Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3057: Rush into the golden palace

"Yu Beast Tianjiao!"

Everyone immediately exclaimed, this phantom sting bee, recently in the battlefield of the gods, is a big hit.

Who doesn't know! ?

However, there are too many phantom stinger bees, covering the sky.

Moreover, it also has the effect of isolating divine consciousness. When Fu Yunqi swept through several swords, he found that Bai Qi was no longer outside the barrier.

"No, they went in!"

Fu Yunqi's expression changed drastically, and he directly abandoned the phantom sting bee and stepped into the enchantment.

"let's go!"

Xiahoudun and the others looked at each other and were also furious. Although they blocked Fu Yunqi, they did not expect that they would be taken advantage of by someone. How could this be tolerated! ?

Immediately, the three Emperor Rank Tianjiao also rushed into the enchantment.

In the far distance of the battlefield, Ling Tian clone used the sky talisman formation to keep everyone away, and he had naturally seen Ji Heng approaching.

Now, they are all wounded on their bodies, it is absolutely impossible, to defeat the current Ji Heng and Ren Duxing, they can only retreat first.

Within the enchantment, Fu Yunqi fell in front of the Golden Palace.

It was discovered that Bai Qi was standing alone on the square in front of the temple, holding his battle axe.

Behind him is a dense cluster of phantom sting bees.

"You are the guy who guards against the beast!?"

Yi Jiuyang and other Tianjiao also fell down one after another, frowning coldly.

"Hehe, you say I am, then I am."

Bai Qi shrugged, wondering if he could.

"No, you and these phantom stinger bees are delaying time!"

But Fu Yunqi squinted slightly.

Millions of Phantom Sting Bees have completely blocked the gate of the Golden Palace.

He didn't even know what was going on in the Golden Palace now.

"Rush in!"

Yi Jiuyang snorted coldly, bending the bow and hitting an arrow and shooting out with one arrow, only taking the Bai Qi away.

"Hehe, let Lao Tzu keep you all out of the door!"

Bai Qi grinned, and hundreds of thousands of phantom stinging bees transformed into a battle armor to protect Bai Qi. He picked up the ancient imperial weapon of eternity withered battle axe and killed it. ,

Although after Bai Qi, he will eventually lose.

Moreover, it will soon be defeated.

But as long as he can fight for Ling Tian for half a cup of tea, it is also very good.

At this time, within the Golden Temple.

Ling Tian stood in the sea of ​​books, his heart surging endlessly.

Everything here is really spectacular.

Before Ling Tian had seen more than 10,000 books in the Golden Temple, Ling Tian had already comprehended as many as 50,000 books in the past year.

Today, there are 50,000 classics in front of me.

Moreover, there are many things, and there are already visions and phantoms in many classics. Obviously, the laws and techniques here are amazing!

This is the real treasure!

Ling Tian couldn't conceal the excitement in his heart. Now, he is about to reach the bottleneck, and he has already loosened most of it. If he comprehends all the classics here, then he will definitely be able to directly promote to the realm of quasi emperor.

At that time, his combat power will skyrocket again. At the very least, there will be no generation gap with those of the immortal world on the emperor rankings.

However, in this golden palace, there is also a stone monument.

It stands in the center of the golden palace.

Ling Tian stepped forward and frowned when looking at the words recorded on it.

The things here are really related to the Chonglou!

Because, at this time, the beginning of the writing on the stone tablet is the name of the heavy building, the top of the sea of ​​books.

The following is a detailed record,

It turned out that this is not the battlefield of the gods, but the place of the book collection of the heavy building.

All golden temples are also built in the shape of heavy buildings.

But although it is not a real heavy building, the material of these golden temples is still unusual.

At least, ordinary divine treasures are absolutely inferior to these golden temples.

Under the stone tablet, Ling Tian could understand the densely packed miniature version of the Golden Palace.

It turned out that these golden temples scattered all over suddenly disappeared and they returned here.

Ling Tian stepped forward and grabbed the golden temples in his hands, but discovered that there are no more classics in it. I want to come, all the remaining classics have been hidden in the hall in front of me. Oh no, they are two. seat.

But after thinking about it, Ling Tian still took these golden temples into Taoyuan. Although Qing Xu has now been upgraded and cannot use such golden temples, Ling Tian naturally won't waste such precious materials.

After receiving these golden palaces, Ling Tian's eyes fell on the sharp blade suspended above the stone tablet.

This weapon turned out to be a dagger.

There are four small characters on it, which is the name of this ancient imperial artifact.

Huangquan has no end.

Is the road to Huangquan endless?

Ling Tian frowned, this dagger was pitch black, and his body was full of evil spirits, but it matched Ji Jiuyou especially.

"Hehe, Huang Quan has no end, yes, I was thinking about what opportunity to prepare for the women. Now, I have it."

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and put away the dagger directly. The top ten ancient emperor artifacts of the God Realm should give Ji Jiuyou a lot of combat power.

Ling Tian glanced around the entire hall, wanting to see if there was any chance he could take away directly.

There are too many classics here, even if it is him, it will take at least a few months to comprehend it, but Fu Yunqi and others outside will never give up.

The sight fell on the top of the Golden Palace.

Ling Tian's eyes suddenly shrank.

Because, at this time, the dome of the Golden Palace occupies a golden dragon.

Platinum is scale, lifelike!

Even, the surging divine light above the dragon's body made this dragon look like it was about to come alive!


Ling Tian took a breath and flew up directly. Only then did he discover that the golden dragon was a sculpture. However, above the golden dragon's head, there was a drop of blood floating.

The vigorous heavenly dragon breath surging out from within this blood bead.

It is precisely because of this that Ling Tian feels that this Golden Dragon is a living Tianlong clan.

However, although there is no living Heavenly Dragon, such a drop of dragon blood is the real Heavenly Dragon's blood.

It is also what Ling Tian needs most now.

With the blood of the Heavenly Dragon, Ling Tian can practice the Heavenly Dragon Transformation. When the time comes, his physical body will advance greatly.

Ling Tian was overjoyed and stretched out his hand to hold the blood drop in his hand.


But just here, there was a loud noise outside the hall, and the phantom sting bees were falling everywhere.

The magic sting queen and queen bee fell into the golden palace even more.

The group of guys outside had already broken through the blockade of Phantom Stinger Bee and Bai Qi!

Without Ling Tian's command, no matter how strong the Phantom Sting Bee Swarm was, it would not be Fu Yunqi's opponent, let alone Xiahou Dun and other realmists.

Ling Tian's expression changed. He quickly gathered the millions of Phantom Sting Bees back, covering his figure, and using the technique of the gods to hide his breath. After all this was done, Fu Yunqi and others had already rushed into the Golden Palace. .

"Hmph, that Bai Qi really isn't the real Beast Tianjiao, who are you!?"

Fu Yunqi watched that the ancient imperial artifacts had disappeared, but even when he was facing the phantom sting bee swarm, he let out a roar.

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