Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 804: All in all

"what happened?"

"The little princess is watching Ling Tian?"

Wen Jin and others also looked unwilling.

How can Ling Tianyou and He De deserve the attention of the little princess?

Isn’t that good-looking? To be born without a background, to have strength without strength. Shit is not a little white face!

This is the common aspiration of everyone in the two universities!

Ling Tian and the others also felt the gaze of Master Li, and he felt a little embarrassed, so he touched his nose and looked to the side.

After all, I acted in a scene with this little girl at the beginning, and now almost no one knows what happened in the Northern Territory.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​I really admire you too. There are very few people who can be in touch with the little princess!"

At this time, Liu Xiangling couldn't help but jokingly said: "And you, you are really capable of making the little princess hate till now!"

"Ah, ashamed and ashamed..."

Ling Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly, also looking helpless.

The little girl Shishi Li didn't seem to know how much inexplicable hatred and trouble Ling Tian brought to this play she wrote and directed.

"You're still laughing, you offended the little princess, if she doesn't blame it, then don't think about it." Su Mo sighed, pretending to be angrily.

"It's not that it's not...'

Ling Tian smiled, how could the little princess blame him.

And Li Shishi's gaze was naturally noticed by the distinguished guests on the cliff. After all, Li Shishi's every move affects everyone's eyes.

Palace Master Fenglei and others also naturally discovered the people whom the little princess saw, and it was precisely the key figure in this Palace Tournament, Ling Tian from Xiaoyao College!

Whether or not Xiaoyao can be removed is all determined by Ling Tian.

Next to Master Li, Wang Chong heard Wang Zhong's whisper, and he also understood the outline, but the little princess's eyes suddenly lifted his heart.

"Who is that person!?"

Wang Chong looked down. The figure being watched by Master Li found that it was a pretty good-looking man in white. He suddenly felt angry and asked in a low voice through gritted teeth.

"Young Master, he is the Ling Tian I was talking about! He abolished General Yan's Yan Hu. This time, we, Northern Wilderness, will never let him go!"

Wang Zhong also said viciously.

Na Yan Hu was the man who had finally cultivated in the Northern Wilderness and was ready to attack the Fenglei Academy Muyang in the palace competition. Yan Hu's grandfather was also his best friend of Wang Zhong, but now, that Yan Hu is being bullied. The day was ruthlessly abolished, and martial arts decided from then on.

This is more hateful than killing Yan Hu!

This time, if Ling Tian is not abolished, he can't swallow this breath.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​is that him?!"

"Yes! And, eldest master, I heard rumors that this kid had offended the little princess before, and this guy is a crooked prodigal! He is inexcusable!"

Wang Chong's eyes narrowed, his boxer tightened slightly, and then he looked at Master Li, "Princess, is he not pleasing to his eyes? I'll go down and kill him directly, how about!"

Wang Chong's voice was full of vitality and sound waves, and it was so loud that everyone on the entire Yinlei Peak could hear clearly.

The exit was to kill an academy chief, and his tone was as if he was about to squeeze a little chicken to death.

When everyone heard this, their faces changed.

Openly said this to the chief of an academy, and said such words, it was a little bit of disregard for the other party.

Although the person who spoke was a disciple of the Wang family and a popular arrogant of the Academy, his combat power and status were decisive, but in front of so many people, he seemed a little bold.

Below, Su Mo and others, their expressions were extremely gloomy.

Wang Chong's attitude is too arrogant and domineering.

"Hey, who does he think he is, who wants to kill this and that, does he have the ability?"

"That's right, isn't it from the academy, and not the chief, what drag!"

Lin Yanyan and the others snorted without scruples.

Ling Tian, ​​who was the core focus, couldn't help but let out a cold snort from his nose, holding his arms and looking at the cliff, but a smile was raised on the corner of his mouth.

The other party made him laugh, but there was a coldness in this smile.

This Wang Chong was already remembered by Ling Tian.

Wang's concubine, wait, it won't be long.

"No need, no need to be the chief of an academy. Is it necessary for you to take action? Besides, you can't ignore the laws of the royal court."

"That kid is very annoying, but it's enough to leave it to the mansion of the Northern Territory. Isn't it a big match today? It's better to compare!"

Li Shishi repeatedly shook his head.

It seems that there is really some truth in what I said.

"Then, okay, it just happens that I don't think this kid is pleasing to my eyes. Today, the little princess will just wait and see, he will definitely be dealt with miserably!"

Wang Chong nodded, then looked down at Ling Tian, ​​his eyes full of coldness.

"That's right, the little princess don't worry, I will not show mercy to Ling Tian's subordinates when I wait for the students!"

Wang Zhong also quickly flattered Tao.

Yang Kaitai scolded Wang Zhong secretly when he saw it, and quickly gave up, "Yes, my Fenglei Academy is the number one university in the Northern Territory, and its students are brave and strong, especially Yang Ling and Muyang, both of whom have good combat power. , I definitely want Ling Tian to look good, to vent my anger to the little princess!"

Yang Ling and Muyang hurriedly stood up behind Yang Kaitai, nodded and said yes, "I both must vent my anger for the little princess!"

"Hahaha, well, clean him up for me, I tell you, that guy is very irritating and scheming. Don't overturn your boat in the ditch!"

The little princess caressed her palm and smiled.

Ling Tian on the square: "..."

"Ahem, the old man is Yang Kaitai, the head of Fenglei Academy. Today, my Northern Territory Palace Competition will be held ahead of schedule. The rules of the Palace Competition will be held ahead of schedule. Students from the two governments and three hospitals are invited to enter the competition venue and prepare immediately!"

It seemed that he was very anxious about this competition. Yang Kaitai couldn't wait to get up and announce the start of this competition.

"Wow, this is the beginning! Are you going to beat Ling Tian?"

The little princess Li Shishi immediately clapped his hands and applauded.

"Hehe, little princess, don't be irritable. The martial arts competition will not be held until after the two pill pill. If you want to clean up that Lingtian, you will have to wait an hour!"

Zhang Kaitai said with a smile.

"Why is that? Two Dao Qi Dan? That can also be tyrannical, as long as you vent my anger!" Li Shishi frowned.

"The little princess does not know that there is only one hour between the Qidan and the martial arts competition. It is not enough for the students to participate at the same time. Moreover, Lingtian will not participate in the Qidan and martial arts competition.. .."


However, before Yang Kaitai could say his last words, a loud noise broke out under the cliff!

Yang Kaitai looked down, and his pupils shrank, and exclaimed: "How is it possible? He wants to participate in the alchemy test?"

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