Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2998: To make the saint's belly bigger


Xiaoqing nodded, and then stepped aside.

The group of Tianjiao whizzed past not far from Ling Tian and rushed towards the hazy ancient city.

"Hehe, Star Road is the road of Tianjiao's trial. Only the courage that has never retreated can we go on forever. This will give way. How can we go far in the future?!"

This is Tianjiao, who looks like a scholar, walked up from the back, without a mount, but as if stepping on a line of gods under his feet, one step for a hundred miles, a few flashes, and he arrived in front of Ling Tian and Xiaoqing. .

"Human race!?"

Ling Tian nodded, "Same way."

"Haha, yes, it's a great fate to be able to meet Human Race on this cruel path to the stars, can we walk together!!!?"

The scholar opened the white jade folding fan in his hand and said with a smile.

"of course can!"

Ling Tian nodded.

The scholar looked gentle, and although there was spirit between his eyebrows, he did not look like a treacherous man.

"Thanks a lot!"

The figure flashed, and it was on Xiao Qing's back.

Seeing the scars on Xiaoqing's body, the scholar said: "This mount is good, even I can't see it. What kind of blood is this, it's no wonder that I can accompany you here. It's a pity for my mount. , In the middle of the road, it fell."

"How do you call this Xiongtai?"

He looked at Ling Tian, ​​and suddenly found that Ling Tian's cultivation seemed to have just stepped into the ninth level of Immortal Venerable, and he was obviously startled.

But in an instant, it was relieved. Those who can come here single-handedly are not mortals. How can they be based on their cultivation?

"Ling Tian."

"Which world do you come from?"

"Uh... Haotian Realm."

"Oh... never heard of it."

Ling Tian: "..."

"Hehe, don't mind Brother Ling, I don't know much about the heavens and thousands of realms. My name is Tianxiao, I come from the red dust realm, and I'm just an ordinary immortal realm. Brother Ling shouldn't have heard of it either."

The scholar said.

"Uh, I have never heard of it."

Ling Tian nodded, except for the Haotian Realm, he seemed to only know the Primordial Realm.

"Haha, that's good, it's even!"

The scholar leaned back and smiled.

However, his face suddenly changed, looking at a ray of light roaring from a distance, it was you who roared: "The one who came is the Fairy Jin Jiner of Feiyu Realm!?"

Sure enough, as soon as the sound fell, the light stopped.

It was a woman standing on top of the golden feather and phoenix, with a beautiful jade face and a golden armor that outlined her graceful and slender talent. She held a golden sword in her hand, as if a saint had descended.

"What? You know me?"

The woman looked at Tian Xiao and Ling Tian with a pair of star eyes, but they only swept away.

"Hehe, in the name of the emperor of the Red World Realm Tian Xiao, the fairy Jin Jin'er, who does not know in this world of thousands of heavens? I am fascinated in the next morning, and now I see it, it is like a god!"

That day, howl praised him very much.

Looking at Ling Tian frowned.

This guy, why does it look like he has never seen a woman in his life?

"Haha, the Red World? Sure enough, there are many scumbags, you must not be a good thing!"

However, the woman sneered and urged the fierce beast under her feet and left.

"Damn it! Don't give me a bit of face, do you really think you are a saint?"

When Tian Xiao watched that figure disappear, his expression changed and he cursed directly.

Ling Tian also shook his head.

Fang guessed how the woman seemed to scold him together.

Scum! ?

It seems that the reputation of this world of red dust is not good.

Now, he doesn't want to be with Tian Xiao anymore. This guy is not a bad person, but he's too unreasonable.

"Hehe, Tian Xiao, persuade you to die. Who doesn't know about your mortal realm now!? The good things that your realmists have done have become the laughingstock of the star road, and everyone shouts."

"In this node, you'd better keep a low profile and be careful, otherwise, you will really die miserably!"

Another figure followed.

It was a thin-looking alien Tianjiao, with a shriveled body and dark skin, like a zombie.

"Hehe, it turned out to be a zombie tianjiao in the world of black corpses. Don't worry, even if this young man is bad, he is better than you!"

Tian Xiao said coldly.

"Hehe, don't worry about being arrogant now, let's wait and see!"

With a sneer that day, he strangled and sat down on the skull beast, and then whizzed and left.

"Hehe, Brother Ling, don't be afraid. These are just rubbish. I have a good character, but it is decent. I only have love with women. For brothers, this is definitely it!"

Tian Xiao gave a thumbs up.

"Uh, guess, do I believe...?" Ling Tian spread his hands.

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, just see how I will act afterwards!"

Tian Xiao held his hand and suddenly cursed, "Ma De, blame the idiot Jiezi for not giving up a saint in the holy spirit world and running away, otherwise my reputation in the world of red dust. How can this be!"

"Wait, have a big belly!?"

Ling Tian suddenly stopped howling that day, "Brother, what are you so bad about? This is the road of trial, right? How can such things happen?"

Ling Tian found that he was a little bit out of keeping up with the times, isn't this place for the Thousand Realms Tianjiao to try and fight! ?

He has been lonely for fifteen years, why is there still someone doing this kind of mess, and killing him! ?

"Damn, brother, how did you come here this way, don't you really know?"

That day, Xiao patted his forehead, and suddenly said: "How could you possibly not know the Red World, don't you have this!?" "There will be a lot of updates on this, including the opening of major nodes, and some wars that have occurred. , There are, for example, the treasure information that appeared on the star road, the top inheritance information, and which famous Tianjiao broke through the realm and became the quasi-emperor, which Tianjiao fell, which Tianjiao...has enlarged the saint's belly!"

"The matter of the world of my mortal world has been quarreled to the front row, so that our Tianjiao of mortal world is like a mouse crossing the street!"

That day Xiao took out a token, which was similar to the Haotian Ling in Ling Tian's hands.

"There is this kind of function!?"

Ling Tian scratched his head and took out his brand, but there was nothing on it except the star map.

"You can't use it."

"You have to activate."

Tian Xiao glanced at Ling Tian like a fool, and then a mark entered Haotian Ling, and as expected, a piece of news appeared in front of Ling Tian.

The first one is a chasing order.

"Xiao Xu'er of the Holy Spirit Realm: From now on, the emperors and emperors of the Holy Spirit offer a reward of one million stars to chase down Ye Fan, the son of the Red Dust Realm. Ten thousand stars coin rewards."

Ling Tian: "..."

What kind of **** plot is this! ?

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