Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3025: Hundred Flowers World God

Although these words may have a great impact on Tian Xiao and Yu Zifei.

But this is the fact that Ji Xianyuan is only his Great Han Immortal Dynasty, and there are quite a few, and even Nalan Duo Duo and others who have the Ji Xianyuan have not entered the road of trial this time.

How does it seem that this source of power has become an extremely rare existence in other fairy realms?

Sure enough, when Ling Tian finished speaking, Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi seemed to be struck by thunder and motionless.

After a long time, Tian Xiao snorted and laughed, "Big Brother, don't ridicule us, I believe that you have seen Extreme Xianyuan in the Haotian Realm, but you say it's common, it's impossible..."

"I really didn't lie to you, and, not to mention that the extremely immortal source is the nine source of the gods, I myself have seen the three realms with my own eyes!"

Ling Tian spread his hands.

"My son, the nine great gods, have you seen three of them!? Could it be that they are all in the Haotian Realm!?"

At this moment, even the Jin Ling'er didn't believe it anymore.

"There are three, Ksitigarbha realm **** source, Vajra realm **** source, and sage realm **** source."

"All are in the Haotian Realm."

Ling Tian nodded heavily.

"Oh my God..."

The three looked at each other, and finally, Jin Jiner said: "Young Master Ling Tian will never lie to us, so it seems that so many Haotian Realm Tianjiao suddenly appeared on this list, it is reasonable."

"I don't care about other opportunities, it's just this source of power, Haotian Realm has so many, no wonder they are so fast." Yu Zifei thoughtfully.

"I still have doubts, son, take a look at this, you are sure that the three powers of the gods that appear in your Haotian realm are like this!?"

Jin Zhen'er did not give up, and found another light and shadow from the token, which appeared in front of everyone.

Ling Tian looked intently.

That is a woman suspended under the stars, extremely dusty, like a goddess of nine heavens, glorious.

Behind him, there is a white lotus that reaches the sky, blooming in the night sky, like the **** of the heaven and earth, it is extremely bright.

"This is the realm son of the Holy Spirit Realm, Xiao Xuer?"

Tian Xiao frowned.

"Yes, this is Xiao Xu'er. The light and shadow were exploded after Li Chunfeng exploded yesterday. This white lotus is one of the nine gods of the Hundred Flowers Realm's divine power."

"Before this, no one knew that Xiao Xu'er of the Holy Spirit Realm possesses the power of the source of God. She herself said that she was on the road of trial. It took forty-five years to find two fragments of the source of God. The supernatural power of the Hundred Flowers Realm."

"It's just that this **** source is not a combat attribute, so Xiao Xu'er's combat power was not able to skyrocket, but even so, she still made her sit at the top of the sky list yesterday."

"Before this, she had always been third in the top ranking."

However, when Jin Yinger finished speaking, Ling Tianguo's expression really changed.

Because, the origin power behind this Xiao Xuer was indeed the **** source, but it was much stronger than the three ways Ling Tian had seen before.

Xiao Xuer said this was synthesized from the fragments of God's source! ?

Could it be that the power of the gods in the bodies of Ross, Hua Xiaoyun and others are not complete?

"It's not as good, look at this."

Ling Tian found out the scene when Hua Xiaoyun sacrificed the divine power of the sage world from Yihai.

There is a lot of difference with this Xiao Xuer.

"Tsk tusk, it is true, but eldest brother, although these divine origins of them are not complete, they are possessed as soon as they enter the trial road. Divine origin, what is the situation in your Haotian realm? How come the power of origin has appeared many!?"

Tian Xiao exclaimed.

"I don't know this."

Ling Tian shook his head, the power of the source is not trivial, and the involvement in this is probably even more profound than that of the war ten thousand years ago.

However, Ling Tian always felt that the Haotian Realm was extraordinary. Although it was an unremarkable inferior world of immortals, it was definitely not the case thousands of years ago!

"Tian Xiao is right. Even if it is not a complete source of God, it is scary enough. The reason why no news of them broke out is that they also know what the source of God means on the trial road. If they don't have the ability to protect Shenyuan, there is only a dead end."

Jin Zhen'er put away the sign, "Finally, let's not talk about it. Let's take a look at the tomb of the Protoss. It seems to be different from what we saw on the road."

"Indeed, no matter how strong someone else's original power is, it has nothing to do with us."

"Thirty years, we haven't even seen a single source of power. Hope this time, we will be disappointed again."

Concubine Yu Zi also looked at the huge tomb of the gods.

Ling Tian led everyone to the tomb of the gods, only then saw the Hongda black stone tombstone.

However, unlike the Protoss tombstones they have seen before, there is no text on this tombstone, but a painting.

Or, totem.

Ling Tian frowned, looked for a moment and said, "This looks like a totem like Luanfeng."

"Jin Ying'er, no one like immortal birds knows better than you in the Flying Feather Realm!? Can you see what this is?"

Tian Xiao pinched his chin.

"Hehe, I finally found her."

However, looking at the golden totem of the tombstone, she smiled.

"This totem is the ancient golden phoenix."

"Golden Phoenix, your ancestor?" Concubine Yu Zi looked over.

"Yes, I respect Jin Luan in Feather Feather Realm, but Luan is only Luan after all. Even if it is comparable to Feng, it is not as good as Huang in the end."

Jin Jiner nodded.

Ling Tian was thoughtful. He once heard Ran Hongfu say that the Phoenix Clan was after the Vermilion Bird, and it was the same as the Phoenix Clan, and after that, it was the Luan Clan.

This Jin Yinger has the blood of the Phoenix clan, so it's no wonder that he is so tyrannical.

"I understand, you have been slow to advance to become a quasi emperor, just to wait for the chance of the Phoenix Clan."

Tian Xiao said suddenly.

"Hehe, yes, if there is the blood of the ancient golden phoenix in this tomb, then I can directly become the quasi emperor."

However, Jin Zhen'er suddenly looked at Ling Tian behind him, "But this tomb is extraordinary, so I also ask Young Master Ling Tian to help. If Zhen'er really got the blood of the ancient Golden Phoenix in this tomb, Zhen'er would be grateful. And never forget it forever."

Concubine Yu Zi touched her forehead, "Scare me, I thought you wanted to agree with you."

Ling Tian ran, "Ms. Ying'er said so. We have been fighting side by side for 30 years. No matter what, I will shoot this tomb. If there is the blood of the ancient golden phoenix in it, that would be great."

"Let's go, into the tomb!"

The corner of Ling Tian's mouth raised, and his figure flashed before entering the tomb gate.

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