Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2994: Tombs of the Gods

But Ling Tian looked far away and discovered that he himself could actually see the end point along these star roads.

These star roads come from all directions, no matter how many forks and links there are, in the end, they all converge in one direction.

The end is a dark and chaotic place.

Ling Tian could only faintly saw that in the chaos, there seemed to be a figure sitting cross-legged.

Figure! ?

Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

If the figure he saw was real, then how big should this figure be! ?

Is it millions of times the stars! ?

Even Emperor Wu could not increase the law body so much! ?

"Haha, you are the Tianjiao from the Haotian Realm!? Tsk tsk, it turns out that there are still some human races and monster races, so it seems that the day clan actually lost!?"

Right here, a voice of doubt suddenly sounded.

Everyone was shocked and turned around.

The sound was abrupt, they had never sensed that there was anyone around them before.

So appearing around them, either powerful and direct, or...

Not a thing.

"What is this?"

Di Jiuge looked at a monkey squatting under his feet.

This is the thing that just talked about.

It's just that the monkey is not very eye-catching. It is very small and thin, and its hair is extremely short, but it seems that every monkey's hair is glowing with supernatural light and crystal clear.

It's just that this guy's sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks look wicked, very wretched.

"I'm not something!? I'm the transporter of the heavens!"

The monkey held his chin, but the next moment, the monkey put his hands together and rubbed his hands and said: "Miss Sister, your legs are so white...Ah!"

Before he finished speaking, the monkey was kicked off by Di Jiuge.

Disappeared in the stars.

"What's all this!"

Di Jiuge was helpless.

Lingxu didn't see it, but encountered such a shameless monster.

"The transit envoy of the heavens sounds like a cow."

Rose squeeze it.

"Perhaps, we are leaving here, and we really need him."

Ling Tian also said, but frowned, "However, that fellow seemed to be kicked by you."

"Why, his eyes are not honest, I can't kick him yet?" Di Jiuge raised his eyebrows.

"Cough, cough, cough, it's okay, this messenger is fine, even if the girl kicks me how many feet, I don't mind!"

However, the monkey didn't know where it came from, and climbed up again.

"Ahem, transfer agent, we are going to Lingxu, I don't know, how should we go!?"

Ling Tian asked.

"Don't worry!"

The monkey transformed into a human form.

Although it looked like Yushu Linfeng, those eyes were still shining with a piercing light.

"Hehe, it looks like it is a lot more comfortable, it's better for the human race, it's no wonder that the immortals of the heavens and the world are willing to transform into human form!"

"Which, my name is Hou Ji, hehe, it's your transit envoy from the Haotian Realm, responsible for sending you on the road."

"Send us on the road? You guy, can't speak well? Looking for death?" Di Jiuge was about to fight.

"Don't, oops, don't worry, I just want to send you on the road, didn't the guys of the clan tell you that this is the road of trial!?" The monkey hurriedly covered his face.

"Road to Trial!?"

However, when the monkey's voice fell, Ling Tian and the others screamed.

They just know the Lingxu, but they don't know what the trial road is.

To talk about the road, Ling Tian had heard Ling Nian say that the road to the Lingxu is not just the way to the heavens, but it seems that it is not the same as what the monkey said.

"That's it, this is the road to the Star Territory trial. The Spirit Ruins you are talking about is actually just a large node space in the middle of this road. If you want to go to the Ling Ruins, the distance is still far away!"

Na Hou Ji Tan Shou.

"Ling Tian, ​​it seems that we have all been tricked by the clan that day."

Di Jiuge looked at Ling Tian.

"It's okay."

Ling Tian asked again: "Then Brother Hou, more than three years ago, there were so many...Tianjiao from the Haotian Realm, who are on the road from here?"


Then Hou Ji said directly, everyone's expressions changed, and he said again: "I came here on a shift two years ago, how can I see the guy from three years ago?"

"Furthermore, three years ago, the Tianjiao might not send those Tianjiao to this entrance. This is their choice, but if it was three years ago, I am sure that they are not here, but other entrances."

"Because the Tianjiao three years ago were very strong, and their entrance is more advanced than here."

"Why, the entrance is different, and the path you can choose is different?" Di Jiuge didn't understand.

"Yes, to tell you the truth, this Star Territory trial road, which has been closed for thousands of years, was only recently reopened. Ten thousand years ago, the prosperous world came, and the trial road created countless powerful generations. It was an era of dazzling stars, but soon it fell into decline."

"This time, the reopening of the trial road is a sign of the arrival of the heavens, and you are lucky."

"As for three years ago, that was the first batch of Tianjiao who entered the trial road of the heavens and the thousand realms. They have the right to choose those relatively safe star roads that have a higher chance of encountering top opportunities and treasures on the road."

"If I remember correctly, that batch, almost one thousand or so came in."

Nahou Ji Barabala spoke for a long time, as if he hadn't said anything in many years.

"Wait, a total of more than a thousand came in three years ago, meaning that they occupied more than a thousand star roads?" Ling Tian interrupted.

"Yes, you can say so."

Hou Ji raised his eyebrows.

"Damn, then how can we compare to them?" Di Jiuge cursed.

"Everyone, don't worry, don't worry! I can see that you are the first to come into contact with this trial road, and you may not understand it."

"Actually, there are more than 10,000 roads in this star field trial!? Even if they occupy more than a thousand roads, it’s nothing. These star roads are only different in the beginning, and they all have to come together slowly in the end. Sooner or later, you can bump into drops."

Hou Ji quickly explained.

"What the **** is this so-called road of trial, or star road?"

"What is our end point? What is the chance you said?"

Feng Qixi is simply a curious baby.

"Hey, this young lady looks like she can talk very much!"

"How about I **** you on the road?"

Hou Ji leaned forward, but seeing Feng Qixi's face gradually getting cold, he coughed slightly, and said solemnly, "Well, this is a long story."

"What the path of trial is, I am afraid that few people in the heavens and thousands of realms can say clearly, but now the common saying is that there was once a cemetery of the Seventh Heaven God Race."

Speaking of this, Na Hou Ji was rare and solemn, and even bowed to the end of the star road.

"Holy grave?"

However, this kind of rhetoric fell in the ears of Ling Tian, ​​and it was a bolt from the blue.

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