Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 836: Brother Zhang

"Brother Li! Are you coming back so soon?"

Before arriving at the martial arts field, on the way, a man and a woman, two guards in black armor, walked towards him.

Both of them are handsome and beautiful, with extraordinary temperaments. They are about twenty-two or three years old. Although they both have the cultivation base of the peak of the late golden body, their armor is the same as Ling Tian, ​​and they are both dressed as the fourth-class Lan Ling guards. .

"Yeah, Zhang Lei and Zhang Jing, did you two report so soon?!"

Seeing the two, Li Qingcheng was also startled.

"Ah, of course. You don't know how boring Qianniuwei is. We have just returned from the front line and we are almost out of our cocoon in Qianniuwei!"

Although Zhang Lei was only two or three years older than Ling Tian, ​​she still looked like a little girl, with a more lively nature.

"Yes. Yesterday, General Li said that he wanted us to come to the East Palace to serve as guards. Why don't we defect to you right away!"

That Zhang Jing also scratched his head and said with a silly smile.

"Qianniuwei patrolling is a bit boring, but I am also looking at such a slapped place in the East Palace, and it is also very boring, you two brothers and sisters, I am afraid you will be disappointed!"

Li Qingcheng shrugged.

"Hey, let's do this first, it's not bad to play in a different environment for two days!"

The two did not care.

"However, how do you two wear the armor of the fourth-class Lan Ling guard? Anyway, you two are both the peak cultivation base of the late golden body. Fighting in Mobei, the combat strength is good. This... . Qucai, right?" Li Qingcheng looked at the dressing of the brother and sister, puzzled.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, and Zhang Jing said: "We want to follow the rules, and we can't go up again. Others in the province said that we went through the back door because of family reasons!"

"Yes, yes, didn't you just catch up with the guards' promotion contest today? Just get up."

Zhang Lei didn't care too much, but his eyes finally fell on Ling Tian who was half of Li Qingcheng's body.

"Brother Li, who is this? Why is he also wearing the armor of the fourth-class guard in his late golden body cultivation base?"

Zhang Lei looked at Ling Tian at this time, but suddenly realized that this person looked much younger than them, and he looked so handsome.

Suddenly, his face turned blushing, and his eyes began to dodge.

"Oh? Look at me, I forgot to introduce it to you."

Li Qingcheng dragged Ling Tian in front of him and said, "This is Ling Tian. He entered the East Palace a few months earlier than you, but in the past few months, he has been practicing in the Xiaoyao Academy and has never walked in the East Palace. Moreover, He is still the leader of the Northern Territory Palace Competition this time!"

"The leader of the Grand Competition? Is he still from the academy?"

Brother and sister Zhang Jing glanced at each other, both were a little surprised. They were all from the palace courtyard, but they had never heard of a college student who had won the leader of the palace courtyard.

What does the chief student of the university do for food?

The brothers and sisters were surprised. Li Qingcheng also pointed to the two to introduce to Ling Tian, ​​"These two live treasures are the children of the five great families of Zhang's family, and they are also students of the previous class. After graduation, they went to Mobei to join the army and saved more than two years. The resources are back, okay, I still haven't broken through to the realm of Dhamma.

"Oh, it turned out to be a genius disciple of the Zhang family, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Ling Tian bowed his hands.

Ling Tian still feels good about these two brothers and sisters, at least from them, you can't see the inherent arrogance of the other family's children.

It's hard to come by.

"Hey, don’t think we are geniuses. Brother Li is hurting us! We are both in Zhang’s family, which are ordinary children. When we graduated two years ago, we were Jinshen Dacheng. Now we have been in Jinshan for more than two years. At the peak of your body, it is not easy to say that you want to break through the confinement of the realm of law and form!"

That Jing Tan spread his hands.

"Oh, okay, you guys, don't be polite, and say as we walk, we will be embarrassed if we can't catch up with the guard promotion for a while,"

Zhang Lei waved her hand, and the four walked side by side.

Talking and laughing along the way, Ling Tian also mentioned Zhang Han, the former chief of Xiaoyao, and learned that Zhang Han’s first line was far inferior to the two brothers and sisters in Zhang’s family, but he also admitted that Zhang Han’s combat power was actually good. Better than the two of them back then.

And they all sigh that the students in this class are so fierce.

According to them, in the last session, there were those with the Ninth-Rank Martial Spirit, but they were only two people, and their average combat power was a level lower than this one.

The four rushed to the martial arts field. At this time, the huge martial arts field was full of people.

Among them, not only were the guards of the East Palace, but also the maids and eunuchs.

Thinking about it, they are all willing to watch the excitement.

After all, in this palace, waiting for the master day after day, there are few opportunities to go out, naturally, it will feel boring and boring.

Among the guards, there are also men and women. There are not many female guards, but all of them hold their arms and are very arrogant.

Among those people, Ling Tian saw the female military commander who was stubborn and domineering when she ran into the prince concubine's honor guard in the garden last time.

The female military commander has the same cultivation base as Li Qingcheng, and she doesn't wear the armor of the guards, so she seems to be of high status.

"Brother Li, who is that woman?"

Ling Tian couldn't help asking, this female military commander couldn't help but clean up her at the beginning, Ling Tian still remembers it now.

"She? Cui Yan, the head of the prince's personal guard, not a guard. She is usually domineering, but her combat power is not bad."

Li Qingcheng glanced at the female military commander and said, "Why, you have a holiday with her?"

"That's not true, but there was a one-sided bond."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"Oh, that eldest sister is so fierce, it seems that no one owes her money, huh. Cui family is amazing, isn't she also the child of the partial house?" Zhang Lei dismissed.

Obviously, it was also under that Cui Yan's hand that got angry.

And when the four of them looked at Cui Yan, the latter also felt the eyes of everyone, following their gazes, but Gu Jing had no waves on their faces, as if even Li Qingcheng hadn't paid attention to it.

Ling Tian's gaze turned accordingly. Among the guards, he saw a lot of imposing aura, all of them were good young guards.

In the East Palace Prince's Mansion, there were only thousands of guards, and among them, they were all martial arts geniuses.

Those who can be promoted to the second-class Red Ling guards, or even the first-class Huang Ling guards, are basically the best in the previous palace.

"Ling Tian, ​​look at the left. Among those people, there are a few guards wearing dark yellow armors. They are all first-class Huang Ling guards."

"In the East Palace, there are not many first-class guards. There are only twelve people. Each of them is from the previous palace. They are very young. Although the cultivation level is only the peak of the golden body, the combat power is all. It’s in the late stage of the Dharma Stage, very powerful!

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