Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3114: Return to Haotian Hundred Years Human Race

"Could it be that this was originally a heavy building?"

Ling Tian frowned, he was too familiar with the shape of this tower.

Isn't it the ten-story building on the top of Lingxu! ?

When did he get into Taoyuan?

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​you can be considered awake, what, our big hand, it's not bad!"

"There are thousands of ways, but within it, it's not just as simple as the flow of time and the open space!"

"In the Chonglou, there used to be the Great Thousand Inheritance of the God Realm, and although almost all of it was taken away later, we rebuilt it and used your heaven and ten thousand cultivation techniques to pass on, and rebuilt a world of chance."

"What do you mean, is to let this Pagoda of Ten Thousand Dao Pagodas, Fuze the entire human race?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"Yes, of course, the tower still has to be placed in Taoyuan, but you can build an inheritance gate outside to directly send the Tianjiao of the human race into the tower."

Six Yao also came down, nodding.

"All right, it's a good idea."

"How long can I return to Hanxing City?"

Ling Tian asked again.

"Almost, it will take fifteen years."

Liu Yao raised his hand, and a bright red sacred fire appeared in his palm, "Ling Tian, ​​this is a sacred fire that the **** of fire Luo Xuan once stole from the God Realm. It has 3,600 floors and its name is Haori Zhenyan. ."

"It will take fifteen years to return to the Haotian Realm. During this period of time, you should consolidate your quasi emperor's cultivation base. Although you have become a quasi emperor, you are still in the early stage of the quasi emperor. Get ready."


Ling Tian took the sacred fire, and the 3,600-story sacred fire burned fiercely. It was indeed far more tyrannical than the Fengtian Thunder Torch.

Moreover, this time the sacred fire was originally stored in the God Realm, but was later stolen by Luo Xuan, which shows the preciousness of this fire.

I don't know, after absorbing this sacred fire, his cultivation level can soar to what level.

After receiving the divine fire, Ling Tian returned to the Ten Thousand Dao Pagoda again.

Now, his quasi-emperor's physical body has completely recovered. In addition to refining this true flame, he also needs to study the prisoner's Tianshou and the Baji Fighting Tianquan.

In this way, fifteen years passed by the stars under the night.

Ling Tian spent more than two thousand years in the Wandao Pagoda.

Taoyuan descended in front of Hanxing City. At this time, there were no more undead gods in the city.

Emperor Wu Jin Huang welcomed Taoyuan down from a distance.

"Gong Ying Your Highness is back!"

Golden Phoenix is ​​still respectful.

After seeing Ling Tian also coming down, the Golden Phoenix nodded even more.

She actually seemed to be saluting Ling Tian.

In fact, this is not to blame Golden Phoenix, in the God Realm, strength has always been respected.

Ling Tian killed the Vulcan God Luo Xuan in a shocking battle 20 years ago, which was enough to prove his current combat power.

Even the righteous **** who couldn't compare to the gods back then, was still much stronger than the martial emperor like her.

"Well, Golden Phoenix, you are not a dead soul, so don't stay in this **** hiding."

The princess of the gods said.

"Golden Phoenix, willing to follow His Highness."

Jinhuang bowed.

"Follow me!? The God Realm is gone now, what's the use of you following me? Go to Feiyu Realm, we will meet again in the future."

The princess of the gods is not allowed.

"His Royal Highness is saying that there is still a possibility of reconstruction in the God Realm?"

Jinhuang looked up.

"That is inevitable!"

"Okay, the Golden Phoenix will return to the Flying Feather Realm, take care!" Jin Huang was overjoyed, turned around and entered the teleportation formation of Hanxing City, and disappeared into the Divine Burial.

At this time, Ling Tian had already arrived in Hanxing.

In the city, two tall golden monuments still stand there.

It seems to be telling the past on this trial road.

It's just that the light of the golden stele has dimmed now, and the names on it have disappeared. Only the word Ling Tian floating at the top of the list is still shining.

It proved that Ling Tian was still on the road to trial.

"Ling Tian, ​​it's time to go."

"Counting the time, we have left the Vast Sky Realm for more than a hundred years. Mingyue and the others should have returned to the Vast Sky Realm. I don't know where it is and what is going on now.

"They may need you."

Six Yao manifested on Ling Tian's side.

"Well, it's time to go back."

"But the starry sky outside this region is so bright, I Ling Tian, ​​will come back again."

Ling Tian looked up to the sky, took a deep look at the thousands of stars above the outer starry sky, and then bought the formation before the golden monument in one step and returned to the Haotian realm.

Haotian Realm.

Celestial Clan, Xiling Imperial Palace.

As early as twenty years ago, when the gate of the so-called Xiling Emperor's Palace Spirit Ruins bloomed with ten thousand gods, all the tribes knew that the road of trial had ended, and their arrogance had begun to return.

The powerhouses of the Seven Great Xianzhou tribes returned to the Xiling Imperial Palace one after another, preparing to take back their respective Tianjiao.

After a hundred years, none of the major Xianzhou provinces expected that the Lingxu would be so long.

However, they are also curious as to what level these arrogants will grow up to after they have been in the Lingxu for a hundred years.

Twenty years after the gate of Lingxu changed, in Xiling City, warriors from various immortal states have also gathered.

They also came to observe the ceremony.

After all, the Tianjiao returning from Lingxu this time will inevitably affect the pattern of this world.

However, unlike a hundred years ago, there were extremely many human warriors in Xiling City this time.

And in the hundred years since Ling Tian and others left this realm, the human race that was once looked down upon and despised by all races has not been silent in this realm.

The Great Han Dynasty, this is just a human force that hasn't been established for a long time.

Relying on Ling Tian's Jiuding Yutian Great Array, it survived the century-old impact of the Dark Demon Race.

For a hundred years, the major Demon Palaces of the Dark Demon Race led their troops, but in the end they never broke the Jiuding Imperial Sky Array.

From the other races in Xianzhou, this is simply a miracle.

Not only that, in the past hundred years, the Taiji Academy of the Great Han Dynasty has been famous for Qizhou.

It is said that this academy was established after Ling Tian left that year for the sake of orderly inheritance of the human race.

At that time, the eight great masters of the human race left many inheritances in the academic palace, and in these hundred years, the national fortune of the Great Han Dynasty was at its peak. When the superintendent of the country Ling Xiaoer, it was within a hundred years, Yu Tai Chi learned Enlightenment in the palace becomes the quasi emperor.

Becoming the first person to enlighten the Dao of the descendants of the Celestial Clan, for a time, it is the luck of the human race to reach its peak.

Countless talented descendants of the human race walked out of the Tai Chi School to battle the seven continents and gained a lot of fame.

Today, under the quasi-emperor Ling Xiao'er, there are no fewer than a thousand people who have reached the Immortal Venerable in the later show, among which the descendants of the top Immortal Venerable have more than dozens of them.

This makes the current human race no weaker than any race in the Seven Great Immortals.

Therefore, this time in Xiling City, the human race is completely different from a hundred years ago.

Their backs are straight, their heads strutting, and their faces are full of pride.

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