Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3135: The ghost emperor is missing

"If you want to go to Huangquan, do you have to go through all the ghost emperors?"

The ghost army marched slowly, Ling Tian asked behind Jialuo.

"Of course, otherwise, what is the meaning of the existence of the ghost emperor?"

Jialuo nodded.

Ling Tian frowned. He always felt that Jialuo was hiding something from him.

"Ten thousand years ago, what happened when the Yellow Spring changed!? Ksitigarbha, does it really exist?"

"Haha, of course, why, are you interested in the underworld?" Jialuo nodded.

"That is inevitable, don't you know that, the people around me are all deeply connected with the underworld."

Jialuo thought for a while, "Of course Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva exists."

"It's just that, 30,000 years ago, the God Realm collapsed, and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva disappeared. There are rumors that they have fallen."

"In the following tens of thousands of years, I was stationed at Huangquan. More than 10,000 years ago, the seven states of the Haotian realm were in chaos. That battle spread to the underworld, and the strongest existence descended on the underworld and destroyed Huangquan."

"The current Huangquan is slowly recovering, barely possessing the power of reincarnation."

"However, those dead souls that were unable to reincarnate before became ghosts and were used by Hades."

"Thousands of years ago, the strongest came, who? Is it the ghost of Ming Si?" Ling Tian frowned.

"I don't know. I didn't participate in that battle." Jialuo shook his head. "Don't you know?"

"Ten thousand years ago, the battle of Huangquan..." Ling Tian groaned.

He seemed to remember something suddenly.

Candle Dragon! ?

There was a sudden shock in his heart, and Ling Tian suddenly remembered that Lao Hou had told him before that he was seriously injured 10,000 years ago because of a sneak attack by the Candle Dragon.

Could it be that Jialuo said it was the candle dragon! ?

However, at that time, Lao Hou's combat power should not have been better than Emperor Wu, and Zhulong didn't seem to be too strong! ?

After thinking for a while, Ling Tian finally shook his head.

Things should not be that simple.

What Huang Quan and the underworld are involved should be the collapse of the God Realm 30,000 years ago.

In addition to Na Mingsi, there may be Demon Venerable intervening.

"Okay, it seems that you don't know as much as I do, but don't worry, we went to Huangquan this time to find out what happened back then!"

"The mystery will be solved after all."

Jialuo held the ghost tower in his hand, and at this moment, there were thousands of tiny souls on the ghost tower.

Constantly heaving.

These dead souls are all ghosts around Taozhishan, and they are now absorbed by this ghost building in Jialuo.

What made Ling Tian a little surprised was that this ghost building had the power of detachment and purification.

After the ghosts passed through the ghost building, they all turned into normal soul soldiers, adding to the ghost tribe army behind her.

As a result, these ghosts eventually became real ghosts, making Jialuo's army stronger.

This ghost building is really a good thing.

But Ling Tian was not clear about the details of the magic weapon, and in Taoyuan, even Tao Yaoyao and Liu Yao had never seen it.

Ling Tian wanted to ask the God Realm princess, but the latter suddenly closed up, making no sound whatsoever.

So Ling Tian could only give up, but based on Ling Tian's judgment, this ghost building seemed to be an incomplete artifact.

It's just like the previous Liu Yao Ding.

However, the function of this ghost building is not combat power.

The army crossed Taozhi Mountain and walked through the depths of the chaotic hell.

One month later, he finally approached Luofeng Mountain.

However, Ling Tian and Jialuo both frowned.

Because here they did not sense any breath of Emperor Wu.

Even if this northern ghost emperor hides together, it is impossible to hide Ling Tian and Jialuo at the same time.

Not only that, there is no army of ghosts around Luofeng Mountain.

This is fundamentally different from the situation of Mount Taozhi.

"Strange, couldn't this Yang Kun escape?"

Finally, the ghost army came before Luofeng Mountain.

But looking at the empty Ghost Emperor Temple, Jialuo frowned.

In this way, the northern ghost emperor Yang Kun is really not in Luohu Mountain.

"Or he, went out?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's not possible. Yang Kun is the ghost emperor of the north. He is in charge of Mingsi and guards Mount Luofeng. I have never seen this Yang Kun leave Mount Luofeng for thousands of years."

"I'm not here now, maybe, I got the order of Mingsi and left."

Jialuo cigarette butts.

"If Yang Jie is ordered to leave, then I think the other two quasi-emperors should have also left."

"Could it be that you want to wait for us before Huang Quan?"

Ling Tiandao.

"Perhaps, it seems that Shentu's death touched them and left her place of cultivation. Haha, it's ironic!"

Jialuo sneered, but still said, "No matter where they go."

"Our plan remains unchanged, to go to Shizuka Mountain where the Western Ghost Emperor is located!"

The army set off again.

But this time they discovered that the wind on the road became more and more violent.

The sky was full of dim ghosts and evil spirits, and the storm was raging, causing the marching speed of the army to suddenly slow down.

Even if Ling Tian and Jialuo opened the way before the army, the speed was still not fast.

It was already two months later by the time the Western Ghost Emperor was located at Shizuka Mountain.

However, what made Jialuo almost thunderous was that this mountain was also empty.

The ghost army is not there.

Only an empty temple remains.

"Wang An even ran away!"

"Damn it, it's so **** it, the Sifang ghost emperor of Mingsi, that's nothing more!"

Jialuo's face was pale.

"Forget it, go to the next place, there is still the last Luofu Mountain. Didn't you say that Qin Yao is the strongest among the Sifang ghost emperors? He shouldn't run away."

Ling Tian curled his lips and left.

There was no gain for three consecutive months, and he was also anxious.

This time, the army reopened, and even the morale of the ghost tribe army was affected a lot.

The soldiers became impetuous.

If it weren't for Wudi Jialuo's suppression, he would have to mess around.

Moreover, the Huangquan Road to Luofu Mountain has become more and more difficult.

The terrifying wind filled the whole world.

Even Ling Tian and Jialuo were standing in front of them.

But it is getting harder.

Luofu Mountain is the last stronghold of Sifang Ghost Emperor and the last stop to reach Huangquan.

If Luofu Mountain is empty for you, then they can only directly attack Huangquan.

But Ling Tian always had a bad feeling.

If Luofu Mountain does not have the army of Mingsi again, then the road to Huangquan this time will be even more difficult.

This is definitely a bureau set up by the Underworld Division.

However, when it was less than 100,000 miles from Luofu Mountain, Ling Tian stopped abruptly before the army.

Jialuo frowned, turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The breath is wrong!"

"Let the army stop, we may be really calculated!"

Ling Tian frowned.

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