Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3136: The Four Great Arrays Nine Songs of Yellow Sand

He was still a little late to worry, until now, he and Tao Yaoyao didn't realize it.

"Calculate!? What do you mean, do those ghost emperors calculate me?"

Although Jialuo was puzzled, he ordered the army to stop.

"We, have entered the big formation set up by the Underworld Division, they want to wait and catch me!"

Ling Tian looked at the boundless wind and endless yellow sand around him.

His face was grim.



Na Jialuo felt it in detail, and even came to the ground, and then shook his head, "There is no aura of formation, the aura around Luofu Mountain is weird, you should be too nervous. ."

"Luofu Mountain is just 100,000 miles ahead. We will be there soon."

"No, Emperor Jialuo Wu, have you ever heard of the nine-tuned yellow sand formation that appeared in the legend in ancient times?" Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"Nine song yellow sand array?"

Jialuo frowned, "I have actually heard of it, and there are rumors that this formation does not come from under the heavens, and it has never been arranged by anyone."

"You mean, we have now entered the nine-tuned yellow sand formation?"

"That's right, this nine-turned yellow sand formation is very terrifying, and it is listed by the God Realm as one of the four great formations of the heavens." Ling Tian nodded, and Tao Yaoyao just told him these legends.

The so-called four great formations are the existence that fears even the gods of the God Realm.

In addition to the Jiuqu Huangsha Formation, there are also the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the Wanxian Formation, and the Shijue Formation, which are the first of the four.

Although this Nine Trivial Yellow Sand Array is the weakest of the Four Great Arrays, it is still terrifying enough to fall to the gods.

However, for a long time, under the heavens and gods, these four great formations have never appeared, and everything is just spread in legends.

Tao Yaoyao's memory has awakened a bit, especially the formation.

Therefore, she didn't feel it until she was close to the eyes of this big formation.

"No, this is absolutely impossible. Although Jiuqu Huangsha ranks at the end of the Four Great Arrays, if it were really used to deal with my ghost race, we would all be dead!"

Jialuo still didn't believe it.

Moreover, she couldn't accept that Ling Tianxian discovered the aura of the formation.

This made her, the Emperor Wu who lived for tens of thousands of years, very shameless.

"The real nine-tune yellow sand formation has long been lost, and even the gods of the gods can't arrange it, let alone this underworld? However, they won't be intact, but the incomplete formation is not that difficult."

"We are now entering the first three of the nine major formations. There are only three formations in total, so the power is greatly reduced."

Ling Tian smiled slightly and pointed to the storm ahead, "Moreover, what I can tell you is that we are not far in front of us, but there is a flash of eyes. Fortunately, we stopped, otherwise, you ghost The clan army is afraid that it will suffer heavy losses."

"If I guessed correctly, the three eyes of this big formation are three ghost emperors stationed separately. I don't know who the one in front of me will be."

"I don't believe it!" Jialuo frowned. After thinking about it, she raised the ghost building in her hand, and the endless ghost gas turned into a ghost, rushing into the storm ahead.

This ghost is similar to Jialuo's avatar technique, possessing quasi-emperor-level combat power.

However, at the moment the ghost entered the storm, the storm suddenly turned into a giant yellow sand beast, swallowing the ghost almost effortlessly.

And it seemed that the storm before the whole army turned into a yellow sand evil spirit, and roared at the ghost tribe army.

This scene horrified the ghost army.

It was the first time they saw such a terrifying killing array.

Moreover, if they hadn't stopped ahead of time, they would have been swallowed by the yellow sand evil spirits.

"Emperor Jialuo Wu, you have seen it too."

"The broken nine-curved yellow sand formation will not be fake." Ling Tian shrugged.

At this time, Wudi Jialuo had a frightened expression on her face. She held up the ghost building and directly displayed the magical powers of Devil May Cry.

Tens of thousands of tens of thousands of feet of hideous ghosts appeared between the world, and the scary voice in the heart was also immediately remembered.

"Who is in the formation, get out!"

"Dare to use the Jiuqu Huangsha Great Array to deal with our ghost race, you really look at us highly!"

"Haha, Emperor Wu Jialuo, it was you who came with the ghost army to offend our Ming Division. Why, I am not allowed to wait for the formation of a large array!?" Sure enough, a voice remembered in the yellow sand storm.

A ghost shadow covering the sky also appeared in the formation.

"Yang Jie!?"

Jialuo was shocked when he saw that ghost.

Because this one sitting in front of the town is indeed one of the ghost emperors Yang Kun!

"Hmph, but even if you set up this big formation, it is useless. We don't enter the formation, what can you do with me!?"

"I, Jialuo, can kill you as well!"

"Hahaha!" But Yang Kun let out a long laugh, "If I am that Shentu, and you are tricked, maybe you still have a chance, but now, since you have already come, don't even think about going out and entering You don’t have the final say if you don’t enter the formation!"

"Wang An, it's okay!"

Following the sneer of the ghost emperor Yang Kun, a group of ghost tribes suddenly discovered that after their army, there were also storms and yellow sands. These storms turned into a demon and surrounded them!

Moreover, these storms are moving and shrinking.

Let today's ghost army, like a turtle in the urn, sooner or later, it will be swallowed by these storms and yellow sand.

This scene made Ling Tian unexpected.

It seems that he is still slow to react, but in fact, they have already entered the encirclement of the underworld.

The Jiuqu Huangsha Array has changed a lot, even if it is discovered, it is too late.


Seeing the ghost emperor appearing in the storm behind, Jialuo was furious.

She has practiced for 30,000 years, but now she has won.

If this were to be spread out, would she still want her face?

"Ling Tian, ​​what should I do now!"

Ling Tian at the back shrugged, "His Royal Highness, you are Emperor Wu, at this time, you ask me, is it appropriate!"

"When have you been talking nonsense with me, since you have seen this nine-curved yellow sand formation, there is a way to break the formation!"

Jialuo now feels like a mess in her heart, and she must not let this great array close, otherwise, her army of millions of ghost tribes will be wiped out.

The ghost clan cannot be destroyed just like that.

"The method of breaking the formation..."

Ling Tian's eyes narrowed slightly. Now, he and the ghost clan are in the same boat, and he will break the formation no matter what.

But this nine-turned yellow-sand formation is the ultimate killing formation, unlike a forbidden enchantment, he can directly break the formation with sword shadow, but this nine-turned yellow-sand formation will not give him time.

"Yes, there is, we can only fight poison with poison and break the formation with this kind of killing array!"

"I don't know, can the Ten Great Formations, which are also one of the four great formations, be able to take this nine tunes of yellow sand right away!"

Ling Tian suddenly sneered, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

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