Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3051: Five Heavenly Pride

Ling Tian greeted him, and he was relieved to see the three of them.

"Haha, big brother, you really make us think about it! Especially Yinger, talking about you big brother every day in our ears, my ears are full of cocoons!"

Tian Xiao said with a smile.

Jin Zhen'er lowered her eyebrows when she heard the words, and her pretty face was a little blushing.

But Ling Tian quickly blocked Tian Xiao's mouth, "Don't talk nonsense."

At this time, in Taoyuan, the expressions of Lin Yanyan and Ji Jiuyou were already gloomy.

"Hmph, I just said, how could there be no beauty beside Xianggong who has been out of our sight for so long! These few, but above the Profound Ranking, are a few famous ones, the golden 缳er, but she has the blood of the golden phoenix. Well, I guess, this bloodline was found by the xianggong."

Lin Yanyan pouted.

"It may not be the xianggong who found her, in fact, it is their good fortune to be next to the xianggong."

Qin Mingyue smiled faintly and didn't care.

The beauty is on the side, she is used to this situation.

"I didn't talk nonsense."

Tian Xiao still wanted to open her mouth, and Yu Zifei crossed her eyebrows and said, "Big Brother tells you to shut up, so you shut your mouth."

"Brother, what's the situation now? With so many arrogances, I think there are five on the top of the emperor list."

"Really, there are so many, but I don't seem to know anything except Qin Zhong." Ling Tian looked at the Tianjiao surrounding the Golden Temple from a distance, and said.

"I'll introduce you to the young master." Jin Jinger's eyes swept across Qin Zhong's body, and then landed on a Tianjiao who was standing closest to the Golden Temple.

"That one is the realm of the prehistoric world, Fu Yunqi."

"Now, he is also the third-ranked existence in the Emperor Ranking, second only to the Heavenly Demon Realm Yuan Gu."

"As one of the ten realms of the heavens, the prehistoric realm has a very strong foundation for cultivation. When that Yuan Gu did not appear, the prehistoric realm Fu Yunqi was once considered the strongest arrogant under the heavens."

"But obviously, this conclusion requires a question mark."

"The realm of the wild world?" Ling Tian hugged his shoulders and looked at the most radiant figure.

As far as the primordial realm is concerned, he really has a lot of origins, regardless of whether the emperor ranking can reflect the strength of the battle, but this Fu Yunqi is indeed an extremely powerful existence.

Even Ling Tian had sensed an unusually mysterious source aura from his body, which was definitely not the nine gods.

It seemed that Fu Yunqi had already obtained the seven original sources, but he didn't know whether it was a complete body or a fragment of the original source.

But in any case, the original source is not trivial, even fragments, it is definitely one of the top divine powers in this world.

Moreover, what made Ling Tian frowned slightly was that Ren Duxing, the clan of the day, stood behind Fu Yunqi, apparently joining Fu Yunqi's team.

In front of him, there was an extraordinary figure who was like a son of god. He intuitively told Ling Tian that this, very likely, was the first emperor of the clan that day, Ji Heng!

"The black-robed Tianjiao not far from Fu Yunqi is the son of the Qing Mingjie from one of the tenths of the heavens. He is now ranked fifth on the emperor's list."

"After that, it is the tall tianjiao opposite Fu Yunqi. He is Xiahoudun, the son of the holy mountain world. This person is physically cultivated, and the flesh is extremely tough. He is not a human race, but a stone spirit race, and you are in the Haotian world. Like the Celestial Clan, he is also considered to be a descendant of the God Clan, and now he is ranked seventh on the Emperor's List."

"The one holding a divine bow not far from Xiahou Dun is the son of the Xuanri Realm, Yi Jiuyang. Today, he is the ninth emperor."

"The rest is Qin Zhong from Xuanyuan Realm. We have already met this person."

"The good news is that the five Tianjiao who are here today are not extremely strong. If the remaining Tianjiao have rushed to another hall, that battlefield will be terrifying."

"However, this has been the case for hundreds of years. These arrogances are also the dear sons of the ten worlds, and they are still terrifying."

After Jin Jiner's introduction, Ling Tian nodded.

Jin Ying'er was right. Their luck was actually good. Li Chunfeng and Yuan Gu, who ranked first and second in the emperor list, did not come, otherwise, that would be really scary.

Now, on the card, the strongest is Fu Yunqi, the sword repairman of the prehistoric world.

As for the remaining Tianjiao, only Qin Zhong is a human race, the celestial world is a ghost, the holy mountain world is a stone spirit race, which can also be regarded as a descendant of the **** race, and the Yi Jiuyang of the Xianri world is a demon race.

Moreover, Ling Tian suddenly saw a familiar figure behind Na Yi Jiuyang.

Holy Spirit sister Jiezi, Xiao Xuer.

She went so far as to defect to the Xuan Sun Realm.

For the same emperor list, the gap is not too big, if Ling Tian wants to defeat the crowd, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Now it seems that I can only fish in troubled waters.

Of course, in addition to his own hole cards, Ling Tian also had Bai Qi.

He had never despised this guy. Bai Qi's combat power was absolutely hidden. Even Ling Tian felt that if Bai Qi was sacrificed to Wanxian Senluo, it would be enough to enter the emperor ranking.

Moreover, in this trial road for more than forty years, he did not believe that Bai Qi did not get a chance.

"Hmph, you guys are really lingering!"

However, just as Ling Tian was discussing countermeasures with everyone, a cold snort suddenly sounded.

When everyone looked around, they discovered that Qin Zhong had come with Xiao Yiran and others.

Tian Xiao and the others looked at each other with a sneer on their faces.

It seems that there is no way to escape.

Before the opening of the Golden Palace, it was necessary to resolve the talents such as Qin Zhong.

"Why, what do you mean?"

Tian Xiao held his shoulders and held the Yufa Xuanqiong fan in his hand.

"You have to look for something, right?"

Concubine Yu Zi also coldly said.

"Looking for something!? Just you, Brother Qin is also worthy to find something!?"

Xiao Yiran sneered, "Brother Qin, we just don't want to see you here."

"Moreover, you have also seen that before this Golden Temple, the Emperor Bang Tianjiao occupied one side. Is it possible that you still want to fish in troubled waters!? Get familiar, and hurry away!"

President Qin never spoke, but Na Xiao was extremely arrogant.

"Xiao Yiran, what's so arrogant about you!? Now you seem to be nothing but a dog in front of Qin Zhong!"

"Barking here, I really lost my face in the mortal world!"

Tian Xiao couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily.

"Tian Xiao, what are you, dare to talk to me, don't you know who is the realm of the world of red dust!?"

Xiao Yiran's face turned abruptly hideous, anyone could say, but Tian Xiao couldn't bear to mock him.

"Hongchen Jiezi!? Xiao is also true, I said, you are not worthy, from today on, you will no longer be Hongchen Jiezi!"

"Presumptuous!" Xiao Yiran couldn't bear it, and rushed out, and was about to shoot towards that day.

"Brother Qin, help me take the battle!"

As long as Jin Zhener and Concubine Yu Zi didn't make a move, even if Tian Xiao had ancient imperial artifacts in his hands, he would not be afraid.

"Haha, it's easy to say, no one dares to intervene with me!"

Qin Zhong sneered.

However, Concubine Yu Zi and Jin Ying'er looked at each other and smiled, and they really never thought about helping Tian Xiao.

"Tian Xiao, destroy him."

But Ling Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and was full of coldness. These guys, more than half a month ago, should have died!

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