Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3088: Demon Disintegration Dafa

That breath is unmatched, and can instantly penetrate everyone's body guard immortal yuan.

Lin Xi was shocked, and she suddenly realized that she could no longer use any physical skills.

Under the suppression of this evil aura, they couldn't even escape.

"Hahaha, don't have to struggle, here, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you don't want to break free from the source of the evil!"

Xuan Zhou laughed, his face full of madness, "Ling Tian, ​​do you regret that you came to find my secret treasure!?"

"Hehe, tusk, I have to say, you borrowed a foreign thing, it's pretty good."

"But if you want to say that this evil spirit is invincible, I really don't believe it."

"You don't know anything about my strength!"

"Yin evil spirit, then I want to see if you can resist the water of the river!"

However, Ling Tian suddenly sneered in the face of the big hand that was pressing down.

Xuan Zhou's tremendous changes really shocked him, but he didn't expect that this Yin Sha blessing could be so terrifying.

But to be afraid, that doesn't exist.

Now, he has two ways to solve this Xuan Zhou, one is the mysterious sword.

Ling Tian is confident, now he can use that mysterious sword, nothing can resist.

However, this mysterious sword was extraordinary, and Ling Tian was really reluctant to use it now.

Because this Xuan Zhou is not worthy at all.

The second method is the water of the Styx.

Once, the water of the Styx was collected by Ling Tian into Taoyuan, and later turned into a huge lake.

After that, Princess Jilong was still recuperating in the lake.

Now, after so many years, the water of the Styx has already turned into an ocean. In Taoyuan, it is almost inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

And the effect of the water of the Styx is that it can cleanse the evil and filthy air in this world.

Therefore, with the water of the Styx in his hand, he is still afraid of this evil atmosphere! ?

Ling Tian sneered, and immediately shot, raising his long sleeves, and the same endless Styx appeared in front of him, condensing into a whirlpool.

The scene that shocked everyone just happened.

The big hand that Xuan Zhou offered was sucked into the moment it touched the whirlpool.

The big hand disintegrated in an instant, turned into evil spirits, and all was absorbed by the whirlpool.

"This is the water of Styx!?"

"Impossible, how do you have so much Stygian water!?"

Na Xuan Zhou was finally shocked at this time.

Of course he knows that the water of the Styx has the suffocating atmosphere of the sky.

And only in the underworld can there be so much of this massive amount of Styx water.

Moreover, it was still such a pure Styx water, how could this not surprise Xuan Zhou.

"Hehe, I want to see how much evil spirits you can use."

"Xuan Zhou, fight with me, you are so tender."

Ling Tian sneered with the water of the Styx in front.

"Now, **** it, it's you!"

In Ling Tian's sneer, the water of the Styx also turned into a big hand, grabbing towards that Xuan Zhou.

This is called the way of the other, and the return of the other body.

"Do not!"

"Damn it, Ling Tian, ​​I won't let you go, just wait for me!"

Xuan Zhou struggled in his heart. He was reluctant to give up the secret treasure, but he could not resist Ling Tian's Styx water.

In the end, his figure exploded directly, turned into a black smoke and disappeared in the hall.

The evil evil aura also dissipated and returned to the altar.

"It's the great law of the disintegration of the heavenly devil, this is unique to the imperial palace of the heavenly devil world. I don't know why this Xuanzhou will also do it. Could it be that it was taught by Yuan Gu?"

Lin Xi said.

"The devil disintegrates Dafa!? It seems that there are some ways, Xuan Zhou, escaped."

Ling Tian frowned and collected the water of the Styx. Now, the breath of Xuan Zhou in the hall has completely disappeared.

"This secret method is very mysterious. It ranks among the top three in the heavens and immortal realms. It is said that it is a magical skill from the great gods of the gods.

"However, this secret method also has its drawbacks. Every time it is used, it needs to sacrifice a thousand years of life. This has a great impact on the talents of Tianjiao."

"Therefore, even if it is that Yuan Gu, it is not a last resort, and it will not be easily displayed."

Lin Xi explained.

"In this way, this Yuan Gu is equivalent to having an invincible life-saving technique. It can't be killed in this trial road."

Ling Tian shook his head.

I have to say that none of these heavenly pride is so easy to die.

Just like Ji Heng before.

Before Ling Tian came to the **** water, he stretched out his big hand, broke the formation on it, and rescued Lu Bu.

"It seems that Lu Bu found this place one step ahead of us. It's just that he was hit by Xuan Zhou's means. If we didn't arrive in time, Lu Bu was afraid that he would be refined by life."

Qin Mingyue checked Xia Lu Bu's injuries.

"Well, fortunately, Lu Bu's physical body is strong and it's okay."

Ling Tian used the sword shadow to wipe out all the evil spirits in Lu Bu's body. After a while, Lu Bu woke up leisurely.

"Ling, Ling Tian!? How about Xuan Zhou!"

He stood up suddenly from the ground.

"Xuan Zhou has escaped!"

"Escaped? You, do you have a way to deal with his evil spirit?" Lu Bu was startled, and when he saw Ling Tian nodded, he thought for a while, "Well, you are really good."

Before Ling Tian came to the altar, he found that this one turned out to be a well.

Among them, there is still endless Yin evil aura.

"It's really a source of evil evil."

Ling Tian frowned.

To be honest, it was the first time that he had seen so many pure Yin and evil auras. If it weren't for the water of the Styx, it would be really hard to deal with.

However, for Ji Jiuyou, the source of this evil spirit is a rare resource for cultivation.

"Jiuyou, this is your chance, I will put it away first, when you absorb these evil spirits, your combat power will skyrocket."

Ling Tian smiled, using Taoyuan to breathe in the evil spirit from the well.

But even with Taoyuan, it took half an hour to dig out the well.

During this time, Ling Tian had already unlocked the Secret Treasure Golden Pagoda.

Unlike the golden pagodas I've seen before, the formation restrictions on it are extremely difficult to crack, otherwise it would not waste Ling Tian so much time.

However, the gain is huge.

Watching the golden pagoda collapse, several precious lights fell down.

Everyone is happy.

And Ling Tian also looked at the bronze shard floating in that precious light, and his heart shook wildly!

This is a fragment of Liu Yaoding!

Ling Tian searched for so long, and finally saw a piece of Liuyao Ding Li within this Lingxu.

too difficult.

Ling Tian ignored the other treasures and took the fragment in his hand.

Ling Tian compared the three fragments in his previous hand, and only then discovered that the one in his hand could be spliced ​​with two of them.

But still only a small part.

The remaining piece, or in any case, cannot be spliced.

Before, Ling Tian inferred that the lid was divided into seven pieces.

But now, he guessed less.

This fragment may be divided into eight pieces or even more.

It is undoubtedly harder to get together.

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