Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3011: God of War Killing the Sky

"Haha, Yu Zifei, you are really good!"

Tian Xiao's eyes lit up and she looked at Yu Zifei's gaze, which was suddenly different from before.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill!"

The three powerhouses joined forces to suppress the sword attendants in the hall for a time.


And in the depths of the hall, Ling Tian cut down with a single sword, and the gods sword repair was cut back under the wall.

"Say, who is that person!"

Ling Tian held his face cold, and stepped forward with his sword.

"Damn, a small group of human dolls dare to be rampant in my mausoleum, really if I can't help you!"

After being shocked by Ling Tian one after another, the Protoss Sword Xiu was also completely furious.

"Sword Spirit, bless my body and help me destroy this group of descendants of the human race who don't know the heights!"

Jian Xiu roared, and the colorful golden tiger in the golden giant sword in his hand emerged, and then even rushed into the body of that Jian Xiu's undead.


In an instant, the face of the Protoss sword repairer turned into the appearance of a tiger's head, and there was a long roar, which was also the sound of a tiger's roar.

Its original cyan undead body was manifested with golden armor, which promoted the aura of sword repair, and in a short period of time, it skyrocketed wildly.

Sword Spirit, can still be used like this! ?

Ling Tian frowned as he watched the Protoss Sword Xiu who had suddenly grown tall in front of him.

Tian Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi in the rear hall were shocked when they saw this.

This Protoss sword repair is really hard to deal with, such a sudden change, its combat power is so strong, even if they join forces now, they are not opponents at all!

"Brother, this sword repair is too strong, let's withdraw quickly!"

Tian Xiao exclaimed.

Now, the sword attendants in the hall have not been cleaned up yet.

"Ling Tian, ​​let's go, this sword repair is beyond the scope of our ability, unless the top 100 arrogance of the Profound Ranking comes!"

Concubine Yu Zi held her long bow, and also shouted tenderly.

"Hahaha, what, now you group of dolls, know you are scared!?"

The sword spirit of the Protoss sword repaired a grinning laugh, and even the voice changed.

Holding the golden giant sword in his hand, he walked towards Ling Tian.

"Come on, let me kill you. The opportunity in your body can help me reshape my body and come back to life!"

Protoss Jianxiu sneered one after another, and the giant sword in his hand was raised high again.

Now, the combat power of this sword repairer is so strong that even if it is not as good as that of the gods who hear the gods, it is enough to rival the generation of the ghost master of Yama.

In short, this is the strongest person Ling Tian has encountered since entering the trial road.

"Really!? Want to kill me!?"

"Then I really want to know how strong I am now!"

However, under the incomparable breath of the gods swordsmanship, Ling Tian holding the Yunxing Sword suddenly sneered.

Fifteen years ago, he fought in the heavens, facing the emperor Hua Xiaoyun, he could not sacrifice the **** of war and the origin of heaven and earth.

Therefore, I can only use the hands of Prisoner Tian to narrowly defeat Hua Xiaoyun.

But now, Ling Tian doesn't care anymore!

His shoulders shook, and Ling Tian, ​​who had turned into a dragon, was turned on, directly releasing the primordial will of the God of War to kill the sky.

In an instant, the magnificent shadow of the emperor appeared in the tomb of the gods.

The tomb of the gods is so large that they can no longer carry this phantom of will.

If someone is outside the tomb of the gods at this time, you can see a phantom like a **** of war, appearing under the starry sky, as high as tens of thousands of feet, the terrifying aura, tens of thousands of miles in radius, the starry sky roars and vibrates.

Today's God of War's Will to Kill the Sky is even more terrifying than it was decades ago.

Ling Tian has been in Taoyuan for fifty years, and in the Four Elephant Pagoda for five thousand years, the willpower of the God of War to kill the sky is also recovering.

Today, before this kind of will, although it is still unable to match the will of the Emperor-level Taichu.

But in the will of the quasi emperor, it is also a very high level.

With the **** of war slaying the sky on his back, Ling Tian hovered above the temple, looking down, as if facing an ant.

"It's you, it really is you!"

Sure enough, after Ling Tian sacrificed the will of the primordial primacy, that **** race sword repairer seemed to have seen a ghost, trembling all over, far from the rampant before.

"Say, who the **** is that person!"

Ling Tian asked with cold eyes.

"No, it turned out to be just a will, so that guy is dead!?"

"Hahaha, a will, also wants to press me!"

"I'm not afraid!"

Protoss Jianxiu reacted this time, and he swung up the huge sword in his hand and cut it down again!

"court death!"

Ling Tian was ashamed and angry, Prison Tian clasped his hands on the Yunxing Sword, chopped down.


The moment the two swords touched, the sword aura of the giant sword burst into pieces.

What made Tian Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi in the temple unbelievable was that Ling Tian’s sword not only completely shattered the magical powers of the Protoss sword repair, but also a sword that completely tore the entire mountain of the Protoss tomb. !


The sword's edge is unmatched, and it is impossible to resist.

The protoss sword repair is the body of the undead, and the body is not strong. Under this sword, the body of the undead is torn apart and turned into a little bit of remnant soul, floating in the temple.

Ling Tian fell and grabbed one of the souls, "Say, who is that person."

"He was the slaying **** on this trial road ten thousand years ago. Back then, he rioted in the tomb of the gods and twisted the dead of our protoss. I have seen him fight a dead protoss emperor from a distance."

"Later!" Ling Tian asked again.

"I don't know, I heard that he provokes an existence he shouldn't provoke, and was killed out of the trial road!"

"What's his name, but he also comes from the Haotian Realm?"

"Yes, it is the Haotian Realm Tianjiao, but I can't mention his name."


"Because, because of his name, it is intolerable by God, it is a taboo!"

The remnant soul thought for a while, and then said: "If you want to know his news, you can go to the next node city, where there is a mountain. He used to fight against all the sword repairs in the five hundred immortals world with a sword on that mountain. Unbeaten, and on that mountain, left a taboo."

"Go and see, you'll know."

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes, "I can't wait, and said, what is that person's name?"

The remnant soul pursed his mouth, struggling, "Emperor Dong..."

After speaking, the remnant soul completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

"Emperor Dong!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

Now, this name is not complete.

Most likely, it's just that person's title.

Ling Tian shook his head, still quite regretful that he didn't know the exact news of that person.

However, since this Protoss sword repairer has seen it, then other Protoss undead should have also seen it.

That person had made this trial road tens of thousands of years ago, so it shouldn't be difficult to get the news of that person.

"Brother, you... really killed that Protoss sword repair?"

In the temple, those sword attendants turned into dust and disappeared after the death of Protoss Jianxiu.

Tian Xiao stared at some in front of him blankly, unable to believe his eyes.

"This tomb is going to collapse, you two, go to the left and right treasure halls to search for treasures."

But Ling Tian turned around, but only said one sentence.


The two of them were startled, only then did they remember, and they went to hunt for treasure one after another.

Ling Tian picked up the giant sword that fell on the ground. This sword was good. The sword spirit inside was stronger. It had become a sword spirit. After Xiao Lei swallowed it, it would become very powerful.

At the same time, Jin Jiner, who was rushing to the tomb of the stone god, suddenly looked in a certain direction of the void.

There, she actually vaguely saw a Wudi-like phantom, appearing under the stars, and then, it was a sword that smashed the sky.

"It's not far away, is it the tomb of the **** race sword repair?"

"No, it's impossible for them to get there so soon."

"Luan, go ahead at full speed, and be sure to arrive at the tomb of the stone **** in seven days."

After thinking about it, Jin Jiner was the Jin Luan who urged the clamor.


That Jin Luan turned into a bright golden glow, like a meteor, disappearing into the night sky.

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