Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3056: Lu Chen's Terror

Obviously, this sword repair that suddenly appeared was somewhat extraordinary.

"What is this guy's identity? How come Fu Yunqi is so surprised when he sees it?"

"Hehe, you don't know anything about it. This Unstarted Sword Emperor Lu Chen is no ordinary person."

"The Unbeginning Realm is one of the ten realms of the heavens, but that realm is also the only one among the ten realms of the heavens. There is only one tianjiao who has entered the path of trial. Moreover, this Lu Chen is not an ordinary person, he It is under the heavens, the recognized Emperor Wu reincarnated, once his title was the Emperor Wu Shi Sword Emperor."

"Now, although Lu Chen has been reincarnated in reincarnation, his terribleness is not comparable to that of the emperor.

"The recognized Emperor Wu reincarnated!?"

When everyone heard the words, they all took a breath.

Although everyone knows the theory of reincarnation, after all, that thing is illusory. In the fairy world, even if it is reincarnation, there are very few memories of previous lives.

There are very few that can reincarnate.

But now, this one has been recognized by the heavens, and, in the extremely mysterious Unbeginning Realm, there is such a arrogant talent.

It can be seen that this Lu Chen's capital is daunting.

"The Emperor Wu Shi Sword Emperor Lu Shen."

Na Yi Jiuyang frowned, and the imperial weapon longbow in his hand was slowly lowered.

He was terrified in his heart, unable to show his magical powers towards Lu Shen.

"Yi Jiuyang, what do you mean!?"

Xiao Xuer said in anger.

"What do you mean!? Could it be that you want me to die?"

Yi Jiuyang glanced at that Xiaoxu'er, and then left without looking back.


Xiao Xu'er was extremely angry, but without Yi Jiuyang, she couldn't help Tian Xiao and others at all, so she could only leave with him.

For a time, before everyone else, only Qin Zhong was left.

Everything is back to the original state.

Wu Shi Sword Emperor Lu Shen only used the power of a sword to make Na Yi Nine Suns retreat.

Qin Zhong's eyes rolled, and the heart of retreat was also born in his heart.

He was not originally an opponent of Tian Xiao and the others, and now with a Lu Shen, how could he still have a chance of winning! ?

"Wait a moment, I'm packing you up!"

Qin Zhong snorted coldly and was about to step back.

"You are not allowed to go!"

However, Lu Chen suddenly spoke.

"He wants your life, then, stay!"

The voice fell, and the golden sword in Lu Chen's hand slashed out!

The epee has no edge, and even the sword moves are simple and unpretentious.

It was still a sword that was slashed vertically, no different from before.

"Terror, a sword without beginning, it is really as terrifying as the legend!"

"Yes, the legendary sword without beginning is that when Lu Chen was proving the Dao, the sword smashed the existence of the thunder of the purple sky!"

"With a cry of Lu Chen, he is only connected with a sword, so that the most common sword slash can become a rule of life!"

After Lu Chen slashed the sword, other Tianjiao shouted in exclamation.

In Qin Zhong's heart, he was also terrified. He poured the divine power of the longevity realm onto his arms, and then raised his double halberds to cross and cut out the law.

But under the sword of no beginning, any law of the art, all burst into pieces.

Qin Zhong had a body guard with the divine power of the longevity world. Although he did not die under this sword, the weapon in his hand was already broken.

Under Lu Chen's sword, Qin Zhong, who was on the top of the emperor's list, was already seriously injured.

Tian Xiao and the others also glanced at each other. Shen was terrified when he landed in the dark road. It seemed that he did not have any power of the gods and the blessing of Emperor Wu's will, and the weapons in his hand were not imperial weapons.

But this seemingly ordinary sword, but Qin Zhong couldn't stop it.

If Lu Shen also had the power of the gods and the blessings of ancient imperial weapons, then how terrifying!

However, Lu Chen was obviously dissatisfied with the sword he had just made, and he never killed Qin Zhong.

This is because his kendo is not good.


It was another sword cut down, and then, this sword looked like it was 30% more powerful than before!


Sword Qi swallowed Qin Zhong, even at the last moment, Qin Zhong used top-level divine treasures and other life-saving methods, but was shocked to death on the battlefield.

Then Lu Shen stepped forward and took up the longevity realm divine power left by Qin Zhong.


Ren Duxing was startled and looked at Ji Heng not far away.

But the latter shook his head.

No matter what Lu Chen's combat power is, now, there is no chance of being cloned.

However, what made Ji Heng's eyes trembled even more, that Lu Chen turned out to hand over the fragments of the longevity realm divine power to Ling Tian!

"Brother, what are you?!"

Ling Tian's clone was also startled, but he didn't expect that Lu Chen would not want this longevity realm divine power! ?

"This kind of original power is useless to me. He is your enemy. This thing will be given to you."

"Now, I have paid off the favor I owed you."

When the voice fell, Lu Chen left the battlefield in full view.


Everyone was surprised that Lu Chen didn't care about the golden temple in front of him! ?

"Lu Chen, stay and fight side by side with us!"

Tian Xiao tried to stay.

But Lu Chen shook his head, "No, this opportunity does not belong to me, nor does it belong to you."

The voice fell, and Lu Chen's figure had completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

Lu Chen, who hadn't even entered the list, went straight away after beheading Qin Zhong.

However, Lu Chen had already left, so the longevity world was in Ling Tian's hands, and Ji Heng's gaze gradually became fierce.

In this way, he has the opportunity to compete for the divine power of the longevity world.

As for the Golden Temple within the barrier, Fu Yunqi was there anyway, even if he entered, the chance could only belong to Fu Yunqi.

Suddenly, Ji Heng and that Ren Duxing began to fly quietly to Tian Xiao and the others.

But now before the battlefield in the fissure of the barrier, Fu Yunqi once again used his terrifying swordsmanship to kill the Xiahoudun and others, backing one after another.

Even if Na Yi Jiuyang joined later, it was nothing but a tie between Kancan and Fu Yunqi.

"Hmph, stop pestering you, get me started!"

Fu Yunqi knew that if this continues, there will be more dreams in the night.

The imperial weapon immortal sword in his hand was held high, and it suddenly fell down towards Bai Qi.


With a loud explosion, even if Bai Qi possessed an ancient imperial weapon, he was still shaken back.

"Huh, die!"

Bai Qi had already revealed a flaw, how could Fu Yunqi miss such an opportunity, and immediately stepped forward, another sword swept out.

He wanted to kill Bai Qi directly before the barrier.

Even if you have an ancient imperial weapon, it won't work!


But at this moment, between heaven and earth, suddenly remembered the sound of insects.

Millions of phantom sting bees suddenly appeared in front of Bai Qi and turned into a dense worm shield!

Fu Yunqi's sword aura fell into the swarm, only to stun countless phantom sting bees, but the sword aura was also completely absorbed.

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