Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3115: Human race, don't deceive

Of course, it is not just Ling Xiao'er and Tai Chi Academy who can make people so confident, but also the dragon hunter, Yang Lin'er.

She held the blood drink of the imperial device back then, suppressing many quasi-emperors of various races, and after returning to the Great Han Dynasty, she has been sitting in the Academy.

Now a hundred years later, she is returning to Xiling City again, preparing to take back all the arrogances of the big man.

Inside Xiling Imperial Palace.

It is still above the Yaochi, looking at the gate of the Lingxu above your head, the demon tribe Chixiao Zhunhuang, the ghost tribe Yama, the dragon princess, the Feng tribe Zhu Zihuan, the human tribe Yang Lin'er, and the sky The clan Duo Wentian, Guangmutian, Ju Luotian, and Tianfei all have bright eyes.

For a hundred years.

They waited for a hundred years.

Compared with ten thousand years ago, the road of trial this time is too long.

They had also been to that path of stars back then, but they only returned before reaching the Lingxu.

Moreover, the Haotian Realm Tianjiao was even weaker, and apart from those people who made a name for themselves on the road of trials, there were almost no bright spots.

"Hehe, you guys, don't be full of hope. The first one to walk out of the Lingxu this time must be my Human Race Tianjiao."

"After today, no one will ever want to bully Human Race anymore!"

Yang Lin'er looked at the imperial instrument and drank blood.

"Ha ha……"

The other quasi-emperors in Xianzhou sneered, although they were disdainful, they didn't respond directly.

After all, this Yang Lin'er really can beat people.


And just after Yang Lin'er's voice fell, the gate of Lingxu above her head suddenly vibrated.

There is a breath of ancient stars, from which, a little bit of it diffuses out.

"They are coming back!"

All the quasi emperors all got up one after another.

In Xiling City, all the great Xianzhou warriors who watched all this through the formations also closed their mouths.

They are also very much looking forward to taking over this Lingxu trip.

But know how many arrogances of Haotian Realm can come back.


At this time, the door of the Lingxu opened, and a figure walked out of it.

"Let alone?"

"It's from the Celestial Clan!"

However, when everyone saw the figure coming out, they all frowned.

Although Ren Duxing said that his combat power was strong, he seemed to be not the strongest in his generation.

Above him, the Heavenly Clan still has three Tianjiao, Hua Xiaoyun, Tantai Jinzhu, and the emperor Ji Heng.

In any case, it is not the turn to be alone, let's be the first to come out! ?

"Walk alone!? You gathered the magical power of the Diamond Realm!? Hahaha, sure enough, you did not live up to my expectations!"

Duo Wentian saw it, but it was overjoyed.

He really didn't expect that the first person to return would turn out to be Ren Alone.

And this scene also made Yang Lin'er frown.

Where is Ling Tian?

How could he let this one go out first.

Moreover, at this time, the power of the Diamond Realm on this lone traveler was so much more tyrannical than before!

The cultivation base has reached the peak of the mid-term quasi-emperor!

"Father, I..."

However, Ren Duxing certainly knew what his performance on the trial road was like.

However, before he finished speaking, in the door of the Lingxu behind him, a group of figures almost filed out.

The emperor of the ghost clan, the emperor of the Feng clan, the emperor of the demon clan, the emperor of the dragon clan, and the princes of the three immortals all walked out of the gate of the Lingxu.

Although their auras are not as strong as let alone tyrannical, but the other heavenly arrogances of the heaven clan have not reappeared.

This phenomenon is really strange.

Moreover, the expressions on the faces of these emperors and daughters are even more different.

It turned out not to be very good.

Obviously they returned safely, but how could they all have such an expression.

"Walking alone, what the **** is going on? What about the other members of the Celestial Clan? Where is my son, Hua Xiaoyun? And Ji Heng and Jin Zhu?"

Tianfei asked with a frown on Guotian.

"His Royal Highness Hui Tian, ​​Xiao Yun and Big Brother, have all...fallen on the road of trial."

Ren Duxing pursed his lips, and finally said it.


However, when his words fell, the entire Celestial Clan in the Xiling Emperor's Palace shook together!

Hua Xiaoyun and Ji Heng, the two sons of Wutian Wudi, both fell on the road of trial. How could this be possible! ?

They all knew that these two emperors had the power of the gods, how could they fall easily.

"What the **** is going on!"

"Do you know, my son, has really fallen?"

"Who killed them!"

Tianfei was furious.

And the few Xianzhou Tianjiao looked at each other, and also nodded, "His Royal Highness, Ji Heng and Hua Xiaoyun have indeed fallen. Ling Tian killed them."

"No, it's impossible."

"Ling Tian!?"

Tianfei shook her feet.

She suddenly looked in the direction of Haotian Temple.

She suddenly remembered that in Ji Heng's body, there was a avatar technique left by Haotian. Ji Heng's primordial spirit had always been in Haotian Hall. If Ji Heng fell, Emperor Wutian could not know.

"You are hiding it from me!"

Tianfei took a deep breath.

Ji Heng may be able to be reborn, but her son Hua Xiaoyun may have no reincarnation.


At this moment, the formation of Lingxu gate surged with light again, and the figures cheering for the martial artist of the race walked out of the formation.

The leader is the pride of Human Race, Qin Mingyue!

After that, it was Long Xuan of the Dragon clan, Ran Hongfu of the Feng clan, Lu Bu of the Shura clan, and the goddess Jiuge!

More and more figures appeared outside the gate of Lingxu.

It seems that none of this human race has fallen.

Even Zuo Xianzhi and others from the third team were also there.

"Hahaha, shall I just say, how can my human race be weak?"

When Yang Lin'er saw it at this time, she smiled with joy.

Happy in my heart.

The expressions of the other great Zhun emperors in Xianzhou were not very good.

Because their emperor son and daughter are inferior to these human races.

The difference is too much.

"Hmph, Qin Mingyue, where is Ling Tian, ​​I am Hua Xiaoyun, but I die in his hands!?"

That day the concubine suddenly let out a cold snort.

"Return to the Concubine Tian, ​​Ling Tian is still returning. As for Hua Xiaoyun, he is indeed dead at Ling Tian's hands."

"However, life and death on the road of trial, I am afraid that we are not to blame?"

Qin Mingyue raised her head.

At this time, they will no longer fear the heavenly race.

Everyone is a quasi emperor, what can I install?

"Presumptuous, in this Xiling Emperor Palace, do you dare to talk to me like this!?"

"I want to shake the sky!"

"That's, I think, this human race must have colluded with other immortals outside the territories to entrap our emperor! Take them down and deprive them of their chances!"

The quasi emperors of the ghost race and the monster race got up one after another.

The gods and generals of the heavenly races all sacrificed their tyrannical aura, seeming to vowed to suppress these heavenly arrogances of the human race.

"Huh, why, now you still want to bully people?"

Yang Lin'er's pretty face was cold.

However, before Yang Lin'er was angry, Qin Mingyue and others sneered, and then released all their quasi-emperor aura!

Suddenly, the breath of these arrogances rose. Including Zuo Xianzhi and others, not only did they not fall, but their cultivation base skyrocketed, and now they are half a step quasi emperor.

Among them, there are as many as ten of these Tianjiao who have become quasi-emperors!

There are so many new quasi-emperors of the Human Race, which shocked everyone's eyes!

Moreover, it is not just the number of quasi-emperors, they have discovered extremely powerful auras from these people.

Including the power of the gods.

And, the weapons in their hands.

For example, Di Jiuge's complete Jiuhan Realm divine power, and the imperial weapon staff in her hand.

For example, Ross's complete Divine Power in the Tibetan realm, the emperor spear in Lu Bu's hand, and the emperor's blade in Ji Jiuyou's hand.

The aura of these imperial artifacts was even stronger than the blood drink of the imperial artifacts in Yang Lin'er's hands.

What did this human race go through during the trial road!

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