Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3024: Seven Primitive Origins

Since Ling Tian returned to Nantang from Tianyu in the Lower Realm, he has never seen Li Chunfeng again.

Yuan Tiangang didn't know the whereabouts of Li Chunfeng.

But who would have thought that he would actually appear on this road of trials, and become a descendant of the genius, a world of immortality! ?

Could it be that this is a coincidence with the same name! ?

Ling Tian shook his head again and again, he couldn't believe that the Li Chunfeng he saw was the old man in the lower realm.

"Why, this person, you know!?"

The three of Tian Xiao looked at Ling Tian, ​​they had never seen Ling Tian so gaffe in so many years. ‘

"I know the name, but it shouldn't be the person I know."

Ling Tian shook his head and calmed his mood. After the shock, he felt that this should just be the same name.

"However, it is really strange, why haven't I heard of this Yuqing Realm before!?"

However, Yu Zifei frowned.

"It's not inferior immortal world, in middle immortal world, I haven't seen this Yuqing world either."

Jin Zhen'er thought for a while and said: "Among the thousands of heavens, there are a total of ninety-nine high-level immortals. This jade realm is indeed the top-level immortal world. I have seen it in family classics, but this jade Qingjie is very small, and the warriors in it are also the fewest among the superior immortals. They are not well known and normal. After all, there are so many immortals under the heavens, except for those famous immortals. I just know the name, but don't understand it.'

"This Li Chunfeng also appeared on the list a few days ago, and as soon as he appeared, he went straight to the emperor list. Yesterday, he surpassed the Heavenly Demon Realm Yuan Gu and reached the top of the emperor list. Today should be that Yuan Gu. After arriving at the city, I took back the top spot."

"Tsk tsk, that's interesting. With that said, isn't this Li Chunfeng among the top ten in the emperor's list, the only one who is not from the ten worlds of the heavens? Where is he sacred? He can make so many stars and coins. Yuan Gu fights for the front?" Tian Xiao pinched it.

Now everyone is curious.

Ling Tian is no exception.

"He is not the only one. There is also a mysterious existence. His 11 million score has not changed for 30 years, but now he still occupies the tenth place on the list."

"Hehe, let's not talk about that person. Below this, someone questioned Li Chunfeng's news, but it was actually this one that detonated the trial road yesterday."

Jin Jiner's simple hand point fell on his token, and then raised, a light and shadow appeared under the starry sky and appeared in front of everyone.

It was a frozen light and shadow, which looked like a photo of a circle of friends.

But from it, everyone was able to see that under the vast and deep starry sky, there was a figure, stepping on the void, floating in the darkness.

On top of his head is an extremely tall phantom of will.

Behind him, there is a sea of ​​golden ups and downs, surging among the stars, dazzling so much that it even makes people unable to see his appearance.

Although the light and shadow were frozen, everyone still seemed to be able to feel an extremely powerful aura from it, surging out and impacting them.

"So strong."

"very scary!"

After a long while, Tian Xiao and Yu Zifei murmured.

"Haha, did you see anything? This was exploded by Li Chunfeng himself. It should be to smash doubts. He is a human race, and you should be able to see something."

Jin Yinger smiled.

"The will of Emperor Wu is the real will of Emperor Wu."

Concubine Yu Zi nodded heavily.

Being of the same human race, she was able to distinguish the strong will behind Li Chunfeng.

Ling Tian frowned after seeing the light and shadow.

That is indeed the will of Emperor Wu, but there should be many Tianjiao who have the will of Emperor Wu on the road of trial. At least 30 Tianjiao on the top list, it is possible.

However, the will behind this Li Chunfeng is different. The figure is holding a sword, but in the other hand, it is holding a shield.

Swords and shields, this image, the more you look at it, the more it resembles the image of Tianzun enshrined by Yuan Tiangang! ?

It's so alike!

In short, if this phantom had something to do with Tianzun, then this tyrannical will of Emperor Wu could not be the same.

"No, wait!"

But suddenly, a cold light flashed in Ling Tian's eyes. He looked straight at Jin Hai behind Li Chunfeng for a long time before he said, "This is the power of the origin!?"

"Moreover, it's not the nine gods!"

He suddenly discovered that the golden sea is unique. In this endless starry sky, it can still shine so brightly. The light of thousands of stars can't be concealed. Even the nine gods will never have this kind of atmosphere. That's right.

"It's not the nine great gods, and it's even impossible to be the extremely immortal source, then it's impossible... the original source!"

Tian Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi looked at each other, but in the end they exclaimed in unison.

The expression on his face is much more exciting than Ling Tian!

Because, for all races, the power of origin is of great significance.

With the power of the source, it will be easier to enlighten the Tao, whether it is knowing to become a quasi emperor or a martial emperor, it is extremely important.

But now, on the entire trial road, there are not many extremely immortal sources, and the nine great sources of gods seem to be owned by the Holy Spirit Realm Xiaoxuer, who was on the list that day.

But nowadays, even the seven primordial origins are out! ?

This thing is even more advanced than the nine gods, and there are only seven under the entire heavens!

"Hehe, that's right, this is one of the seven original sources, Jin."

"This Li Chunfeng is indeed interesting. He even confessed that he has the original origin, and he seems not afraid of being targeted at all. The seven original origins include the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, as well as wind and thunder."

"I never thought, so soon, the origin of this metallic rough stone appeared."

Jin Zhen'er put away the light and shadow, looked at the three people who were dumbfounded, and smiled: "Now I know how abnormal these guys are!? I have a hunch that the road to this trial is the seven primitives and the nine gods. , And all Jixianyuan will appear."

"Oh, it's horrible, I don't ask for that primitive and **** source, just give me a source of extreme immortality, I want to step into the realm of quasi emperor!" Tian Xiao smashed his mouth.

"Why, isn't it very rare for Extreme Xianyuan in your Red Dust Realm?"

After he was relieved from the shock of the birth of the original source, Ling Tian suddenly frowned.

Suddenly, Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi looked at Ling Tian that day, with a strange look on their faces.

"Big brother, are you laughing at us for failing?"

"Of course the Extreme Immortal Origin is rare. We don't have a single source in the Red Dust Realm. We just heard that the power of the origin will appear on the road at this time, and we have all come in here."

"Yes, we haven't even appeared in the sea prison world. We just heard of the power of origin, but really, it's too rare."

Concubine Yu Zi also nodded.

"Don't hide it from you, Ji Xianyuan is very common in our Haotian Realm."

Ling Tian suddenly rubbed his nose and said.

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