Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2963: Quasi-Emperor Flesh Chapter

What is the Shura Blood Coffin! ? Scared them like this! ?

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Feng Qixi didn't understand anything and asked.

"I have actually seen this in the ancient books of the Celestial Clan."

"It seems that in the Asura clan, the quasi emperor will seal himself in the blood crystal coffin after death, and place it in the Asura blood river. The blood river is connected to the Styx, and they can be reincarnated directly without going to hell. In this way, they will You can be reborn in the underworld soon, and your talent will be inherited perfectly."

"Damn, so perverted, isn't the Asura tribe a genius like a cloud?" Everyone was surprised.

It is terrible to be able to retain the talent of the Emperor Zhun.

"Hehe, naturally it is not 100% successful. The chance of rebirth is very small. Out of ten, one can succeed. The rest is mostly the primordial dispersal, and there is no chance of reincarnation, completely disappearing from the underworld. Inside, the corpse of the quasi emperor in the blood coffin may even mutate into the corpse of the blood emperor, turning into a monster, and messing up the underworld."

"That's why they are so excited." Qin Mingyue smiled.

"Can still mutate..."

Ling Tian rubbed his hands, but from within this blood coffin, he could only sense a powerful aura, full of tyrannical meaning.

"Lu Bu, what are you going to do!?"

"If you dare to be presumptuous, don't blame me for being ruthless, even if it is the blood corpse of the Emperor Quasi, I can suppress it!" Duo Wentian looked down at Lu Bu and said angrily.

"Don't worry, naturally it's not here to make trouble. I want to participate in the heavenly clan event, but the Asura clan's Zhun emperor doesn't have a good thing, and he didn't come!"

"Tianlu, I will drive by myself!"

Lu Bu smiled grimly, blasted the blood coffin open with a palm, and then turned into a **** glow, and got in.

"Damn, this guy is crazy!"

The Tianjiao who was present suddenly exclaimed, this guy, who entered the coffin by himself, was still a blood coffin.

Don't be fatal, or emphasize the taste!

"He wants to borrow the corpse of the Emperor Quasi!"

However, Ling Tian and Qin Yu almost spoke in unison.

"Borrow the corpse of the quasi emperor!?"

When everyone heard this, they were even more surprised.

This, for them, is simply unbelievable and unheard of!

Obviously, on the rooftop, the quasi-emperors also understood, and in a moment, their expressions became solemn.

Never thought that Lu Bu had obtained such a weird method after suppressing it in a sea of ​​blood for fifty years.

Sure enough, after a dozen breaths, a big blood-red hand grabbed the edge of the coffin, and then a figure slowly stood up from it.

The corpse was all wrapped in the armor, and the whole body was full of blood and energy, which made people look at it.

But the corpse was extremely tall, three feet long, and as it got up, it was like a mountain of blood rising from the ground.

This is a genuine quasi-emperor breath.

Even after being borrowed by Lu Bu, its aura is as strong as Duo Wentian!

Perhaps, the difference is only a trace of great power!

"Hehehe, not bad, not sleepy, he is a quasi emperor, this kind of power is really fascinating!"

The corpse walked out of the blood coffin, and the sound it made was absolutely Lu Bu.

"It is rumored that the body of the Asura clan can match the heaven and dragon clan, and is extremely tough. Now, before the death of this emperor, the combat power is also the one who can reach the sky. This physical body, just defense and strength, is terrifying enough."

Qin Mingyue took a deep breath.

Now that Lu Bu can borrow such a quasi-emperor's body, it is tantamount to refining the original Dao bones first, who can be his opponent! ?

Ling Tian also nodded slightly, and had to admit that even his current body of Yinglong was not the opponent of this quasi-emperor's body.

"Lu Bu of the Shura clan, open the way to heaven!"

Na Lu Bu screamed up to the sky, borrowing the body of the Emperor Zhun, he directly used the boundless sea of ​​blood to forge a road to the sky, before finishing the gate of that day.

Using the corpse of the quasi emperor, Lu Bu stepped on the path of the sea of ​​blood. Every time he fell, the void shook wildly, roaring thousands of miles, and everyone's discoloration changed.

This time, although the Asura clan only came to a strong man.

But Lu Buzhiqiang, no one dared to ignore it.

so horrible!

He himself, open the way to heaven!

Until Na Lu Bu stood on the top of the roof, all the powerhouses had not slowed down.

In the end, Duo Wentian said, "Lu Bu, you can participate in the heavenly event, but the event stipulates that you can't use this quasi-emperor's body without using external force."

"Hehe, I know it naturally, and I don't even bother to use this corpse when I fight them!"

Lu Bu sneered, turned into blood, and walked out of the corpse of the quasi emperor. The corpse was also put away by him.

"That's good!"

Hear more of the sky nodded, and then look behind you, the heavenly arrogant of the heavenly clan, also show up!

Finally, this Lu Bu's turmoil was suppressed.

Within the Tianmen, there are thousands of rays of light blooming.

Immediately, dozens of figures walked out of them one by one.

The strength of the heavenly race, at this moment, completely manifested.

So many Tianjiao Tianjiao, surrounded by the divine light, filed out from it, and before the weather was over, it surpassed the aura of any Xianzhou before.

In the Tianjiao, there are also two figures, which are particularly eye-catching.

The first one is a very young son who looks very young. He is dressed in white and is not wearing a battle armor. He looks very peaceful, but every step he falls is in harmony with the world and has an inexplicable rhythm.

This is a beautiful man, whose face makes many women in the world jealous, and he is called a majestic peerless. The whole body is shining and brilliant, and all the heavenly arrogances can only follow behind him.

Ling Tian was also frowning. He also had to admit that this man's temperament was the only thing he had seen in his life. This was a man who was even more handsome than himself before. He was really impeccable and almost perfect.

The eldest son of Chi Guotian, Hua Xiaoyun!

Everyone's eyes fell on the figure, and they all secretly inhaled.

This is the strongest Tianjiao of the First Shrine, ranking even above the famous Ren Duxing.

At this time, Hua Xiaoyun was shrouded in a five-color divine ring, as if the son of a **** came to the world, even the hair seemed to be crystal clear, walking step by step.

His eyes are very deep, and the interior seems to evolve as mountains and rivers evolve, the years have changed, tossing and disillusioning, and on the center of his eyebrows, there is a silver scroll shadow, which makes people sink and shock the world.

"God source!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

He didn't care beside him, the silver scroll mark made Ling Tian's body vibrate, and even the mark of heaven and earth above his eyebrows was faintly hot.

He turned around and looked at Rose.

Similarly, the imprint of God's Origin on Rose's eyebrows also faintly bloomed.

The latter also slightly nodded towards Ling Tian.

Sure enough, this Tianjiao, now ranked number one, is already one of the nine gods!

The second one is that Ren walks alone.

Compared with Hua Xiaoyun, who was almost never born, Ren Duxing has always been active in the sight of everyone in the immortal world. He helped Duo Wentian deal with the affairs of the heavenly clan, and even the power in his hand should be above Hua Xiaoyun.

He wears a golden armor and holds a dazzling sword in his arms.

Behind the scenes, the divine light exists, the brilliance is immense, like the **** of war of the heavenly race, and the temperament is completely different from that of Hua Xiaoyun.

However, above his eyebrows, there was also a golden mark, which looked like a sword.

"Another **** source!"

The breath of that imprint is definitely not one of the eighteen gods, it is also one of the nine gods!

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