Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3023: Yuqing Jiezi Li Chunfeng

The current Ling Tian was really too tyrannical. Under the half-step Zhun Emperor's cultivation base, the energy increase of Qi Hai Xian Yuan was horribly multiplied.

Therefore, although it was only a growth of a few small realms, the coercion released by that prisoner's hand was extremely terrifying!

The glittering fingers appeared on the sky, which made the faces of the gods in front of the tomb of the gods change drastically!

Is this a magical power that a human warrior who has not yet become a quasi-emperor can sacrifice! ! ?

"The Art of Law!"

"Cooperate to block it!"

The dozens of Tianjiao on the other side had also been fighting for forty-five years from the road of trial. The surprise was only a short moment.

The five quasi-emperor-level Tianjiao burst into the body's will and divine light, turned into magical powers, gathered, and moved towards Ling Tian's Prisoner's Finger to greet the past.

Although the magical powers in these arrogances, there is no law.

But after all, the cultivation base is extremely high, and it seems that the momentum is also extremely terrifying.



However, when these magical powers touched the prisoner's hands, there was a scene that everyone could not believe.


These supernatural powers collapsed suddenly, and before the prisoner, they were as extraordinary as a chicken, and could not withstand a single blow.



In addition to the Tianjiao of the Thunder Flame Realm, even under the aura before the Prisoner Tianshou, they couldn't bear it, bursting into a cloud of blood.

Looking at the crystal fingers that fell.

The Thunder Flame Realm Tianjiao couldn't believe his eyes.

He suddenly saw that there seemed to be a thunderous flame on the crystal fingers.

"Fengtian Thunder Torch!"

The Thunder Flame Realm Tianjiao exclaimed, but before he could question Ling Tian, ​​Prisoner Tian's hand fell, and he swallowed it directly.


The crystal finger directly dropped on the ten thousand zhang mountain in the tomb of the gods.

With a loud explosion, the starry sky shook thousands of miles.

However, what made Ling Tian frowned slightly was that the Prisoner's hand's magical power disappeared, but he could not break the tomb of the gods with a single finger.

Only on the surface, a deep finger print can be seen, surrounded by a circle of deep cobweb-like cracks.

Such a tyrannical finger, unexpectedly failed to smash the tomb of the gods.

This made Ling Tian curious.

"This is all dead?"

Looking at the many arrogances that have disappeared.

Tian Xiao and others flew over, but their faces were full of deep jealousy.

In thirty years, they had indeed never seen Ling Tian make a move.

But now it is so scary.

The five quasi-emperor-level Tianjiao couldn't even hold a finger of Ling Tian.

"Ling Tian, ​​your cultivation base has skyrocketed so fast, when are you going to attack the Emperor Zhun?"

Jin Zhen'er glanced at Ling Tian's cultivation.

"Emperor Zhun!?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "The opportunity has not yet arrived."

"Don't be too surprised. I just used the technique of law and the blessing of the Fengtian Thunder Torch, so I was able to sweep them."

"Tsk tut, brother, what you are talking about is lightness. The law of law and the beacon thunder torch, both of which are extremely rare in the entire trial road, I can't imagine how you are in the Haotian Realm. It is unbelievable to obtain such a powerful technique." Tian Xiao curled his lips.

The art of law is naturally powerful, and the art of law that can be used before the quasi emperor is even rarer.

There are not many in the whole trial road, and those who have it are definitely the top arrogance on the ranking list, and the ranking is bound to be not low.

Speaking of this, Tian Xiao murmured, "Hey, it's a pity that we haven't seen the Node City in 30 years. Our ranking is probably going to be thrown off the list."

"Isn't that nonsense? The Star Coins we entered at the time were no more than 800,000. In 30 years, the list will have to be updated at least three times."

Concubine Yu Zi screamed.

However, although they are no longer in the rankings, the faces of everyone are not very bad, but with an unconcealable pride.

Because, although they have not been on the list in the past 30 years, their gains are enough to describe the earth-shattering.

In thirty years, they have encountered no fewer than a thousand tombs of the Protoss. The number of them, and the top tombs among them, were all they had never imagined before.

This **** road is indeed a life of nine deaths, but the opportunities in it are indeed shockingly rich.

In addition to those treasures, just Star Coins, they found a total of 30 million!

Adding up this number is enough to sweep all the Tianjiao on the emperor list now.

Of course, these Star Coins were originally to be divided equally according to Ling Tian's statement.

But in the end, both Jin Jiner and Tian Xiao stopped doing it.

Because there are too many Star Coins, this road of trial is like a protoss treasury.

Some of them can't afford it.

In the end, Jin Jiner took the initiative to take only 10%, and Tian Xiao also did the same, but Ling Tian didn't agree, so they settled for the second best. In the end, Jin Jiner each got 20%, and Ling Tian monopolized 40%.

But even so, the three of Jin Jin'er can still get more than six million star coins.

If you are on the list with this number, not to mention competing for the top ten on the emperor list and occupying the 30th place in the sky list, it is completely possible.

Therefore, even if they knew that they were no longer on the list, everyone still didn't show any frustration.

Isn't that the list that they want to be on?

At that time, whether you want to be ranked in the heaven or the mysterious list, it depends on your mood.

Ling Tian pursed his mouth and did not speak. He actually underestimated the horror of those arrogances on the trial road. When he was in Star Tour City, he anonymously occupied the top spot in the emperor list with 11 million Star Coins.

But five years after leaving Xingyucheng, he was surpassed.

The one who surpassed him is still the number one in the previous emperor list, the Heavenly Demon Realm Yuan Gu.

In five years, he has accumulated more than three million Star Coins, which is enough to prove that the path of Yuan Gu's trial is also rich in opportunities.

"Hehe, look, there are news coming out one after another on the trial road, and many Tianjiao have already arrived at the Node City."

Yu Zifei looked at the token in her hand and flipped through the information.

"The new round of the list has begun to update. The Celestial Demon Realm Sub-Yuan Gu is really strong. He is still number one, and the Star Coins have accumulated to 22 million!"

Jin Jiner took a deep breath.

"Damn, this is really a pervert." Tian Xiao was also stunned, but the conversation turned to look at Ling Tian, ​​"However, if we give all the Star Coins to Big Brother, we still hang him, hahaha!"

However, Ling Tian shook his head.

He just didn't say that even if he didn't use the Star Coins of three people, he could still hang the Yuan Gu.

"However, there are still some unexpected circumstances. Someone is vying with Yuan Gu for the first place on the emperor list. That person, the Star Coin has accumulated to 21 million, and the gap with Yuan Gu is only one million."

But at this time, Jin Yinger said again.

"Twenty-one million!? Really or fake, where did these guys come from so many Star Coins, they can differ from Yuan Gu by one million, so arrogant!"

Tian Xiao was surprised.

Ling Tian also looked over.

But he saw a name on the message, but the next moment, Ling Tian's feet swayed, and his divine light almost collapsed.

Because of this name, what he is familiar with can no longer be familiar!

"Li Chunfeng!"

"Yuqing Jiejie, Li Chunfeng!"

how can that be! ?

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