Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 864: Ling Tian arrogant beauty researching ink

Words are very arrogant.

Yun Yang's poems have been recognized as excellent.

Although Ye Zimei didn't make any statement now, it was not anyone who could slander him.

Now Ling Tian's remarks are already very provocative in the eyes of everyone.

"Ling Tian, ​​I don't believe you on why you utter a rant, you can write a poem even better than Yun Yang!"

The king of Zhongshan County, Lin Zhuoran, was the first to refuse.

"Haha, what can you do if you refuse to accept your defeat?!"

Ling Tian squinted, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Lin Zhuoran was speechless. Just now, he was superior to the rhythm and lost to Ling Tian. This is a fact!

"Hmph, you cat and dog, pretending to be very similar to your master! However, you are so arrogant today. If you can't produce anything real, I, Li Jian, will never tolerate it!"

The King of Zhongshan Jun also said coldly at this time.

"Ling Tian, ​​I'm really curious, what poems do you use to win against me!"

At this moment, Yun Yang, who was standing on the platform, finally raised his eyes and looked at Ling Tian.

His eyes were filled with dissatisfaction.

He also couldn't tolerate Ling Tian's tone.

He is more outstanding than himself a year ago. He doesn't believe that Ling Tian can beat him.

He is extremely confident about his poem!

"Haha, Yun Yang, say you are still not convinced, well, then I will convince you!"

Ling Tian Yangtian let out a long laugh, waved his big hand, and a case appeared in front of him.

However, Ling Tian didn't write a pen before, but instead looked at the Ye Zi frieze that was hidden by the formation.

"However, I need everyone, Ye, to research ink for Ling Mou!"

As soon as Ling Tian said this, the entire Qianhua Cave Heaven was silent for a moment.

Everyone looked at each other because of Ling Tian's words in the hole where the needle fell.

Let everyone study ink.

Is this Ling Tian really crazy?

He doesn't really treat everyone Ye as the geisha who sells laughs, right?

Even the prince and the king of Zhongshan would not make such unreasonable demands.

"Ling Tian! Are you crazy, do you know what you are talking about? Let Zimei grind for you, what are you!"

Lin Zhuoran patted the table and got up and pointed at Ling Tian angrily.

As everyone knows, Lin Zhuoran likes the leaf frieze most in this jade workshop. Even if there are so many charming and charming palaces, he hasn't paid attention to it. How can he tolerate Ling Tian's desecration of leaf frieze now?

"Hmph, Ling Tian, ​​I think you are really bored!"

Li Kan's face was also extremely gloomy.

"I know that everyone has a respectable status, but the poems written in Xia are not unusual. At the beginning, Master Chen wrote for me in a poem that was a thousand miles away. I believe that I am today's poem in Xia, and it is no less than any previous poem. If you can get everyone to study ink, it will be the icing on the cake, and it will be a story of its own!"

"I'm also sure that this poem will never lose everyone's identity..."

Ling Tian stood with his hand in his hand, and didn't pay attention to other people's scolding at all.

"It's so ridiculous, where are you confident? I, Li Kan, have been in Chang'an for so long, and I have never seen a shameless person like you!"

The King of Zhongshan County was about to be killed by Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was shameless, but he was really doing it.

"We also naturally believe in the talent of Young Master Ling, but the identity of the lintel is indeed inappropriate. Otherwise, how about I research ink for Young Master?"

Yue Qianfang rolled his eyes and suddenly smiled.

When everyone heard this, they were also shocked.

Pavilion Master Yue is studying ink for Ling Tian, ​​this is also very unusual, right?

Is it possible that the owner of the Yue Pavilion wants to sell the Prince's face?

"No, this poem was written by everyone, Ye, she can only study ink!"

Ling Tian didn't appreciate it at all and flatly refused.


Yue Qianfang's face suddenly fell cold, Ling Tian really didn't know what was good or bad.

As the master of Qunfang Pavilion, she has given enough face to the prince and him.

Looking at Ling Tian's appearance that the oil and salt were not entering, the more Qianfang was going to go crazy.

"In that case, let me come..."

Unexpectedly, when everyone was watching with cold eyes and preparing to see how Ling Tian was embarrassed, the formation at the center of the platform suddenly fell.

And a white robe, like a frieze of a lotus flower, actually walked down from it.

Ye Lin, promised!

This immediately caused everyone to almost drop their jaws.

The Oiran Ye Zi frieze, almost not the Ye Zi frieze of all the wealthy children of Chang'an City, actually agreed to Ling Tian's seemingly unreasonable request!

This is simply incredible.

This Ling Tian, ​​what is so special that Ye Zimei can compromise?

Lin Zhuoran couldn't accept it even more, staring at the leaf frieze as he walked down step by step, his face turned green.

He has been fond of Ye Zi frieze for so long, and has never seen Ye Zi frieze, cared about him so much, how can he not compare to that Ling Tian?

"Thank you Ye, everyone for your face."

Ling Tian nodded. Actually, he didn't expect Ye Zimei to agree so happy.

"No thanks, if your poems don't meet my requirements, don't blame me for being rude."

A rare cold color flashed across Ye Zimei's extremely charming face.

"Everyone, Ye, don't worry!"

Ling Tian smiled and spread the paper.

"Since it's a poem written for me, use mine!"

However, with a wave of Ye Zimei's hand, a set of four treasures of the study appeared on Ling Tian's table.

The paper is like snow, and the pen is like jade.

"Hey, it's the Xuejian and Liufang pen that everyone Ye received at last year's Oiran Conference!"

"Yeah, this thing is for everyone Ye's personal use, but it's something from the palace. It's never borrowed, this Ling Tian is simply too happy!"

"Huh, everyone, Ye, pays so much attention to it, and the requirements are naturally very high. If Ling Tian can't meet the requirements, just wait for it to look good!"

When everyone saw it, they were jealous again.


Ling Tian smiled, dipped the ink with the ink developed by the leaf frieze, and started writing without thinking.

The leaf fringe was the closest, and he leaned forward while studying ink. A strand of black hair fell with the wind, reflecting on her jade-white face, which was extremely beautiful.

However, Ye Zimei didn't realize it. Her gaze was always on the pen in Ling Tian's hand. As Ling Tian's handwriting surfaced, her expression gradually changed.

Yue Qianfang was naturally curious too. When she stepped forward to look, she was immediately more surprised, but she still did not forget that she was directly above Ling Tian's head with a projection array, so that everyone could see the poems written by Ling Tian. to make.

Everyone naturally saw the changes on the faces of Ye Zimei and Yue Qianfang, and they were all very curious.

Ling Tian said so arrogantly, maybe he really relied on it, and it was not impossible.

The prince also shook his folding fan and leaned forward to look at it leisurely.

Not only that, on the mountain in the distance, the golden robe old man and Chen Xuanling and other martial arts powers also put down their wine glasses and looked at the formation in the distance.

"Hahaha, this kid is really wonderful, at this time, I still don't forget to move you out, so that you can write for a junior, that is, Lingtian!"

The old man in the golden robe suddenly laughed in a low voice.

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