, you don't use your full strength, you are not his opponent."

However, the ghost master of Yama stopped him.

"Now what!?"

Li Chendan was frightened.

"No way, wait, Celestial Clan, won't leave it alone."

The Hades Ghost Lord took a deep breath, he was naturally unwilling, but he couldn't question the heavens.

"Hmph, you nasty rubbish, get out of here!" Na Lu Bu shouted loudly, and the big halberd wheel moved out, shaking the strong back, even the top immortal, but those ghosts, There were still cracks and blood all over.

"Lu Bu, you're enough!" Li Chen's eyes were terrifying, his black hair danced like a waterfall, and the strange black spring surged, which was a sign of rage.

"Hahaha, come down if you have a seed, otherwise, these guys, I'll kill them all!"

Lu Bu was still murderous and domineering, and the Fangtian painting halberd that was as heavy as a sacred mountain in his hand was lifted, as if he was about to smash thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Seeing that several Immortal Venerables were about to die under the Euphorbia. That Guangmutian finally spoke, "Lu Bu, the heavenly event is about to start. This is Xiling City. You are not allowed to kill again!"

However, Na Lu Bu didn't seem to have heard it. Fang Tian painted a halberd, he had already turned out, and several Immortal Venerables looked terrified under the halberd. If they were swallowed, they would undoubtedly die!

This **** Shura didn't even give Guangmutian any face at all.

Rao Shi Guangmutian also looked ashamed and angry, but, this Lu Bu was born of the last goddess and has a respected status. Only Duo Wentian who holds the country and governs affairs can punish him, and he really can't control it.


Finally, the scarlet halberd slashed down and directly swallowed the number of immortals. When the light of the halberd dissipated, everyone discovered that the number of immortals had fallen!

It's dead again!

Under the quasi emperor, this Lu Bu has no opponents at all!

As soon as he came up, this Blood Asura killed several Immortal Venerables of the Ghost Race. It was crazy!

At this time, Na Lu Bu was carrying the halberd, his aura soaring to the sky, Xiling City was shaken, the void collapsed, and the scene was frightening.

Many Tianjiao are shocked. This is the famous Blood Shura. Only the ninth rank of the Immortal Venerable has this kind of combat power. If he becomes a quasi emperor, how powerful it should be! ?

In today's generation, there are not many who can contend with Blood Shura.

"Hahaha, boring, boring, I can’t help but fight, I can’t even stop my three moves, I just moved 60% of my strength, Li Chendan, you just let your men come down and die!?"

"Are you still doing it, trash!?"

The big halberd in Lu Bu's hand pointed directly at Li Chendan on the rooftop.

Obviously, he did not give up.

"Enough! Lu Bu, this is Xiling City, not your Asura clan! How can you behave like this in the power of the heavenly clan!?"

At this moment, from the gate of the day, an extremely tyrannical breath gushed out.

This breath is particularly powerful, and it is not under the spirit master of Yama.

Ling Tian was familiar with it. This was Duo Wentian who once descended before Dahan Yumen Gate.

"Hehe, hear more about the gods, you want to control Laozi!? Are you worthy!?"

However, the blood Shura screamed, and he didn't even look at Duo Wentian.


Duo Wentian was immediately furious. In the imperial palace, his status was second only to Emperor Wu and Ji Guotian, and Ji Guotian was mostly accompanied by Emperor Wu Tian to practice in front of Emperor Wu Tian. Regardless of the affairs of the heavens, all rights are in Duo Wen. Hands of the day.

Now, how can he be provoked by a small junior! ?

Immediately, his big hand stretched out, and there was a halo of Gods surging behind him. From the city of Xiling, there were thousands of divine lights, intertwined into a big seal, and descended from the sky.

Seems to suppress that blood Shura.

"Hmph, it's the seal of the sky again!"

A look of anger surged on Lu Bu's face, as if he had seen such methods a long time ago, with the spear raised in his hand, trying to shatter the big seal.

However, after a roar, the big seal and light seal were still as if they were a mountain.

It's useless!


Lu Bu refused to accept it, soaring into the sky and, like a scarlet spear, burst away.


With a blast, the distance of the Great Seal's rays oscillated, and the aftermath of the storm swept across the sky and filled thousands of miles. Those who saw it were shocked.

This Lu Bu's power is even more tyrannical than before!

Sure enough, he really didn't use his full strength just now.

What shocked everyone even more was that the Heavenly Seal did not continue to decline.

Was resisted by Na Lu Bu!

This seal of the heavens, but the divine treasure of Duowentian.

It is stronger than the Heavenly Treasure, suppressing Xiling City, who can resist it! ?

But now, it is impossible to suppress a younger generation! ?

"Hehe, Duo Wentian, I'm not the same person I was back then, I don't want to suppress me with this big seal!"

Lu Bu held up the sky with his hands, carried the seal of the sky, his eyes were blood-red, and he smiled grimly.

"Hehe, do you really think this is the true power of the Heavenly Seal?"

However, Duo Wentian was a sneer.

The voice fell, and the seal in his hand was sealed again, and in a short time, on top of that seal, a ray of light covered the sky.

Once again several times the power of the Great Seal, it was violently pressed down, causing Na Lu Bu to change in an instant, losing to the pressure of the Great Seal and shaking down.

"Haha, Lu Bu, now, do you know that I have heard of the power of the sky!"

Duo Wentian sneered and looked at Shura who was suppressed by Da Yin, coldly said.

"Hehe, so what, you are the quasi-emperor, if I enter the realm of quasi-emperor, your big seal, I can be broken with one halberd!"

Lu Bu was not convinced.

"Don't worry, I will give you the opportunity to wait for you to reach the realm of quasi emperor, but now, as long as I can suppress you, you will give me some peace!"

Duo Wentian took down the Great Seal and relieved the pressure on Blood Shura.

"If you have a way to come up, you will be allowed to participate in the event. If you can't come up, go back to the underworld!"

Let's hear the sky and hold your hand.

"Hehe, I can come naturally!"

Without the suppression of the Great Seal, even though the Blood Asura was alive, the next moment, he suddenly raised his hand, and from the void, a coffin made of blood crystals was revealed!

coffin! ?

This scene made all the powerhouses present a little bewildered.

At this time, Lu Bu, what did he take out a coffin? ?

However, when the coffin completely manifested from the void, including the Zhun emperors, Ling Tian and others suddenly shrank.

This coffin is weird!

From above the coffin, Ling Tian could sense an unusual breath.

Even the fluctuations in it are not under the powers such as Zhu Zihuan and Zhuzi Zhun Emperor.

"Sura Blood Coffin!? Where did this thing come from!"

The ghost master of Yama suddenly exclaimed, appearing extremely surprised.

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