Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3050: Bye bye Bai Qi


However, just when Ling Tian was about to make a move, the sky and the earth in the entire battlefield of the heavens shook loudly at this time.

This kind of shock is different from what everyone has experienced before.

This is the entire space of the battlefield of the gods is shaking, and even Ling Tian's phantom sting bee swarm begins to become restless.

"It must be something."

Ling Tian frowned and gathered the phantom sting bee swarm around.

This kind of vibration is really terrifying, and Ling Tian has never been in contact with it before.

At this time, even the sacred original stone in Taoyuan rushed out of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

Through Taoyuan, everything on the battlefield of the gods is sensed.

"Hehe, I said why this breath is so weird, it turns out that it's really you!"

"I never thought that the battle tens of thousands of years ago was hidden by you to this day!"

In the holy original stone, the delicate voice is full of coldness.

Around it, Tao Yaoyao and Liu Yao looked at each other. Obviously, they were not from the gods, and they didn't understand everything that Sheng Yuanshi said.


Suddenly, from the sound of concussion and roar, the earth trembled twice, and then, there were two golden lights soaring into the sky, from a distance, straight to the sky!

The light was extremely dazzling, almost illuminating the entire dim battlefield of the gods as if coated with a layer of gold.

Even Tianjiao anywhere on the battlefield can see that terrifying golden light.

"What the **** is this?"

The daughters of Qin Mingyue were also dumbfounded.

"It looks like the Golden Palace, the breath is similar, but it is much stronger than the Golden Palace I have encountered before!"

Ling Tian frowned. At this moment, he could only sense the faint breath.

This is because, over the past year, he has comprehended the heavens and myriad ways and is already quite familiar with the situation of the Golden Temple.

If it were changed to other Tianjiao, there would be no such feelings at all.

"The golden light is split!"

Lin Yanyan suddenly exclaimed, and everyone saw that the soaring golden light had split into two, flying out in two directions, but disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Originally, the golden light was so close to them, but who would have thought that this thing can still run!

"What about this?"

Lin Yanyan was also stupid.

"What else can I do, of course it is chasing! Go!"

Ling Tian rolled up the girls, the magical sting bee swarm guard, and shot away in the direction where the golden light disappeared.

At this time, Qin Zhong and others had already left.

As the emperor's arrogance, Qin Zhong was aware of the extraordinary features of this golden light in the first time.

No matter what is in this golden light, he will go and see it.

It's just that there are two golden lights in total, and they can only chase one of them.

But at this time, no matter where it is on the battlefield of the gods, all Tianjiao are heading towards one of the golden lights.

If someone is floating at the highest point of the battlefield of the gods at this time, you will find that the space of the battlefield of the gods has actually rotated, like a disc, and the two golden lights are suspended on the two discs. Above this point, it turned into one black and one white, two golden temples.

If Ling Tian saw it, he would definitely exclaim.

Isn't this the Tai Chi Liang Yi? ?

Of course, the battlefield of the gods is forbidden. Perhaps not many people can see such wonders.

The golden light disappeared extremely fast, Ling Tian and the others chased it for seven days in succession, but they never arrived.

Ling Tian had no choice but to put the girls into Taoyuan, and then displayed all the gods and disappeared into the space.

The speed of this kind of body technique is faster than Xiaoqing.

And silently.

Ten days later, Ling Tian manifested from the space.

At this time, I finally found the golden light.

However, what made Ling Tian a little startled was that at this moment, on the battlefield in front of him, there were actually dense spots of light floating.

That is amazingly a goddess who hides his body!

Among them, Ling Tian had even seen Bai Qi that had been so many years away!

Behind him were a group of dark demon tianjiao, but he did not see Ling Nian and Ling Sisi.

At this time, there were countless tyrannical auras that appeared around the golden palace. Among them, the Emperor Rank Tianjiao above Qin Zhong was no less than four!

Sweeping his gaze, Ling Tian actually saw the Tianjiao Tianjiao who had been thinking about Ling Tian for many years, let him go alone!

"Grandma's, there are so many powerful emperors!"

Ling Tian murmured.

Unexpectedly, the scene was so out of control.

So many strong emperors have arrived, so if you want to find opportunities in this one, I am afraid that it will take some means to do it.

Ling Tian was far away and released all the daughters of Qin Mingyue.

Seeing so many Tianjiao here, the women were also surprised.

"Msang-gong, what should we do now, it looks like the situation is not good for us."

Lin Yanyan frowned. In this situation, it is impossible to eat alone.

"It's not necessarily unfavorable. In this situation, the most uncomfortable thing is the existence of those emperor rankings. We just watch the changes and fish in troubled waters."

But Qin Mingyue shook her head.

"Mingyue is right. So, it is a good opportunity for us to fish in troubled waters. After all, no one knows that I will be here. However, Qin Zhong will be there soon. He has seen you. So, this You can’t be together again.”

Ling Tian smiled.

"That's not a big deal, but if there is a chance, you have to give it priority to us!"

Lin Yanyan pouted.

"It's easy to talk and talk, there are good things, of course I want to keep them for my wives."

Ling Tian gave a light cough, squeezed the faces of Ji Jiuyou and Liu Yiyi, and put the girls into the Taoyuan.

In fact, Ling Tian is still quite ashamed now, because Ji Jiuyou and the others can't compare with Tian Xiao Yu Zifei's combat power today.

But the power of the gods was limited, and Ling Tian could only think about finding a supplement in the future.

Ling Tian drifted around the periphery of the battlefield, observing the golden palace transformed into light.

It was really different from the Golden Palace that he had seen before. Not only did it seem to be even bigger, it had a radius of three hundred miles, which was five times the size he had seen before.

Moreover, this hall is not pure gold, but platinum.

At this moment, around the main hall, there is a layer of formation enchantment that looks extremely powerful.

This is also different from the Golden Temple that I have encountered before.

During this period, many Tianjiao tried to step forward, but they were unable to break through the formation.

Ling Tian also wanted to try, but anyone who was able to touch the Golden Palace was the Grand Master of the Formation Technique who was allowed by the Emperor Bang Tianjiao.

If he wants to step forward, he is afraid that he will be besieged.

Although Du Tian Shenyin could sneak in silently, it was absolutely impossible to break the formation silently, even Ling Tian possessed a hundred thousand sword shadows.

There are too many strong people here, and they must not be taken lightly.

After waiting for another three days, Qin Zhong's team, almost three people with Tian Xiao, arrived at the same time.

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