Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3041: You guys, it’s too late [Thanks to the boss of water and soil for unblocking]

"Yes, this looks like the graveyard of the gods!"

Everyone watched the fierce battlefield in front of them, and for a while, they were deeply shocked.

"Even the omnipotent Protoss will die here in pieces in the end. Even the divine soldiers of the year have turned into mountains."

Tian Xiao sighed.

"Hurry up, this battlefield, there should be more than one place in this space, chance, so it should be within this battlefield."

Ling Tian landed on Xiao Qing's back and headed towards the magnificent battlefield.

"Senior Sister, Fengzhuo let people pass the news, he found a battlefield, let us quickly go over."

At this time, on a desert on the battlefield of the gods, Xiao Xuer led the team through the space.

After they entered this space, they never found any chance.

Xiao Xuer asked the team to find them in three ways. Finally, today, news came from the second son of the Feng family.

"Hehe, Fengzhuo didn't disappoint me as expected, send a message to Hua Xiaoyun, and the rest, hurry up!"

Xiao Xuer was overjoyed, and with the crowd of arrogances behind him, following the beacon mark, she hurried away.

However, in two hours, Xiao Xuer and Fengzhuo joined, and Hua Xiaoyun also arrived with his men.

The three parties gathered together, and the entire team had fifteen tianjiaos, among them, not only the Holy Spirit Realm, but also the tianjiaos of the Thunder Flame Realm.

The Thunder Flame Realm Tianjiao is headed by the second emperor of the Feng family, and compared to Hua Xiaoyun, Fenghuo is much more low-key.

Of course, the Tianjiao of the Thunder Flame Realm has very hot personalities. If you provoke the beacon, the consequences will definitely be quite serious.

"Hehe, Fengzhuo is still good at you, so fast, you found the opportunity."

Looking at the man in a thunder armor, Xiao Xuer said softly with brows and springs.

However, the beacon nodded slightly, but never said a word. Facing Xiao Xuer's face, he was also indifferent.

"Hehe, if it's the chance, I have to look at it, Fengzhuo, where is the battlefield you mentioned!"

Hua Xiaoyun held his hand, with a scroll of sages floating behind him, and asked lightly.

He couldn't understand Xiao Xuer's enthusiasm for Fengzhuo.

What's wrong with this beacon! ?

There is no power of the gods in the body, and the cultivation base is the same as oneself, stronger than oneself, isn't it from that background! ?

The Thunder Flame Realm is the same as the Holy Spirit Realm. Although it is not one of the ten realms of the heavens, it is an extremely advanced existence in the superior immortal realm.

"Just after this mountain, we leaped over and arrived."

The lightning gun in that Feng Zhuoqing's hand pointed to the front.

"Then let's leave now!"

Xiao Xuer can't wait any longer. If she can get the ancient imperial artifacts in this battlefield, then she will be able to show off again on the road of trial.

When everyone crossed the mountain and arrived on the battlefield, they were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

There are stone forest-like corpses and petrified protoss weapons everywhere here.

Hua Xiaoyun looked at the petrified Protoss corpses and weapons, and sneered: "Fengzhuo, is this the chance you are talking about?"

"These things have been petrified over time, and there is no difference between them and dust."

Xiao Xuer also frowned slightly, "These corpses seem to be just the most ordinary soldiers of the Protoss, they are really worthless."

For a while, everyone's eyes were on that beacon.

"Hehe, this is just the periphery of the battlefield. It is of little value, but don't forget, where is the real core place of a battlefield."

Fengshao said lightly.

"The core, is it the place where the two main generals are located?"

Xiao Xu'er's eyes lit up.


And just here, from the depths of the battlefield, there was a sudden roar, as if something was rising from the ground.


All Tianjiao, their complexion changed, urging their body skills to the extreme, and flew away toward the place where the sound came from.

This battlefield of the gods is very big, Xiao Xuer and others have traveled for half an hour before reaching the core of the battlefield.

However, when they looked at the magnificent hall standing in front of them, they were all stunned.

This is a hall like a heavenly palace, perhaps because it is the place where the Protoss lives. Therefore, just a hall isolated in the middle of the battlefield, it is a hundred li in a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

The whole body of the hall is made of magical materials, and even after an unknown number of years, it still blooms with golden light.

And above the main hall, a hazy phantom of the dragon, coiled around it.

Very mysterious.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, there is such a palace hidden here!"

Hua Xiaoyun couldn't believe his eyes. Although he was the son of Emperor Wu Tian and the concubine of Heaven, and had seen many miracles, the magnificent palace in front of him still shocked him.

"Strange, why is there such a perfect temple in the middle of this production battlefield?"

But Xiao Xu'er frowned, and it seemed a bit weird.

"Anyway, if there is a chance in this battlefield of the gods, then it must be within this treasure hall. The vibration just now is weird. It shouldn't be too late. Let's go up."

There was thunder and fire surging in the scorching eyes, said.

"Fengzhuo is right, it shouldn't be too late, everyone, be careful, come on!"

Xiao Xuer also reacted, and now, it is indeed not the time to doubt.

This treasure hall is huge, and the jade steps in front of the hall are as high as thousands of feet.

Divine light wafted under one's feet, and a crowd of heavenly arrogances flew towards the front of the hall one after another.

But when everyone just landed on the jade steps in front of the hall, the entire hall, as before, heard a huge shock.

The sound was rolling, like a wave, sweeping away in all directions.

But now, this shock is no surprise.

Xiao Xuer and the others who fell down looked at the hall with a smile on their lips, as if the treasure and opportunity were already in front of them.

However, their eyes condensed, and the smiles at the corners of their mouths suddenly disappeared.

In an instant, there was a cold light in his eyes.

Because, they suddenly discovered that before that hall, there was already a arrogant man standing there.

At this time, in front of the hall where the golden light surged, there were four figures in total.

Two men and two women.

The leader is an ordinary-looking Human Race Tianjiao, dressed in a green shirt, with graceful demeanor. A long silver-white dance, that white and handsome profile face, reveals the ethereal and clear dust, and the brows are sharp and surging, seemingly safe, but not angry.

And when Xiao Xuer and others fell, the Tsing Yi Tianjiao also slowly turned around.

"Hehe, everyone, you are late."

I'm late.

It was just a sentence, but it seemed to verbalize the Tianxian, uttering the law, and blocking Xiao Xuer and others in front of the hall.

Obviously, the meaning in Ling Tian's words is that this hall belongs to them now.

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