Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3012: Go to the tomb of the stone **** to save the beauty?

Within the dark starry sky, a black mountain that was ten thousand feet high was cut through the middle by a sword.

Broken rocks are scattered everywhere.

Thousands of miles away from the mountain, three figures stood on top of a huge cyan beast.

At this time, the fierce beast was stained with blood, and the blood dripped continuously.

But even though the injury was not light, the breath of the fierce beast was still eerie and terrifying, as if there was no pain at all.

"Haha, how is the harvest!?" Ling Tian looked at Tian Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi, who were already happy to bloom.

"Hahaha, brother, we really made a fortune this time, I don't even dare to think that this Protoss sword repairer has hidden so many stars in his tomb. I just counted and I found ten boxes. There are almost 400,000 in total!"

Tian Xiao laughed.

"I don't have a lot here. There are twelve boxes in total, almost half a million."

Concubine Yu Zi also said.

"There are a total of 900,000, which is indeed quite a lot. The quest for the one-hundred-thousand-star coin has actually been increased nine times." Ling Tian was shocked by this number.

Even if he was on the road before, he had never seen such a rich protoss tomb.

"Yeah, it's really terrifying! If we split evenly, each of us will be 300,000, plus the previous 400,000. This time I will definitely be able to enter the mysterious list."

Tian Xiao smiled, he could see that he was very excited.

"Actually, I think it's better not to divide evenly this time, because we can't hold this tomb without Ling Tian." Concubine Yu Zi muttered.

"Haha, it's okay, we are a team, naturally we have to split equally, and it's just that the sword repair of a Protoss was destroyed, and I was not injured."

But Ling Tian naturally did not care about these hundreds of thousands of stars. He took out the golden sword without the soul of the weapon. "This sword, called Pori, is a very high-quality epee. , The sword spirit in it has been taken out by me, who of you wants it!?"

Tian Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi looked at each other, and in the end they both shook their heads.

"No, I don't use a sword, and this big guy is so bad with my temperament."

"I can't use it either. I use a bow. I re-melted this sword. I'm afraid it's a pity. You should keep it. It won't work. Wait until you return to Xingyucheng and see if you can sell it."

Concubine Yu Zi said.

"Xingyou City!? I'm afraid it's not easy to sell. Even without the sword spirit, this giant sword is worth 1.8 million star coins. Do you think the geniuses of Xingyou City can afford it? "

Tian Xiao said.

"Then auction it off, are you afraid that you won't be able to sell good things?"

Concubine Yu Zi shrugged, "Brother, where are we going now? Shall we go back to the city?"

"Or, look elsewhere!?"

"Haha, why don't we go to the tomb of the tree **** in Shangguanlin? Look at the excitement, maybe we can get a handful!"

Tian Xiao said with joy.

"No, there will be half a month from here, it's too late." Ling Tian pursed his lips, urging Xiao Qing.

"Go to the Tomb of the Stone God."

Tian Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi said, "Jin Yinger?"

Seven days later.

Ling Tian and the three rushed to the tomb of the stone god.

But they did not see the trace of Jin Jiner.

"It should have been in, but this mausoleum is complete. It seems that it hasn't been destroyed. It's impossible. Jin Jin'er has already..." Tian Xiao frowned, with an unknown premonition.

"Hehe, what, I'm worried about this!? Don't forget, Jin Jin'er doesn't even look at you straight, besides, she is the daughter of the heaven of a big family in the fairy world, and her combat power is extraordinary. Even if he hasn't entered the realm of quasi-emperor, I am afraid it is not worse than that of Shangguanlin.

Concubine Yu Zi held her shoulders and glanced sideways at that day.

"Why, can't you be jealous?" Tian Xiao suddenly frowned, looking at the face of Concubine Yu Zi, "Don't say it, I think you are pretty good-looking recently."


Seeing the two people fighting together, Ling Tian shook his head, "Stop it, Jin Jiner is still in the tomb, and the breath of the undead stone **** is also there. It seems that she underestimated the power of the stone god, go Well, since it's here, you can't just stand by."

Ling Tian's feet shook, turned into a stream of light, and entered the mausoleum.

"Tsk, okay, now your chance is here, hurry up to the hero to save the United States, maybe, then Jin Jiner can treat you differently!" Yu Zifei teased.

"Forget it, how can she look at me differently!? Do I care? However, you said that the hero saves the United States is right, but it's not me, it's the eldest brother!"

"Hurry up, I really want to see that Jin Linger looks embarrassed.""

Tian Xiao shrugged and followed Concubine Yu Zi.

However, the matter was more serious than Xiao Xiao imagined that day.

When Ling Tian crossed the tomb passage and arrived at the temple in the tomb, Jin Jin'er was hit by the undead spirit of the stone god.

At this time, Jin Yinger's armor was cracked, but what was exposed was not the white and delicate jade skin, but the terrifying scarlet wound.

She is now covered in blood.

"The ignorant monster race, dare to break into my tomb too!?"


The undead stone **** is thousands of feet tall and has a very strong aura, even if it is not much different than that of the Protoss sword repair before that.

Its punch is like a mountain and as fast as a thunder.

The speed is extremely fast.

If it falls, Jin Jin'er will not die and will be severely injured, and the foundation will not exist.


Along with a cold snort, Ling Tian raised his sword and fell, and the arm of the undead was cut down.


The undead was in pain and retreated again and again. Only then did they see Ling Tian, ​​who had reached the gate of the temple, and Tian Xiao and others behind him.

Jin Zhen'er clutched her chest and turned back, but when she saw Ling Tian, ​​her pupils suddenly shrank.

She never expected that Ling Tian and others would appear in this stone **** mausoleum.

"Tsk tusk, brother, don't say, this stone **** is really strong."

Tian Xiao unfolded the white jade fan in his hand, his face was calm and composed, without a trace of fear.

Concubine Yu Zi also hugged her arms, and didn't even want to take out the weapon.

The undead of the stone **** is indeed powerful, but not as good as the previous sword repair of the **** race.

Now that Ling Tian had the Xingxing Sword in his hand, this stone **** was destined to be beheaded.

"Don't talk nonsense, this stone **** is already injured, let's go together and kill him!"

But obviously, Ling Tian didn't want to be here to manifest all the previous combat power, the light of the long sword in his hand surged, and only 60% of the combat power was used to kill him.

"What do you mean!?"

Tian Xiao frowned. ,

"Don't ask so many questions, don't you understand? Now, this Jin Linger is still an outsider to us, let's do it!"

Concubine Yu Zi put down her hand, the longbow manifested, bursts of purple arrows shot out.

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