Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3048: Ling Tian hasn’t arrived and Qin Zhong has arrived [Thank Sheng Sheng for unblocking]

Since stepping on the road of trial, the women have gradually come together.

But in the team, there is no such as Qin Mingyue, Di Jiuge or Su Jiuerluos.

Although Ji Jiuyou and Lin Yanyan's combat power are still fair, they still can't match the top talents of the Profound Ranking.

In other words, their current team does not have top combat capabilities, otherwise they would not be trapped here.

"Jiuyou, it seems that we will be forced to withdraw from the trial road this time."

Lin Yanyan gave a miserable laugh, not afraid of death, but full of unwillingness and reluctance.

They have not yet made their mark on the road of trials, nor have they joined Ling Tian.

Falling down now, they are really unwilling.

"Ling Tian, ​​this guy, doesn't know how to come to us. He is above the list and can't see her name. Could it be that he is dead!"

Ji Jiuyou said coldly.

Even though everyone is dying, Ji Jiuyou is still calm and composed.

"I have sent the Magic Sting Bee out for help. These days, the Royal Beast Tianjiao, who is well-known throughout the battlefield of the gods, is absolutely comradely and can't be wrong."

Liu Yiyi pursed his lips and said.

"I'm afraid it's too late..."

Lin Yanyan shook his head. They have been trapped here for several months. If someone came to rescue them, maybe they would have come long ago.

"Lin Yanyan, it's all you, originally I said, I want to be with my senior brother."

"Yes, our elder brother is Xuanyuan Realm Realm Qin Zhong. We will follow her and will never be besieged like this. Now, we will lose our lives."

But just as the women were discussing, the female cultivators in the team behind them became uneasy and complained.

They formed a team to enter the battlefield of the gods when they were in the Node City with Lin Yanyan and a few women, and their combat power was also within the Profound Ranking, and there was not much difference between them.

But these women are practitioners of the Xuanyuan Realm, and the Xuanyuan Realm is one of the ten realms in the authentic heavens.

If it weren't for Lin Yanyan and Ji Jiuyou both possessed the 18-pole immortal source, they wouldn't have entered the team.

But on the road before, they once met Qin Zhong, the tenth-ranked emperor, who also invited several women to join the team.

But Ji Jiuyou and Lin Yanyan did not agree.

This Qin Zhong, as well as the Xiao in his team, didn't seem like a good thing.

Therefore, now that the team is about to be destroyed by the Demon Zombie, these women from the Xuanyuan Realm began to complain.

"Hmph, we also said at the beginning, if you want to follow your big brother, you can leave. Later, didn't you choose to follow us?"

"What's more, if you don't have us, you guys can find the Golden Temple and understand the art of the law!? Really ridiculous!"

Lin Yanyan sneered, but didn't show any face to these women.

"Huh, we are all unlucky, let's go!"

The women were frustrated.


At this time, the surrounding demons were roaring constantly, which was a sign before launching an attack.

The women raised their swords one after another, fighting desperately.

Even if you want to fall here, you have to die with dignity.

All of a sudden, the magical powers were everywhere, and the combat power of the girls was not weak, and the slaying demons flew up, but gradually, the space they occupied was continuously compressed.

"Lin Yanyan, we don't look down on our eyes because we chose to follow you!"

The woman in Xuanyuan Realm was on the verge of collapse, cursing.

"Bah, you long-tongued woman, believe it or not, grandma will kill you now!"


But before Lin Yanyan finished speaking, he was shocked by a fist of a demon stiff.

The long knife slashed down, seeing Lin Yanyan about to be slashed by the devil.

Lin Yanyan closed his eyes and had already accepted his fate.

"Ling Tian, ​​whenever this happens, you will come."

Lin Yanyan was already desperate.

"Yan Yan!"

Ji Jiuyou and Liu Yiyi exclaimed, naturally they could not have watched Lin Yanyan be beheaded.

But all around them were surrounded by demons at this time.

Ni Po Sa crossed the river, and it was impossible to protect himself.

"Yanyan, don't worry, I'm here!"

However, at this time, suddenly from outside the sky, a sword roar sounded.

A hum of sword light swept across, and the demon stiff in front of Lin Yanyan was swept out.

The body was broken in two, completely dead.

At this moment, the women could feel a tyrannical pressure coming down.

Lin Yanyan opened his eyes and exclaimed.

"Sister Mingyue!"

That's right, it was not Ling Tian who came here at this time, but Qin Mingyue holding the Moon Sword in his hand.

Before Ling Tian entered the trial road, he gave each of the team ten Phantom Sting Bees.

Although this thing cannot allow them to communicate with each other at any time.

But as long as they are in the same space, the phantom stinger bees can find each other's existence.

A month ago, Lin Yanyan released the Phantom Stinger Bee in his hand. Unexpectedly, Qin Mingyue arrived at this time.

"Stupid sister, although Ling Tian didn't come, I'm still there. Pick up the weapon, don't give up!"

Qin Mingyue came here alone. She fell in front of the women, with the Moon Sword in her hand, sweeping one after another, with the terrifying Yuehua sword aura, slaying those demons, unmatched.

Just the power of one person suppressed this earth-shattering offensive.

The woman from the Xuanyuan Realm looked at Qin Mingyue's back with an incredible expression in her eyes.

Qin Mingyue! ?

They seem to have never heard of it. On the trial road, there is such a talented arrogant who has such a strong combat power. How could it be possible that there is no name on the road! ?

However, although Qin Mingyue is now stronger than Ji Jiuyou and others in combat power, she does not have the power of the gods after all, and only her is here.

Regarding these demons, even Qin Mingyue underestimated the horror of such existence.

Gradually, there were more and more powerful demon zombies, even Qin Mingyue was holding the Moon Sword, and gradually became unable to resist.

"What's going on, the number and combat power of these zombies are different from before!"

Qin Mingyue frowned.

"We also felt that, not only that, even the Golden Temple suddenly disappeared, otherwise we would not be besieged here, if we continue, even if we are not killed, we will fall because of the exhaustion of resources."

Lin Yanyan frowned.

"In the battlefield of the gods, something must have happened to make this happen!"

Qin Mingyue frowned.

Although her Yuehua power is almost endless, she can't save everyone if it continues like this.

"Hehe, you are here, Junior Sister Liu, don't worry, we are here!"

But at this moment, several figures appeared on the Demon Zombie Army.

One after another, there were more than a dozen people.

When the women saw these figures clearly, the woman from the Xuanyuan Realm exclaimed, "Brother Qin Zhong!"

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