Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 805: Dan Dao challenged Ling Tian?

On the cliff, including Wang Chong, followed closely and looked down.

Sure enough, he saw Ling Tian on the edge of the square, but he directly passed through the flow of people and stepped onto the platform of the Dan Dao competition.

This... is a little unexpected directly.

Because no one knew beforehand that Ling Tian was still proficient in alchemy.

Only a few people know that Ling Tian had instructed Liu Xiangling to make alchemy at Linxi College before, but that did not mean that Ling Tian possessed extremely high alchemy attainments. At least, after Ling Tian arrived in Zhongzhou, no one saw it. He made alchemy.

As for some people who said that the martial arts conference in Yunzhou was just a joke, it was not worth talking about in Zhongzhou.

Therefore, Ling Tian suddenly chose Dan Dao now to make everyone talk.

"I understand! Ling Tian must be scared! He was afraid of being abolished in the martial arts competition, so he chose the alchemy competition. In this way, he has a reason not to participate in the martial arts competition!"

"Yeah, he was persuaded like this, but in this way, Xiaoyao Academy is really expelled!"

"Isn't this normal? Who would take his own martial arts future for that broken academy? If he participates in a martial arts contest, if there is a small princess today, he must be abolished! Then Yang Ling and Wen Jin, wait for him to please him The little princess!"

"It makes sense!"

Everyone talked a lot, and after a while, they gave Ling Tian this move and found a sound that seemed to make sense.

On the cliff, after everyone was stunned, they also figured out the motive of Ling Tian's move. Immediately, a few ridicules appeared on their faces.

This Ling Tian had made all kinds of rhetoric before, but he didn't expect that he would be so quick now!

Even the deputy director of Xiaoyao, Zhuang Lu, who was sitting on the edge, was ashamed and smiling. What was ashamed was that Ling Tian was really embarrassed, and what was smiling was Ling Tian, ​​but so!

"This kid! This is what happened!"

Wang Zhong groaned angrily and said, "You can rest assured, the little princess, even if he avoids this martial arts competition by tricks, we will definitely look for opportunities to make this kid pay the price!"

"Hahaha, don't be in a hurry, this guy is very hard-hearted, he won't give in, this Dan Dao test can also abuse him, let your people come, give him some color!"

Li Shishi didn't care very much, and even said as if he had expected Ling Tian to do this a long time ago.

"The little princess rest assured, Bai Jasmine, a student from my college, has a lot of accomplishments on the path of alchemy, and he will surely let Ling Tian lose his face!"

"Yes, my Northern Wilderness student signed up for the Dandao competition this time, and I won't give Ling Tian any chance!"

Yang Kaitai and Wang Zhong got up one after another and let the students walk into the field.

In an instant, nearly a hundred people entered at the same time, surrounding Ling Tian in the middle. Among them was Bai Jasmine, a popular student from Fenglei Academy Dandian!

Ling Tian felt the joking gaze, and immediately looked back, only to find that the gaze came from a long black waterfall-like hair in a brown gauze dress, with a white jasmine flower inserted in it. The Lingcui hairpin of Ling Cui, the streamer turned around, made this woman look beautiful and refined, with a hint of immortality.

However, at this time, the corner of the woman's mouth was a smile of sarcasm and pity, and her gaze fell on Ling Tian, ​​who was dressed in white.

"Hehe, I admire you a little bit. In front of so many people, how do you persuade you, and then you persuade you? Didn’t you make a bold statement before and try to protect Xiaoyao from being removed? The palace is in a big match, is it a violent beating Wen Xu. Why now, come here, and try Dan Dao with me?"

Seeing Ling Tian still dared to look at him, Bai Jasmine immediately showed a look of disgust on her face, and she snorted.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I didn't come here to compete with you, but to compete with this Dan Dao first!"

Ling Tian chuckled, indifferent to Bai Jasmine's contempt.

"Hahahaha! Ling Tian, ​​it's about this time, you're still arguing! Take Dandao first in the test? This is the reason you made up! It's really laughable!"

Bai Jasmine was angry and laughing, shaking all over.

Ling Tian is still in front of so many people, wanting to take the first Dan Dao of the palace in front of her eyes?

This is really ridiculous.

This Ling Tian, ​​knowing he was not Yang Ling Wengui's opponent, took the initiative to withdraw from the martial arts competition, and even pretended to be an uncle here. This simply didn't put her in the eyes of Jasmine Bai!

White Jasmine is admired in Fenglei Academy. In the Northern Territory, except for the Purple Cloud Academy, where is it not surrounded by everyone and flattered in every possible way?

"From today onwards, your name will definitely be famous in the Northern Territory. However, this name is stinking. You are as timid as a mouse, and you are arrogant and disgusting. Everyone will know!"

Bai Jasmine couldn't bear it, waiting for Ling Tian to curse in a low voice.

Ling Tian smiled this time, but there was no answer. It was disgusting to care about this shrew-like woman.

However, An Ran beside Ling Tian finally couldn't help it, and stared at Bai Jasmine, "Bai Jasmine! You speak so viciously, are you afraid of rotten tongue in the future? Who is sick? You will know in a moment! "

"We will just wait and see, I will let you know the gap between all of you and my white Jasmine! You will eventually know that in front of me, you only have the qualification to look up!"

Bai Jasmine snorted coldly, her face was arrogant, and she no longer looked at Ling Tian and An Ran.

At this time, on the cliff, the guests from the major forces who witnessed all of this were also very interested.

The little princess Master Li took out a flaming fruit from his arms and ate it. Erlang's legs were tilted, and he yelled as he chewed: "Hahaha, do it, do it! There is no anger, it's better. , Let me see what you stinky guy want to do!"

The guests from other major forces also gave Ling Tian some pointers, but almost all of them mocked Ling Tian's first bold words to compete with the alchemy.

"It's really self-infuriating, let's just wait to see Ling Tian's embarrassed appearance!"

Yang Kaitai brushed his beard and snorted coldly.

Dan Dao and Qi Dao competitions soon began.

Because the martial arts competition has not yet been conducted, everyone is on both sides of the platform, changing their sights, discussing the students they think will shine.

And the Dan Dao test, it gathered the most people's eyes, and even the Yang Ling Muyang and others who had gone off the stage looked at Ling Tian on the stage from a distance, wanting to know what this guy could make.

The alchemy test needs to report the alchemy pill in advance, so as to obtain two pill materials.

Bai Jasmine seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and directly wrote the name of the alchemy on the altar, manifesting it in front of everyone.

"Hundred Flower Yulu Pills!"

When the five large characters of the alchemy name Bai Jasmine reported appeared in front of everyone, it immediately caused a burst of low exclamations, and it seemed that Bai Jasmine would actually refine this pill.

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