Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3087: Xuan Zhou and the source of Yin Sha

"What, someone has already arrived first? Who would it be!"

The women were also surprised.

It is definitely not an ordinary Tianjiao who can reach the location of the secret treasure on the thirtieth floor of such a bad kind.

"It's hard to say, I have never seen this formation before."

Reached out and touched the stone wall that was transformed by the formation method.

This formation is extremely powerful, and it is impossible for Tianjiao to build such a formation in such a short time.

It should be a treasure with a similar array method.

"Then what to do?"

Lin Xi raised her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, as long as it's a formation, it won't be difficult for Ling Tian."

However, although everyone was surprised, there was no embarrassment on their faces.

The formation method, this thing is too simple for Ling Tian.

"Oh! Really?"

Lin Xi looked at Ling Tian and that stone wall. She was from the Qi Ling family. Because of the weapon refining, she was also quite proficient in formation.

From her point of view, it is absolutely impossible to break this formation without ten and a half months.

"I will give it a try. I guess it will take longer this time."

Ling Tian pressed his palm on the rock wall, and the sword shadow poured in and began to break the formation.

However, only half an hour later, the stone wall in front of him began to flicker, and it seemed to be scattered.

"This... Is this broken?"

Lin Xi couldn't believe her eyes.

Moreover, Ling Tian just said that it will take longer.

Half an hour, is it long?

Perhaps it was a lot slower than he cracked the Jinta formation.

But just half an hour, this is too exaggerated, right?

"This is already slow."

Qin Mingyue and others are not surprised.

"I have never seen a younger generation of Tianjiao with such a profound knowledge of formations, who broke this formation in half an hour..."

Lin Xi still couldn't accept it.

But at this time, the stone wall that the formation magic turned into had already dissipated.

What caught everyone's eyes was a huge palace.

In the hall, at this moment, there was a Tianjiao with a gloomy face in black armor sitting cross-legged.

"Dark Demon Race, Xuan Zhou?"

When they saw this figure clearly, everyone recognized it.

The first one of them to find the secret treasure turned out to be Xuan Zhou of the Haotian Realm.

This has never fought Ling Tian, ​​but there is already a deep hatred.

Moreover, everyone suddenly discovered that there was an altar not far from that Xuan Zhou.

Above the altar, a cloud of blood was surging.

A figure was wrapped in blood, Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

"Lu Bu?"

That figure was surprisingly Lu Bu, the emperor of the Haotian Realm Asura Clan, whom Ling Tian hadn't seen for a long time.

But now, his situation does not seem to be very good.

Xuan Zhou seemed to be using some evil means to refine Lu Bu.

At least, under Ling Tian's induction now, Lu Bu's breath is already quite weak.

Now, Na Xuan Zhou was sitting cross-legged in front of the golden pagoda, trying to break the restriction on the secret treasure.

However, Ling Tian and others broke the stone wall formation outside and entered the hall, but Xuan Zhou's expression changed.

"Ling Tian!?"

He really didn't expect that his secret treasure would be discovered so quickly.

Moreover, he used the Heavenly Stone Formation that he had brought from the Profound Demon Emperor's Palace.

Even if this great formation is a fake, it will definitely take half a month for the Tianjiao of the Heavens and Thousand Realms to break.

In half a month, he had already obtained the secret treasure.

Xuan Zhou, who originally thought it would be foolproof, was a little frightened in his heart at this time.

"Hehe, it seems we are really on a narrow road!"

"Let's release Lu Bu first!"

Ling Tian everyone walked into the hall.

In the main hall, except for Lu Bu, this Xuanzhou was left.

Want to come, Xuan Zhou also sacrificed the team in order to get here.

"Hehe, are you ordering me!? Are you qualified?"

Xuan Zhou got up, in this situation, he couldn't continue to break the formation.

"I am not ordering you, but giving you a chance. If Lu Bu is innocent, I might be able to leave you a whole body."

Above the Yunxing Sword in Ling Tian's hand, the light of the stars was already surging.

"Hahaha, ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

"Ling Tian, ​​do you really think you can suppress my Xuan Zhou?"

Xuan Zhou sneered, cursing the world's divine power surging, floating behind him.

The ancient emperor weapon Heaven-swallowing sword manifested in his hands.

"Xuan Zhou, don't pretend to be here anymore, it's just a complete source of the nine gods, and it's not unique to you!"

"There is no need for Ling Tian to take action, I will fight you!"

At this time, Nadi Jiuge stood up.

The Nine Cold Realm's divine power was sacrificed, and in his hands, the ancient imperial artifacts endless extreme cold also bloomed with divine light.

Indeed, judging from the apparent combat power, Di Jiuge and Xuan Zhou were really similar.

"Nine layers of ice cold, banned!"

Raising the staff, Di Jiuge directly sacrificed magical powers.

This is a secret method from the Yuxu Wudi family, which is more powerful than the general rule.

Moreover, now with the power of the gods and the blessings of the ancient imperial artifacts, this ice-cold forbidden power is even more terrifying.

The whole hall was sealed by ice.

It was colder than that of the evil spirit.

"Hehe, with the power of the complete God Realm and the ancient emperor, it's no wonder you are so emboldened."

"If it is placed before, I might be jealous, but here, none of you are my opponents!"

Seeing the aura blooming from Di Jiuge, Xuan Zhou was also slightly surprised. He never thought that even Di Jiuge has grown to such a level now?

However, even though he was jealous and unwilling in his heart, Xuan Zhou did not step back. If it were put before him, he really did not have the ability to compete with Ling Tian and the others.

But now it's different!

He raised his hand, and from the altar behind him, there was an endless Yin evil aura suddenly surged.

In an instant, it filled the entire hall.

And under this yin and evil aura, even the divine power of the nine cold world of Di Jiuge can only retreat.

The ban collapsed in an instant, and the divine power bounced back. The emperor Jiuge was shocked, blood gushing out of Xiu's mouth, and retreated.

Di Jiuge has not yet played against each other.

At this moment, Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and he also suddenly discovered that after that Xuan day, it seemed that it was the source of this evil spirit.

And Xuan Zhou could use this evil aura to make his combat power soar.

After shaking the emperor Jiuge back, that Xuan Zhou controlled the evil spirits and surrounded him.

Let Xuan Zhou at this time, like the ancient dark magic emperor, standing in the main hall, panic and pressure, so that everyone can't breathe.

Today, the breath of Xuan Zhou was several times that of before, and even, it was only slightly weaker than the realm of the Demon Realm that day, Yuan Gu.

The drastic changes in Xuan Zhou made all the girls unexpected.

It seems that in this yin and evil land, Xuan Zhou does have the confidence to look down upon the heavens.

"Hehe, it's time for you to come, and wipe out all of you here, and save trouble in the future."

"Now, you can go to death!"

That Xuan Zhou sneered, raised his hand, and controlled the endless Yin and evil Qi, turned into a big hand, grabbing at the people in Ling Tian.

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