Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3055: Wu Shi Sword Emperor 【Seeking Fruit】

Bai Qi sneered and looked behind Fu Yunqi. At this time, Xiahou Dun and Qing Ming Jiezi had also arrived again.

The three Tianjiao joined forces and tried again to stop Fu Yunqi.

"Everyone, let's solve this Fu Yunqi first. We definitely can't let him enter the barrier first, otherwise we will have a little chance and nothing will happen."

After Bai Qi said, even though Xiahoudun and Qing Mingjiezi were a little unhappy, after all, Bai Qi was not worthy to fight alongside them because of his status and background.

But now, this guy's combat power is really fair.


However, at this moment, Fu Yunqi suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled.

"Well, well, I didn't want to take care of you, now that you want to die so much, OK, I will give you a city, let's make a shot together!"

Fu Yunqi shook his head, as if he had made a difficult decision. He turned around, looked at the three of them, and raised the imperial sword in his hand.

"You guys, go together!"

At the other end of the battlefield, at this time, Qin Zhong was already fighting with Tian Xiao and the others.

However, today's Qin Zhong's face is extremely gloomy.

Because, even if his cultivation is strong and he has the divine power of the longevity world, after all, this divine power is not an attack attribute. Moreover, each of the three people of Tian Xiao has good fighting power, and there is Ling Tian behind. , With the blessing of the Heavenly Talisman Formation, for a while, he was actually suppressed.

He is the tenth existence on the emperor list. How could his face be so suppressed by such a group of unknown guys! ?

"Hahaha, Qin Zhong, are you just like that!? The emperor's power is just like yours!? I think you are a parallel importer!"

Tian Xiao mocked.

"Tian Xiao, be careful!"

But at this moment, Ling Tian's clone suddenly reminded.

"Tian Xiao, get out of the way!"

Jin Jiner also reminded the first time.


In the void, a scream sounded.

As if piercing the void, suddenly appeared in front of Tian Xiao's body.

Seeing that, Tian Xiao will be pierced.

"Tianhai is banned!"

Ling Tian had already set up the Di Jue Formation before, but couldn't stop it. Concubine Yu Zi opened the ancient umbrella and stood in front of Tian Xiao.

But the next moment, the ancient umbrella burst, and Yu Zifei and Tian Xiao were shaken out together.

The magical powers dissipated, and everyone could see clearly at this time, it turned out that it was a fiery arrow that attacked Tian Xiao!

Not far behind Qin Zhong, Yi Jiuyang, the son of the Emperor Bang, and Xiao Xuer, the son of the Holy Spirit, appeared there.

At this time, Na Yi Jiuyang had just put down the longbow in his hand.

But failing to shoot Tian Xiao with a single sword, the look on Yi Jiuyang's face was not very beautiful.

Yi Jiuyang believed that his combat power was far better than Qin Zhong, and now he couldn't hold back his face.

Tian Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi stood up from the void, at this time, they were already injured.

Yi Jiuyang is a monster race. Although he doesn't have the power of the gods, his combat power is obviously much stronger than Qin Zhong.

"Yi Jiuyang, you are still really mean, sneak attack?"

Jin Jin'er raised her eyebrows and said coldly.

"How can I be considered mean, it's just that you haven't found me. That's because you are too weak. No wonder I am."

Yi Jiuyang snorted coldly, Xiao Xu'er beside him had a pretty face with coldness, "Jin Ying'er, Tian Xiao, don't you think there is still today?"

"Brother Yi I asked to help. Today, you must die!"

Envy makes people crazy.

Not to mention this Xiao Xuer.

She was defeated and fled before, and she couldn't swallow Xiao Xu'er anyway.

That's why she went to Yi Jiuyang, even at the mercy of her body, in exchange for Yi Jiuyang's help.

"Hehe, Xiao Xu'er, you are just a broken flower and a willow, you want to clean up us, no way!" Tian Xiao was furious, and the ancient imperial weapon in his hand rolled up the sword light, and then killed it.

"Qin Zhong, teamed up to destroy them at the fastest speed, and then went to the Golden Palace again. It was too late, but it was really too late!"

Yi Jiuyang said coldly.

"I know!"

The corner of Qin Zhong's mouth twitched, then he raised the halberd and killed him.

Yi Jiuyang also bends the bow and shoots arrows, and the terrifying arrows burst out again.

Xiao Xuer also sneered again and again, assisting Yi Jiuyang and Qin Zhong's combat power.

For a time, the two Tianjiao of the Emperor List, together with Xiao Xuer, who possessed the power of the perfect God Realm, joined forces to kill the three of Jin Jiner.

Even though the latter has good combat power, how can it be the opponent of the two emperor's top talents?

However, at the moment of the battle, the three were lost.

In addition, Concubine Yu Zi had been injured, and Ling Tian's clone was helpless.

Unless the body is now shot.

The four figures backed back again and again, and they were already running out of support.

Other Tianjiao who watched the battle from a distance also shook their heads.

Now, in their opinion, the four Xiaoxiao on this day are afraid that they will die on the battlefield today.

After all, the other party, but the two emperors exist!

"Haha, die!"

"Sunset Sun Arrow!"

Yi Jiuyang grinned, the imperial weapon longbow in his hand was full, and an arrow burst out.

And this arrow was still aimed at Tian Xiao.

He not only wanted to help Xiao Xu'er, but also wanted to get the ancient imperial artifacts in Tian Xiao's hands.

Yu Zifei stopped the arrow before, but this time, no one saved Tian Xiao.

"Made, **** it!"

Tian Xiao has been entangled tightly by Qin Zhong, and cannot be cloned at all.

If he was hit by this arrow, he could only fall here.


But at this moment, the Heaven and Earth Sword suddenly appeared with a golden sword light.

This sword light is extremely huge, although the sword intent is so powerful, it is not sharp, but thick.

Heavier than the mountains.

The epee has no edge, and at the moment this sword light appears, it seems that there is only this sword left in the entire world!


With a blast, the giant sword slashed on top of Yi Jiuyang's arrows. What made everyone unbelievable was that Yi Jiuyang's arrow was directly split into two!

The rule of the Ninth Tianjiao of the Emperor Ranking was shattered with one arrow, which is really unexpected.

"who is it!"

Yi Jiuyang frowned.

At this time, Tian Xiao and others were also puzzled.

At this time, who will save him! ?

This sword aura is completely different from Big Brother.

"it's me."

When the sword energy fell, a figure slowly walked up from behind Tian Xiao.

His body is tall, but his whole body is covered by a cloak. At this moment, he is holding a golden giant sword in his hand.

At the moment when this figure appeared, Jin Yinger exclaimed, "It's you!?"

This suddenly rescued Tian Xiao, it turned out to be the mysterious Tianjiao who sold the sacred original stone before.

Unexpectedly, he would suddenly shoot, and the combat power was so powerful that even Yi Jiuyang could block it.

"Who are you, is it possible that you still want to hide your name here?"

Yi Jiuyang frowned, only with this golden sword, he really didn't see the identity of this person.

"No beginning, Lu Chen."

The figure spoke lightly, but the expressions of Qin Zhong and Yi Jiuyang changed abruptly at the moment when he said his name.

"Sword Emperor Wu Shi, Lu Chen?"

At this moment, even Fu Yunqi, who was far away, looked over and looked astonished.

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