Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2995: Ling Tianjie

The tomb of the gods, it sounds, the background is really big enough.

All have something to do with the Protoss above the Seventh Heaven! ?

"It can be said that it is the tomb of the gods. I can tell you that under this great heaven, not only your immortal realm, but similar ones, there are more than a thousand miles!"

"These immortal realms are all within the same heaven, but there is only one in the Seventh Heaven God Realm."

"The warriors of all the great immortal realms have dreamed of entering the **** realm. After all, there is the blessed land of cultivators. Unfortunately, the seventh heaven of the **** realm is broken!"

"We can't find the Seventh Heaven. Those Martial Emperors have also lost their way to become a great emperor."

"However, the God Realm is no longer found, but the tomb of the God was still discovered."

"And here, although it is crueler than God Road, it is also possible to become Emperor Wu!"

"Become Emperor Wu?" Hou Ji's voice fell, and everyone present was startled.

Become Emperor Wu on this star road! ?

"Proving Dao!? How is this possible? Why don’t I know which Emperor Wu was proving Dao on the Star Road? My emperor’s ancestor is the Emperor Wu. I don’t know if he has been here before, but he is in our fairyland. Dao." Di Jiuge was the first to question.

"I have never seen information about the road of trial in the family records."

Qin Yu also arrived.

"Look, you still don't believe it!"

"I haven't finished talking about it yet, here is the real proof that Dao is the Emperor Wu, but the probability is very small. As far as I know, there are only two people who became Emperor Wu at that time ten thousand years ago. "

"However, even so, there are many arrogances who have become quasi emperors on the road here, and even touched the border of the Dao. After returning, they will be doing the Dao soon."

"You still don't believe it!" Hou Ji looked at the black lines on everyone's foreheads and said: "I tell you, this is the tomb of the gods, which not only contains the heritage of the previous gods, but also the blood of many ancient monsters. Bones, even sacred beasts, corpses of sacred beasts, as well as all kinds of bones, imperial artifacts, sacred treasures, and pseudo-sacred artifacts, are the power of the original source. I heard that this time there is a source of **** in the tomb of the gods!

"Add to this the inexhaustible breath of the gods on the path to the tomb of the gods, you said, is it possible that Emperor Wu will appear with this kind of opportunity!?"

"Here, do you even have Shenyuan, Emperor Weapons, and Pseudo God Weapons?" Looking at Na Hou Ji, it doesn't look like a lie. Now, Di Jiuge and others are somewhat convinced.

"Why do you lie to you, I'm not doing anything good."

Hou Ji curled his lips.

"Then we come in this time, won't we meet those good opportunities?"

Feng Qixi said cautiously.

"Not really. Three years ago, those guys chose a path that is relatively safe while taking chances into consideration for stability. However, if you can't get in from those entrances and want to take a chance, come here. I am really right here."

Nahou Ji patted his chest and said, "I have a few entrances here, most of them are famous dangerous roads on the Star Road!"

"Although these roads are extremely difficult, I didn't know how many Tianjiao I swallowed, but because of the danger, there are many opportunities in it that have not been discovered, so you know!"

"It sounds pretty good. I am not afraid of hardships and dangers. As long as we have good things, we will do it. Otherwise, we will come in three years late, I am afraid that we will really not be able to compete with those guys!"

Di Jiuge's expression was a joy instead.

"That's good. In the past three years, there have been a lot of Tianjiao who have come in. Now, there are many Tianjiao pouring into the heavens and thousand realms. I heard that it is more than the one ten thousand years ago. The Tianwan Realm has really met the prosperous world, so you can choose it quickly and hit the road earlier."

Hou Ji took out a astrolabe and punched in the mark. There are seven dazzling paths of stars appearing around the crowd, all leading to different directions.

However, there is only one road, which is silver, and the other five are paved by golden stars.

In addition, the last one is blood red.

There is only one, so it looks very abrupt.

"Okay, this is all the road in my hand. Generally, it is the road to the silver stars. It is safe to compare prices and has few opportunities. However, the chance of encountering the tyrannical arrogant is not high. At least it is in the early and mid-term. It should be impossible to touch it. To."

"The rest is golden. My luck is not good. The golden star roads in my hand are all relatively difficult and dangerous at the same level, but they are very suitable for you."

Ling Tian turned around and looked at everyone, "Everyone, it seems that we have to separate."

He thought it was seven people together, but he didn't expect that there would be so many paths.

Obviously, the opportunities on these roads are limited, and it is not wise for seven people to be together.

"This is no way. My sister and I will go to the Road of the Silver Stars, and be safer. At that time, I hope to join you."

The wind continues on the road.

He and Feng Qixi knew that their combat power and talents could not be compared with the five people in front of them.

"Okay, be careful on the road, take care!"

Ling Tian nodded.

"You take care!"

Feng Jixing and Feng Qixi gave their hands, the two found a silver star road and walked up. Then, the star road disappeared in the starry sky.

"It seems that we can only choose these golden star roads."

Rose also said goodbye to everyone and set foot on the star road.

After that is Qin Yu.

Su Jiu'er and Ling Tian said goodbye. Although she wanted to walk the same way with Ling Tian, ​​she also understood that a road to the stars could not carry the two of them.

Finally, on the platform, only Di Jiuge and Ling Tian remained.

"You go first."

Ling Tian looked at the Emperor Jiuge who had not left before.

"Don't tell me, you have to go that **** road."

The corner of Di Jiuge's mouth raised, as if he had guessed what Ling Tian was going to do.

"Any way is the same."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"No, no, it's not the same. You must not walk this **** road."

"This road is actually the same as the golden star roads, but in the area that this road leads to, many top talents have appeared, and the pressure of competition is extremely high. Therefore, the heavens will follow this path. The mark became bloody, it really didn't mean anything else."

"If you want to go that way, it's better to take the road of golden stars."

Hou Ji suddenly persuaded.

"Hehe, I don't bother to care about you, don't die first."

Di Jiuge took a deep look at Ling Tian, ​​and then embarked on a path of golden stars.

But Ling Tian took a step forward, before reaching that **** road.

"Hey, you kid, why don't you listen to your persuasion? This blood path really has no value. Moreover, your Haotian Realm is really not ranked high among the Heavens and Thousand Realms. You have nothing to do with those Tianjiao emperors. You know!"

Hou Ji hurriedly said.

"Hehe, by the way, Brother Hou, I want to ask you why our realm is called the Haotian Realm."

But Ling Tian asked suddenly.

Then Hou Ji was taken aback, and immediately said: "Because you are the strongest in the immortal world, Emperor Wutian Wutian."

"The strongest person in the fairy world can change the domain name taboo from the heavens."

"Where are the heavens."

"Naturally it is the way of heaven." Hou Ji looked at Ling Tian with a look of foolishness.

"Oh, do you know, what was this world called?"

Ling Tian was suddenly curious.

"Uh, let me think about it, it looks like it's called... Ling Tianjie?"

"It's been tens of thousands of years, I can't remember."

Hou Ji shook his head.

"Ling Tianjie..."

Ling Tian moved in his heart, then pursed his lips and stopped talking. When he turned around, he stepped on the **** road.

"Hey, you fool, I just said it for nothing when I co-authored!?"

Hou Ji couldn't stop him, and the road to Ling Tian had disappeared.

However, he lowered his head and glanced at the gradually manifesting name on the chart, but his whole body was shocked.

Because, that name is really Ling Tian!

Is this a coincidence?

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