Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2999: This star coin

"Alright, I understand, but what is this star coin!? This thing?"

Ling Tian flipped his hand, and a coin with twinkling stars appeared on it, which he took out of the tomb of the gods.

At that time, these things were all packed in boxes. It seemed that there was some weird star field energy inside, but Ling Tian couldn't absorb it, so they put them all away.

"Yes, this is Star Coin, hehe, this is a good thing! It's no secret, you brother and I, luck along the way, I ran into a dozen tombs that no one had moved, and now I have 20,000 Star Coins. Many!"

"I will enter the city in a while, brother, I invite you!"

Tian Xiao hugged Ling Tian's shoulders, like that, it seemed that 20,000 stars were more than a lot of them.

"By the way, how many ancient tombs have you found on your way, and how many star coins have you saved?"

Tian Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"Uh, I'm ashamed to say, I walked through the void for fifteen years, and I found few ancient tombs, only three, right? Star coins, more than five thousand?"

Ling Tian put away the star coin.

If he tells Tian Xiao that in the past fifteen years, he has found no fewer than a thousand tombs of gods and gods, big and small, like these stars, he has hundreds of boxes, and he doesn't know what the other party will look like.

This thing, he conservatively estimated, also saved more than ten million.

Enough to change the ten lives of that Red Dust Realm Jiezi.

"Haha, it's okay, it's normal. After all, not everyone has my luck. This star road has been walked through thousands of years ago. How can there be so many intact **** tombs."

That day, Xiao really looked like this, but he was startled again, "No, you just said that you have traveled on this star road for fifteen years? Haven't you been to the node?"


"Damn, what a star road are you! Normally, you will encounter a node ancient city in five years."

Ling Tian shrugged, "Maybe it's my luck. The road I ran into was too rubbish."

But Ling Tian wanted to go back and give Na Hou Ji a few scented kisses.

Although this road is lonely, it looks like a road that not many people have walked on. It is fat and oily!

"That's it, look at you poor, then you don't know now, why do you use this star coin?" Tian Xiao looked pitiful.

"I really don't know, please ask Brother Tian to help me out."

"Although this Star Coin cannot be used by our cultivation, it is the currency on this trial road. I'll tell you when it's useful!" Tian Xiao came to explain with interest, and he continued to explain.

After a long while, Ling Tian finished listening, and only then did he gain a brand new understanding of this trial road.

Take this Star Coin as an example. Although this thing cannot be used for cultivation, it is the currency of the thousand worlds on the road of trial. It can be consumed in the ancient city of Node, or for eating, drinking and playing, or in exchange for treasure.

As for who received these things, it turned out to be the guardian of that node in the ancient city!

These ancient city guardians turned out to be those guys who entered the star road and didn't leave at the end ten thousand years ago.

And some powerful undead who were already wandering in this tomb of the gods and already possessed wisdom.

However, even those guys from ten thousand years ago were actually dead a long time ago, reduced to the same thing as the undead, but they can practice again in the form of the undead.

What you need for cultivation is these Star Coins.

In the Star Coin, there is the energy of the stars, which is like their food.

They can't leave too far around the ancient node city, so they can only rely on these arrogances for supply.

Both parties take what they need, so Star Coin becomes the only thing in circulation.

After listening, Ling Tian also felt magical.

The trial road this time is really interesting.

The two of them were talking, just before they arrived at the ancient city of that node.

"Is this the ancient city?"

Ling Tian and Xiao Qing opened their eyes wide, staring forward, a little startled.

Ling Tian was surprised, he didn't expect to see such a vision.

In this universe, there is a magnificent giant city in front of it. The giant city is not big, with a radius of no more than a thousand miles, but it looks unusually majestic and ancient. On the city wall, there are knives and axes everywhere. The traces below, and the blood left by the beast that I don’t know.

Under the background of the light of thousands of stars, this city looks like a fortress of stars.

It has a vast atmosphere, flowing with immortal power, which makes people amazed, and can't help but awe in their hearts.

"This ancient city looks different from the previous node ancient city, so big..." Many people were surprised.

It is very majestic and mysterious. It sits on top of the shattered stars and hangs in the cosmic starry sky. It is baptized by the stars, which shocks people's vision very much.

"Xingyou City, ha ha, it seems we have reached one third of the trial road!"

Tian Xiao looked at the three ancient characters in front of the ancient city gate with a smile.

"Yes, the scale is not small."

Ling Tian glanced at his surroundings, and now the gates of the Star Tour City had not yet been opened, but under the gates, more than two hundred Tianjiao had gathered.

Fifteen years, it was the first time Ling Tian had seen so many living, Tianjiao.

At this moment, under the ancient city, the wild beast roared, surrounded by spirit birds.

Each one has the size of a mountain, spreads its wings to cover the sky, and is suspended in all directions under the ancient city. Without exception, the cultivation base is above the ninth stage of the immortal.

There are the black dragon spraying flames, the elk with its feet on the fairy cloud, and the purple falcon with the cold eyes like electricity. They are all of good blood, and on top of them stand a proud man of heaven.

In front of the ancient city, the heavenly arrogances were silent, only ferocious birds and beasts neighed, extremely suppressed, the ancient city body was full of oppression.

"You young heroes, help!"

"help me!"

But at this moment, a cry for help sounded from the star road behind.

Ling Tian turned around following the crowd, but found that it was a panicked woman dashing towards the ancient city, and behind her, followed by a mountain-like undead ape.

"Huh, bald the undead, don't hurt the fairy!"

Because Ling Tian and Tian Xiao were at the end of the crowd, and they were the closest to the woman, Tian Xiao suddenly yelled, stepping on the **** pattern, and rushed towards the woman.

"The heavens are so angry, turn the sword in my heart!"

"Sword of justice, cut!"

The next moment, the white jade folding fan in Xiao Xiao's hand that day suddenly swung, and it turned into a powerful sword energy, and it fell down.


The great ape undead was beheaded by a sword, seemingly scumbag.

"Fairy don't panic, I'm here!"

Tian Xiao rushed up, hugged the woman around her waist, and slowly fell from the starry sky.

"Thank you son!"

The woman's beautiful eyes flickered, her pretty face shy.

"Dare to ask the son, where do you come from?"

Tian Xiao flicked his black hair on his forehead, and said proudly: "Red dust world, Tian Xiao."

"Scumbag let go."

"Pervert, please let me go."

But I never thought that the woman's face changed, as if it were cold, and she should not be approached.

Pushing Tianxiao away, like a stranger.

"The son, save me!"

Immediately, the woman came towards Ling Tian.

Tian Xiao: "Damn!"

Ling Tian: "..."

The woman fell on Xiaoqing and threw herself into Ling Tian's arms.

The body is soft, as if boneless.

Ling Tian had a black line on his face, and on his palm, he had hidden magical powers, ready to take action at any time.

This woman is not right.

"My son, look at the noble blood of the fierce beast at your feet, think it comes from that high immortal realm, right?"

The woman asked with a pretty face.

"Haotian Realm."

"Inferior fairy world?" Unexpectedly, the woman's face changed again, like an iceberg, "Scumbag let go."

"This scumbag, please let me go."

Ling Tian: "You are holding me."

"Hmph, you scumbags will harm innocent women like us!"

The woman cried, and then ran to the ancient city, surrounded by fairy lights, seemingly worthy of Tianjiao.

"Haha, Concubine Yu, I advise you not to come to this set. There are not many fools in front of Star Tour City. Who doesn't know what the ladies of your sea prison are?

"Why, still want to come to this Star Cruises City to fish and cheat Star Coins?"

However, before the woman walked far, the flying feather realm Jin Jin'er, who was standing on top of Jin Luan, sneered.

"What!? You are from the sea prison world!? A scum girl!?"

"I'm so blind!"

Tian Xiao fell on Ling Tian's side, his expression also changed.

But at this time, there were mountains and rivers above Ling Tian's forehead.

One is a scumbag who runs a train in Hongchenjiezui, and the other is a scumbag for the sea king of the sea prison.

What kind of strange things are all these things!

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