Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3058: The power of the pseudo-artifact[Three Thousand Da

Behind him, Yi Jiuyang and the others also had pale expressions. They were fighting together into a pot of porridge, but they did not expect that the opportunity in this golden palace would make people get on the ground first! ?

This is simply breaking ground on Tai Sui's head!

Ling Tian was in the phantom sting bee swarm, looking at Bai Qi outside the hall covered with blood, but he was probably seriously injured and did not hurt his life.

He glanced at the phantom sting bee swarm from a distance, and then left directly.

Ling Tian originally only wanted to take advantage of the chaos and get into the enchantment, but he didn't expect that in the end Bai Qi would take action, and when Bai Qi was in danger, Ling Tian couldn't ignore it.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter who I am, but what is important is that this golden palace opportunity belongs to me."

Ling Tian changed his timbre, and the sound from the phantom sting bee swarm became even more mysterious.

"It belongs to you? What kind of thing are you, sneaky!"

Yi Jiuyang yelled angrily, and when he pulled up the imperial weapon longbow, a fiery arrow burst out.

"Haha, Yi Jiuyang, your combat power is not worthy to fight with me!"

However, the phantom sting bee swarm turned into a whirlpool, absorbing all the magical powers.

Although Yi Jiuyang's magical arrows were tyrannical, they had millions of phantom sting bees spread their damage equally, and Ling Tian had very little power left.


Upon seeing this, Yi Jiuyang frowned.

This dissolves his art of law! ?

So capable, it seemed that he was even more tyrannical than the Wushi Sword Emperor.

"Huh, let me try!"

Xiahoudun refused to accept it, picking up the giant stick, and smashing it down wildly, but the vortex remained, and all the energy was absorbed.

Xiahou Dun's ranking is higher than Yi Jiuyang, but now, he still can't shake the phantom sting bee colony.

Qing Ming Jiezi didn't make a move. What he was good at was point-to-point assassination. Facing the phantom sting bee swarm, he didn't have the slightest advantage.

Fu Yunqi sneered, "Relying on these strange bugs in this world, what are you capable of?"

"Surely these bees are invincible?"

"I can break you once, I can break you twice!"

Immediately, the imperial sword in his hand turned into shocking water vapor, and under the blessing of the divine power of water, a sword shook out.


Sword Qi shook above the phantom sting bee swarm, and the entire Golden Palace was shaking wildly.

Fu Yunqi, who possessed the original origin, was already tyrannical, and now under one sword, countless phantom sting bees were dizzy again, and the vortex began to burst one after another.

Ling Tian within it also backed back again and again, his body couldn't resist the terrifying sword intent, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Fu Yunqi, it was really scary, but Ling Tian couldn't sit still.

"Liangyi sword, Yang!"

The Liangyi Sword Jue is divided into two swords, Yin and Yang, and the Yin sword comes and goes without a trace, it is extremely as if it is a killer move.

The Yang Sword is the strongest to the yang, with infinite power.

Moreover, this sword technique was realized by Ling Tian from the Golden Palace, and it has never been revealed to outsiders. With such a sword technique, his identity will not be revealed.


Liang Yi Jian Jue smashed Fu Yunqi's remaining sword energy, and Ling Tian and the entire phantom sting bee swarm retreated one after another.

Fu Yunqi's strength, even today's Ling Tian, ​​is unmatched.


However, this scene fell in the eyes of Fu Yunqi and other worldists, but it was a little unbelievable.

Can you stop Fu Yunqi's tyrannical sword and not die?

Moreover, the sword technique that was just now was particularly amazing, and the sword intent in it was not much worse than that of Fu Yunqi.

Among the heavens and thousands of realms, there are no more than five fingers that can possess such kendo attainments. That Wushi Sword Emperor is one, but where did this one come from! ?

"Could it be that you are that Lu Chen pretending to go and come back?"

Xiahoudun rolled his eyes and said in surprise.

He didn't believe that this Yu Beast Tianjiao was an unknown person.

Who knows, is it disguised by someone familiar? ?

"It's definitely not Lu Chen, he doesn't bother to use this method to disguise himself."

But Fu Yunqi shook his head, "Don't worry about who he is, everything here belongs to me, Fu Yunqi, just vomit it out to me as much as you take!"

When the voice fell, Fu Yunqi hummed coldly, and the sword energy in his hand burst out one after another.

The phantom sting bee swarm wailed endlessly, and it had begun to suffer casualties.

Ling Tian was distressed, so he had to recall most of the Phantom Sting Bee colony back to Taoyuan, and then selecting the Phantom Stinger Bee with the highest cultivation level of tens of thousands, turning it into a battle armor, and covering Ling Tian's body.

Only a pair of eyes were revealed.

"Go together!"

Yi Jiuyang and others also offered their magical powers one after another. Compared with Fu Yunqi, this guy who didn't know the details was the most unstable factor.

For a time, the four worlds on the top of the emperor's list shot at the same time, even if Ling Tian had the phantom sting bee body guard, he could not survive.


Ling Tian cursed secretly, these worlds are really shameless enough to deal with him, even to join forces! ?

Ling Tian had no choice but to use Prisoner's hand, otherwise his identity would be exposed.

But before Ling Tianji's magical powers, Qing Xu in Taoyuan rushed out directly.

He has been holding back in Taoyuan for decades, but he is just waiting for such an opportunity to show off!


But in an instant, a huge and incomparable bronze cauldron appeared in the golden temple. The power of the powerful cauldron turned all those magical powers to resist, and the powerful coercion rolled out, turning out all four of Fu Yunqi. Flew out!

"Pseudo artifact!?"

Falling on the square outside the temple.

With blood on the corner of Fu Yunqi's mouth, he exclaimed.

The faces of Yi Jiuyang and others were just astonished.

This kind of supreme treasure's tyrannical, unexpectedly able to ignore their law of art, the breath returned from the countershock is so tyrannical, it is definitely a fake artifact!

Pseudo-sacred artifacts are definitely on the road of trial, against the sky.

Unlike the imperial weapon, even if the imperial Emperor Wu is alive today, few possess pseudo-sacred weapons.

These heaven and earth treasures are all passed down in ancient times, and their combat power is overwhelming.

There are only a few pseudo-artifacts in the major fairy realms.

At least, on the road of trials before this, they had never seen any Tianjiao who had obtained a fake artifact.

If there is such a fate against heaven on this road, it is likely to be at the end of this road, within the Lingxu!

But now, this mysterious Yu Beast Tianjiao actually possesses a fake artifact.

How can this contend! ?

In fact, not only Fu Yunqi, but also Ling Tian was stunned at this time.

Qing Xu changed his body and turned into a pseudo-artifact level! ?

Isn't this the same grade as the suet jade bottle in the hands of the concubine that day, and the Kunlun mirror in the hands of Haotian! ?

"Hey, kid, are you also surprised that Lao Tzu's current combat power!?"

"Don't worry, see how I clean up these guys!"

Qing Xu sneered in the cauldron, and the cauldron immediately rushed out of the golden hall and hovered above Fu Yunqi and others' heads, covering the sky and the sun.

The terrifying pseudo-sacred tool was suppressed by the coercion, causing Na Fu Yunqi and others to change their expressions suddenly.

The blood was bursting, and Yi Jiuyang, who was the worst in combat power, spewed a mouthful of blood. It couldn't bear the pressure, turned into a fiery flame, and flew out of the enchantment.

Then, it was Qingmingjiezi and Jianxiahoudun.

Finally, under the square, Fu Yunqi, alone resisted the coercion of the Qingxu cauldron.

Qing Xu is also talking about it.

"Hey, this kid is tough, he can resist!"

"However, it depends on how long you can live with!"

The big green tripod was suppressed again.

With a pop.

Fu Yunqi's blood stained the placket of his red shirt.

He leaned on his long sword and looked at the figure shrouded by the phantom stinging bee from a distance in the Golden Palace.

"You remember to me, today's shame, Fu Yunqi, I will never die with you!"

The sound fell, and the original source in Fu Yunqi's body surged, a sword tore through the space confined by Qingxu, and escaped from the enchantment.

Although the pseudo-artifacts can suppress such arrogance as Fu Yunqi, it is still too difficult to keep him.

Qingxu Yiding is to sweep the four Tianjiao of the Emperor Ranking.

It was really beyond Ling Tian's accident.

He stretched out his hand to summon Qing Xu back, only to find that the aura of the artifact on the Qing Xu Cauldron at this time had quickly dissipated.

Qing Xu's current appearance should be a top **** treasure.

"Damn, Qing Xu, what's your situation, you can only stay strong for a while? Is this withered?"

Ling Tian looked at the cyan small cauldron in his hand and said in amazement.

"Damn, you think fake artifacts are so easy, just let you get them!?"

Qing Xu floated on the cauldron, carrying his hands and blowing his beard, "You have also seen fake artifacts. Whether it is the mutton jade bottle or the Kunlun mirror, it is in the ancient times. After the world was opened up, those ancient gods refined it. Yes, I'm so good, I'm a fart!"

"Just now, I just used the breath of Liuyao to disguise the breath of some artifacts, but it was enough to scare those juniors to death."

Ling Tian frowned, "Then can you use this breath indefinitely?"

"What are you farting!? It's just such a breath of artifact, or I knelt and beg from Liu Yao."

After Qing Xu finished speaking, Liu Yao said in Taoyuan: "Ling Tian, ​​this thing can't be used continuously. It will take decades for me to separate a breath."

"All right. Qing Xu, you fake!"

Ling Tian shook his head and stuffed Qing Xu back into Taoyuan.

Such a precious breath, you use it when it is critical. In order to pretend to be a beep, such a precious breath was wasted.

"Then Lingtian, you have to be careful, he, here comes!"

But at this moment, in Taoyuan, a voice rang from the holy original stone.

Ling Tian looked around and found nothing.

"Hehe, are you scaring me?"

However, there was no sound from within that holy original stone.

Ling Tian shook his head and turned around to enter the Golden Palace. He had to find a way to put the Golden Palace away.

However, at this moment, Ling Tian suddenly felt a breath, descending from the top of his head.

The breath came suddenly, and it was terrifying to the extreme.

Within the enchantment, the sky was completely dark.

Ling Tian suddenly raised his head, but saw an extremely huge fiery red hand that stretched across the entire sky, as if it had broken the sky, reaching into the enchantment and coming towards him!

No, not towards him.

Instead, take the golden palace!

This supernatural power, almost like Emperor Wu, is as terrifying as it is.

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