Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3049: Dare to move my woman? 【Seeking Fruit】

"Senior Brother Qin, you can count it!"

Even female cultivators from the Xuanyuan Realm cried out.

But Qin Zhong fell, and began to fight back with a group of arrogances.

Although the demon is tyrannical, Qin Zhong now exists on the emperor's list, and the Xiao Yiran and others in the team are also very powerful and are ranked above the sky list.

Suddenly, the demon rigor was suppressed, giving the girls some time to breathe.

"Who is this?"

Qin Zhong's gaze suddenly fell on Qin Mingyue's body.

Among the women, although Ji Jiuyou, Lin Yanyan, and Liu Yiyi are all outstanding in the world, Qin Mingyue has a distinctive temperament.

When people take a look, they can no longer look at it.

Qin Zhong's heart suddenly moved, this is what she has never felt before.

And Na Xiao is even more so, unable to avert his gaze at all.

Qin Mingyue's face was cold and did not speak.

The gazes of Qin Zhong and Xiao Yiran offended her a bit.

Seeing that Qin Mingyue did not speak, the female monk from Xuanyuan Realm said, "Brother, her name is Qin Mingyue. I heard that she is from the Haotian Realm."

"It's also from Haotian Realm?"

"Qin Mingyue, this is the first time I have heard of this name."

Qin Zhong frowned.

Haotian Realm is the immortal realm name he has heard the most recently, and it is hardly under Yuqing Realm.

"Miss Qin, in the Xia Xuan Yuan Realm Qin Zhong, and you are also considered my own family."

"In this way, you join my team now, and I guarantee your safety,"

Qin Zhong suddenly smiled.

Lin Yanyan said in a bad tone, "We don't need you to protect!"

Everyone can see that, according to Qin Zhong's thoughts about Qin Mingyue, a few women naturally can't agree.

"Haha, are you still stubborn right now!? Now, our big brother, has rushed to save us, and now let you join the team to give you face, don't give up face!"

The female practitioner of Xuanyuan Realm said coldly.

"Shut up, don't make noise here!"

Ji Jiuyou snorted coldly, and the sharp blade in his hand suddenly swept out towards the woman.


However, although the sharp blade was fast, Qin Zhong shot it and stopped it.

"This girl, you are really cruel enough to start."

Qin Zhong sneered, "I just want to help you. Now in this situation, you also know that if I don't save you, there will be a dead end!"

As soon as Qin Mingyue wanted to speak, she noticed that the star dial above her chest was flashing red.

Immediately, his face was happy.

"Hehe, we understand your kindness, but we don't want to join your team."

"You will regret it, I am waiting for you to change your mind. Let's go!"

Qin Zhong let out a cold snort, and led the crowd to rise into the air, blasting out of the core battlefield.

But he didn't go far, but watched from a distance.

Without the resistance of Qin Zhong and others, the Demon Zombie army came surging forward again.

But in a moment, Qin Mingyue and others were invincible.

"Sister Mingyue, I seemed to see the stardial light up just now? But the grandfather is about to arrive?"

Lin Yanyan said with joy.

"Well, although he was late this time, but fortunately, it's still too late!"

Qin Mingyue laughed in a low voice.

Ling Tian is about to arrive, and now, the phantom sting bees all over her have begun to agitate.

If the phantom sting bee swarm descends, then no matter how stiff the magic is, there is no need to be afraid.

Above the sky, Qin Zhong and others looked down at the women of Qin Mingyue and couldn't help but sneered.

"These beauties are really stiff-mouthed, but there are more and more devilish stiffness here. If you want to come, they won't be able to last long. When the time comes, they won't be asking us!?"

Xiao Yiran sneered.

"However, I advise you to pay less attention to Qin Mingyue, she is my woman." Qin Zhong's face was stern.

"Haha, don't worry, Brother Qin's woman, I am also Xiao Xiao, how can I have the courage to grab it?"

"Just leave the rest to me!"

Xiao Yiran said with a lewd smile.

"Then I don't care."

Qin Zhong hugged his shoulders, but suddenly his face changed, "You guys, do you hear any noise?"


Xiao Yiran frowned, and then his face changed slightly, "It seems that there is a buzzing sound?"

The two turned their heads together, and the next moment, their expressions changed in shock.

Because, wherever you can see.

They suddenly saw a group of black bees descending from the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

Falling into the army of demon zombies, it was like a locust crossing the border, where the swarm of bees passed, all those demon zombies were killed.

Speed, horror to the extreme.

"It's the mysterious Tianjiao Yu Beast!"

Qin Zhong exclaimed, "Go away first!"

He knew that this Royal Beast Tianjiao was not easy to deal with, and if it was accidentally injured, it would be bad.

Everyone hurriedly left, and after a dozen breaths, the swarm of bees enveloped the entire battlefield.

Even Qin Zhong and the others outside the battlefield couldn't pass through the phantom sting bees to see clearly the scene inside.

All this is really weird.

They had only heard of the legend of the Royal Beast Tianjiao in the token before, but now they have encountered it for the first time.

"There are millions of phantom sting bees! What kind of monster is this!"

Qin Zhong took a deep breath.

In the face of these phantom sting bees, even he, without the blessing of the ancient imperial artifacts and the power of the gods, would never want to resist!

In other words, if this Royal Beast Tianjiao wants to make the list, his emperor's top ten will definitely not be guaranteed.

At this time, among the illusion sting bee swarm, Ling Tian had already opened his arms and held all the girls in his arms.

"Sorry, I am late."

Ling Tian looked apologetic, but it was because when he received Lin Yanyan's phantom stinger bee for help, he was too far away from here.

He came non-stop, almost letting all the girls fall.

"Woo, sir, we miss you so much, just now, we are going to die, for fear that we will never see you again."

Others were restrained, but Lin Yanyan cried the worst.

"Okay, isn't Xiang Gong here yet!? We Ji people have their own celestial looks, so there would be nothing wrong." Qin Mingyue comforted.

"Do you know those above?" Ling Tian asked suddenly.

He naturally saw Qin Zhong, Xiao Yiran and others.

"Unfamiliar, it seems that Yanyan's team had several female cultivators from the Xuanyuan Realm. Then Qin Zhong wants us to join their team, but I think this person is in a bad mood."

Qin Mingyue shook her head.

"They are not good people, I want to kill them!"

Ji Jiuyou's face was cold, although she didn't like to talk very much, but at this time, her killing intent was revealed.

"Hehe, if that's the case, then a few of them, they won't be able to stay!"

Ling Tian snorted coldly. Although that Xiao was the same, he was going to hand it over to Tian Xiao to deal with it, but now he couldn't wait.

If you dare to have trouble with his woman, there is only one dead end!

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