Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3040: Enter the battle

Don't believe it, just try!

Ling Tian's voice echoed before the battlefield of the gods.

Even in the face of Xiao Xu'er, and that Xuanyuan realm son Qin Zhong, Ling Tian didn't seem to have any jealousy or fear.

Even facing the threat of Qin Zhong, Ling Tian directly accepted it.

Such a momentum is shocking.

"Haha, very good, your courage surprised me, I hope you won't regret it when you arrive at the battlefield of the gods!"

Then Qin Zhong took a deep look at Ling Tian, ​​and stopped talking.

"Tian Xiao, I can only say that you have followed the wrong person, and this trial road will come to an end."

That Xiao is also true, looking at Tian Xiao.

"Xiao is also true, in fact, I have long wanted to tear my face with you, because you alone have corrupted my reputation in the world of red dust!"

"You are not worthy of being the realm of my world, this time the battlefield of the gods, I will take your place."

"I will use facts to tell you who it is and the wrong person!"

Tian Xiao also said coldly.

"That's good, Tian Xiao, I have known you for so long, just today's sentence, I have enough energy!" Concubine Yu Zi praised.

"Hehe, there are plenty of places to be excited, just wait!" Tian Xiao proudly.

"The battlefield of the gods is about to open!"

At this moment, Jin Jin'er frowned suddenly, she seemed to sense something.

Other Tianjiao also looked into the depths of the starry sky.


It seems to be the thunder of the ancient times or the sound of war drums, gradually surging from infinity, shaking the hearts of all Tianjiao.

All Tianjiao suddenly saw that in the depths of the starry sky, there was a giant gate, slowly pushing open, an ancient atmosphere of vicissitudes of years instantly swept the world, and everyone's expressions were involuntarily tense at this moment.

The battlefield of the gods really opened at this time!

This is the place where the gods of the gods fought in the ancient times. There are countless opportunities hidden in them, and there are rumors that the ten ancient artifacts of the gods will be born here.

Therefore, the current battlefield of the gods has attracted all the arrogances of the ten ancient cities!


But when everyone wanted to fly into the air and rushed to the gate that entered the battlefield of the gods, a majestic pressure suddenly appeared between the sky. When this coercion came into the world, the people near the gate of the entire battlefield felt a great deal of pressure.

It was Qin Zhong and Xiao Xuer who moved at the same time.

They thoroughly urged the power of the blood in the body and the power of the entire God Realm to suppress the surrounding Tianjiao, and then, almost at the same time, rushed into the battlefield of the gods.

The battlefield of the gods is extraordinary. If you enter first, you will naturally get a lot of advantages.

And this move is as if the two Tianjiao are declaring to everyone, who is the undisputed top Tianjiao on this trial road.

After Xiao Xuer and Na Qin Zhong entered, the other Tianjiao rushed into the battlefield of the gods.

"Ling Tian, ​​in the battlefield of the gods, it's best not to let me see you!" Hua Xiaoyun looked at Ling Tian coldly.

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes and didn't care at all. He smiled and said, "Well, just wait and see. I would rather see you sooner."

call out!

When the voice fell, it rose into the air, and with the three Jin Jin'er, they also rushed into the battlefield of the gods.

As soon as he rushed into this ancient gate of light, Ling Tian immediately felt the power of the terrifying space surging, and the battlefield of the gods really had some doors.

However, what made Ling Tian even more shocked was that the moment he rushed into the door, he seemed to see a giant dragon that looked down upon the stars, soaring past the stars.

The whole body of the dragon is fiery red, like a dragon overlord born in the fire, a fierce head, comparable to the stars, fierce dragon, making his dragon blood boil.

"The Heavenly Dragon Clan!"

Ling Tian felt a huge shock in his heart, this feeling is absolutely not wrong.

Such a breath is absolutely only for dragons of the Heavenly Dragon rank.

Now, Ling Tian's Nine Real Dragon Transformations have stayed on top of the Yinglong Transformation. These physical strengths are already extremely tasteless.

The dragon blood needed for the next heavy dragon transformation must be of the Tianlong rank.

But this level of dragon clan, when in the Haotian realm, only the Dragon Clan or Wudi Ao Qingchen were qualified.

Such bloodlines are almost impossible to find in the Haotian Realm.

Now, when Ling Tian entered the battlefield of the gods, he sensed the aura of this dragon clan, so to speak, in this battlefield, will there be any Tianlong clan infestation?

Although he was astonished in his heart, the breath of the dragon was not fleeting.

When Ling Tian's vision regained his vision, Ling Tian had already landed, and his goal was an extremely barren world.

Above the earth, there are huge ditches of horror. Some of these traces appear to be cut apart by heaven-shaking magical powers or weapons, and some appear to be formed by being stepped on by giant beasts.

In short, just these traces are enough to show how terrifying everything that the battlefield of the gods has experienced.

Looking at it, this space is extremely vast, the sky and the earth are dim, and even the power of the law is chaotic. Ling Tian's powerful divine consciousness can still inspect thousands of miles in the stars, but now in this battlefield, it is only Less than a thousand miles.

"Big brother, look there, the sky is broken, and it hasn't been healed after so long. It is really a battle of the gods, it's terrifying."

Behind him, Tian Xiao and others also landed one after another.

Ling Tian returned to his senses, following Xiao Xiao's gaze, the next moment, his pupils shrank.

Because, he seemed to have seen the fragmentation of the sky that Tian Xiao said.

When he was in the lower realm, he discovered the secret realm of those mysterious dojos.

Those secret realms, without exception, were all fragments of the sky, and it seemed that the sky was shattered by something, poured into endless lava, and the entire escape field was submerged.

At this time, although he did not see this world being flooded with magma, the fragmentation traces of the vault on that day are exactly the same as the secret realm of the lower realm!

Could it be that those dojos in the lower realm were also due to the war between the protoss?


Suddenly, under the sky, the thunder light exploded, and there was a loud noise accompanied by the thunder light. Everyone seemed to see that under the thunder light, there was a godly light surrounded by arrogance, which was chopped into ashes and scattered across the sky and the earth. between.

"There is a divine thunder in this space, don't fly too high."

"Leave here first, and see if there are any other creatures besides the trial of Tianjiao."

Ling Tian summoned Xiaoqing, led the crowd, and left in a hurry.

In this battlefield of the gods, even Ling Tian himself felt an inexplicable pressure.

Here, it is definitely not a good place.

Flying all the way, Ling Tian and others did not meet other Tianjiao for a long time. Obviously, this battlefield was huge, and after rushing in, they all dispersed.

Otherwise, crowded together, and not many people will eventually enter the battlefield.

However, what surprised Ling Tian was that the battlefield of the gods was deadly silent. He did not sense any powerful protoss undead, nor did he see any undead monsters.

As for the treasures, there is no more.

This battlefield of the gods, now it seems, is too barren.

"It's over, how do you feel that we have been cheated!"

Everyone on the battlefield, walking in a straight direction for three days, but still nothing, Tian Xiao couldn't help saying.

"Could it be that this battlefield has disappeared because of the long time and chances?"

Jin Jin'er frowned.

"No, this is the space where the gods fight, but we haven't found the real battlefield. There is the real treasure."

"Look ahead."

Suddenly, Ling Tian, ​​who was standing under the high sky, let Xiaoqing fly up, fingers far away.

At this time, everyone was stunned.

Because, in the direction that Ling Tian pointed out, there were densely packed huge figures with a height of about thousands of feet. Those figures seemed to have been petrified and incomplete.

On the ground, pieces of divine soldiers of various shapes are inserted on the ground.

It stretches for thousands of miles and looks like a mountain from a distance.

"Is this the real battlefield of the gods?"

"It's tragic!"

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