Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 835: In Lindong

"Actually, you are not more worried about these, after all, you can't do much. I can only guarantee that there is no such person in my Xiaoyao Academy now. In addition, you must always remember that your Ling family's enemy is Prince Rong. !"

"Ling Guogong died at the hands of Prince Rong!"

"This hatred is not shared!"

Ling Tian clenched his fists suddenly, "Prince Rong!"

........ Feixia Mountain, outside the gate of Xiaoyao College.

At this time, on the Shanmen Square, densely packed with students.

On the edge of the mountain gate, a group of people surrounded Ling Tian and Li Qingcheng.

"Ling Tian, ​​just put your heart in your stomach, and I will wait to ensure that Qiu'er won't hurt a single hair!"

Chen Chong looked at Ling Tian, ​​patted his chest and said.

"I'm naturally relieved."

Ling Tian nodded, but there was a mysterious smile in their eyes.

Now, Ling Qiu'er is actually in Taoyuan, accompanied by the eldest princess. The secret room of Xiaoyao Academy is just a blindfold.

Ling Qiu'er is too important to Ling Tian, ​​so Ling Tian must not leave every step of the way. Although Xiaoyao Academy is also safe, after all, there are many people and eyes.

Ling Tian couldn't bear it in case something happened.

"In that case, the dean, we are leaving now!"

Chen Chong grabbed Ling Tian's shoulder, "Wait, Ling Tian, ​​I have never been ashamed to say that you have something called a cigar in your hand. Save me a taste."

Ling Tian: "....."

Okay, the head of the mad asylum didn't open his mouth to lift a cigar until the end, which was quite bearable.

"Haha, it's easy to say."

Ling Tian smiled and took out a brocade box from the ring.

The brocade box is extremely elegant, it is full of exquisite patterns, and it is also inlaid with purple Lingcui. Just this box is already very valuable.

When the brocade box was opened, it was a row of ten thumb-thick cigars. The color of the cigars was very pure.

As soon as he appeared in front of Chen Chong, the extremely aggressive smell permeated.

On every cigar, there is the word Ziyu.

These cigars are mixed with a little purple jade spirit flame fruit leaves, mixed with many five rare herbs.

It is the top cigar in Lingtian Zhongzhou, and the corresponding one is the powerful warrior of the Primordial God Realm.

This thing is extremely overbearing, even if it is not lit, ordinary golden martial artists can't stand it.

Therefore, the box just opened for a moment and then closed, or let the surrounding Bu Xuanyin and others, holding their noses, back again and again, unable to stand the stimulation.

However, the head of the madhouse was excited in a moment, and he hugged the brocade box and hid it.

"Wonderful! Although the old man has not tried it, but at first glance, this is a top-notch good thing! Haha, let's go!"

The head of the insane asylum danced like he was sick again. Ling Tian was also helpless.

"Everyone, take care too. During the time I am no longer, I hope you will spare no effort in training. Then, give me a surprise."

Ling Tian looked at Bu Xuanyin, Lin Yanyan and others.

"Haha, please feel free to rush, we will surprise you when that happens!"

Lin Yanyan smiled.

Ling Tian went too eagerly and they couldn't keep up. During this time, they had gained a lot and they had to take a break in the academy.

Moreover, Changan's competition is too fierce, and with their strength, they cannot afford it.

"Well, that's the case, I'm in Chang'an, waiting for you!"

Ling Tian nodded heavily, glanced at everyone who was seeing him off, and then suddenly turned around.

"Congratulations to the chief!"

"Congratulations to the chief!"

And at the moment when Ling Tian turned around, behind him, there were shouts of the mountains and plains.

That is from Xiaoyao College, the voice of all the students.

"Hehe, Chang'an, I'm Ling Tian, ​​here comes!"

In Ling Tian's heart, he was also proud,

Today, the two houses and three hospitals in the Northern Territory had no challenges to Ling Tian.

Next, only the geniuses of the four college palaces are worthy of his opponents.

This time when he officially stepped into Chang'an City, Ling Tian would not be low-key anymore!

"Everyone, treasure!"

Ling Tian raised his hand and gave a long roar. The next moment, Xiaoqing fluttered out and screamed on his back.

The next moment, it carried Ling Tian, ​​soaring into the sky, and in an instant, it turned into a stream of green gold and disappeared into the sky.

Behind him, Li Qingcheng also laughed loudly, summoning a group of horses with white wings, and hurriedly chasing them.

After only three breaths, there was no breath of two people between this world.

Only those tens of thousands of figures standing silently in front of the gate of Xiaoyao Mountain...


Chang'an City, Prince's East Palace.

In front of the palace gate, Ling Tian got off his horse.

Looking at the palace gate, which is not very gorgeous, but is extremely majestic, I can't help feeling full of emotions.

Before, when he had just stepped into Zhongzhou and came to Chang'an City to visit the East Palace, he was only the cultivation base of the early golden body, and his combat power was comparable to the early days of Dharma.

He was criticized and looked down upon.

The coldness and contempt made him feel deeply.

Now, standing in front of the gate of the East Palace again, he has become the leader of the palace in the Northern Territory of Zhongzhou, and his cultivation has reached the late golden body stage, and his combat power is even more comparable to the late stage of the law!

For the first time, he was made things difficult for him, Ling Tian chose to forbear, but this time, never again.

Standing in front of the door, Ling Tian stood quietly for a while. Finally, the door opened, and Li Qingcheng stepped forward and pulled Ling Tian in, "I have already reported to the prince, but as for when I can see you, then it's up to time."

"Hehe, I understand..."

Ling Tian wore the armor of the Lan Ling guard and nodded, the prince, you are the next Southern Tang Lord, so it is not something Ling Tian wants to see, so he can see.

When the two entered the East Palace, Ling Tian discovered that along the way, many guards rushed in the direction of the martial arts field, with expressions of excitement on their faces.

"Brother Li, they are..."

Li Qingcheng patted his forehead and said with a smile: "Seeing that I was busy, but I forgot. Today is the guard promotion contest..."

He glanced at Ling Tian’s very ordinary blue Ling guard armor, and smiled: "Before you came to the East Palace, you felt angry? Now a few months have passed. You are not what you used to be, if you didn’t give them something. Look at the color?"

Ling Tian spread his hands: "You know, I always keep a low profile..."

"Low-key? Are you still low-key?"

Li Qingcheng shook his head.

"Um, well, I just missed them too. I will try to change my outfit this time, otherwise I will meet the prince then, isn't it too shabby?"

Ling Tian squeezed his chin.

"Well, it seems there is a good show this time!"

Li Qingcheng smiled, and took Ling Tian all the way to this martial arts field.

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