Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 865: Disregard the heroes and stand alone

"No, that girl in my family dare not ask me like this!"

Chen Xuanling shook her head, but immediately said: "However, I have no regrets, on the contrary, I am very fortunate to have transcribed the poem!"

"Yeah, indeed! Now this kid is confident, let's wait and see whether his song can be compared to the tens of thousands of wars! However, his word is really good enough, Master Wei, I'm afraid in my Chaosheng Pavilion, Only your words can compare with him!"

The old man nodded, but suddenly he looked at the serious warrior on the other side.

Master Wei pursed his lips, "Better than mine..."

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at each other, secretly saying that this evaluation is really high enough.

Because they rarely see Master Wei boasting other people's words.

However, at this time they were also silent, quietly waiting for Ling Tian to write a poem.

Soon, on the projection array, Ling Tian's first poem was finished.

"Dim, light, white and soft in nature."

Uh, it seems that there is nothing outstanding, just describing the shape of the lotus flower.

It was Ling Tian's words that caused everyone a commotion.

After all, this huge city of Chang'an has never seen Ling Tian's thin gold body.

This thin gold body is both sharp and handsome. On the paper, it looks like a boy in ink clothes standing with a sword. It is very beautiful.

And Ye Zimei's face changed because of Ling Tian's handwriting.

After the first sentence came out, Yun Yang and Lin Zhuoran both hummed softly.

They admitted that Ling Tian's writing was good, but his poems were just so-so.

The second sentence comes out immediately.

"Love stays far away and only fragrant."

"Hey, it's kind of interesting!"

The first game was unremarkable, but Ling Tian's second sentence was gradually getting better, and Yue Qianfang couldn't help but whisper.

Everyone held their breath again, waiting for Ling Tianxiaque to appear.

"Why light blue and deep red."

The third game appeared very quickly. At this time, Rao was the sloppy prince and closed the folding fan with a sigh, staring intently at the projection array.

It was him who understood that Ling Tian's song was progressively developed, and its style and momentum became higher and higher. By now, it has a majestic and surging feeling!

It's as if the volcano has already accumulated all the energy, just wait for the last one, and directly erupt!

This last sentence is definitely extraordinary!

"Last sentence, I have to add the finishing touch, and I will do everything."

On the top of the mountain, the golden-robed old man's eyes flashed with shock, and he whispered: "Unconsciously, the sky has risen, this kid, it's really not easy!"

Everyone on the left and right frowned, without any expression.

They even clumped their fists, seemingly waiting for Ling Tian's last sentence to appear, exploding all the brewing things.

That moment will be the climax of the entire wine tasting event today!

Sure enough, just after the golden robe old man's voice fell, Ling Tian touched the last spirit ink, glanced at the leaf frieze next to him, smiled, and took the dragon snake with the pen in his hand. The last sentence was completed in an instant!

"Self-best among the flowers!"

Ling Tian's pen stopped, and everything in the cave was silent.

It seems that the surrounding wind has stopped.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, within the Thousand Flower Cave, the ten thousand flower buds that had just bloomed, all of them were defeated in an instant...

On the huge platform, a gust of wind rose out of thin air, and the white gauze skirt that moved the frieze of the leaves, like a lotus flower blooming...

Dim, light, white and soft in nature.

Feelings are far away and only fragrant leaves.

Why light blue and deep red.

It's the best among the flowers!

Ten thousand flowers are gone, and a lotus blooms.

Ling Tian closed his pen and stood, like a swordsman watching flowers next to a lotus.

At this moment, within the vast Qianhua Cave, only the sound of the wind blowing over the leaf frieze dress can be heard.

Everyone stayed there.

Ling Tian's poem is really amazing.

No one can beat it.

No need to compare at all.

A poem can make all the flowers fall, and it can already explain all the problems.

In the distance, Yun Yang sat there slumped, his whole being stupid.

"Why light blue and deep red, it is the best among flowers!"

Ye Zimei muttered these two poems lightly and repeatedly, already immersed in it, unable to extricate himself.

On the top of the mountain, the old man in the golden robe and others were also chanting repeatedly.

"Why light blue and deep red, it is the best among flowers! Hahaha, this kid is really good, he clearly describes a flower, but it makes him write so domineering! This is clearly like a sword warrior, Standing on the top of the mountains, I look down upon the heroes!"

"Yeah, that's right, he wrote it as arrogant to the crowd, Tsk Tsk, Ling Tian is amazing!"

Chen Xuanling is not stingy at all.

The others also nodded secretly. Obviously, this poem by Ling Tian conquered everyone.

No wonder Ling Tian insisted on asking the Ye Zi frieze to study ink. This Ye Zi frieze is clearly part of this poem. Other than her, no one else is qualified to study ink!

"This time, it is undoubtedly the crown prince and Ling Tian won!"

Chen Xuanling frowned immediately: "However, Ling Tian can be regarded as completely taking over Liang Zi with Li Han. I am afraid, Zhongshan Junwang must wait for Ling Tian to hurry up!"

"Hehe, Li Kan is just a dude, if he wasn't used to the emperor's brother, he wouldn't be so spoiled!"

The old man in the golden robe snorted coldly, "For example, the lack of Li Kan, I think Ling Tian can definitely handle it."

"Prince, I heard that the two princes of His Majesty Emperor Wu will also be awakened...By then, this prince..."

Chen Xuanling suddenly looked at the old man and asked quietly.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the old man turned his sullen gaze sideways, "This is not something I can manage. The two princes will wake up sooner or later, and the prince will face it sooner or later. Maybe I was still pessimistic before. , But the appearance of Ling Tian now makes me feel relieved a lot..."

"The prince took this Ling Tian too high, right?"

Master Wei raised his eyebrows.

"I have nothing in my life, I just look at people...’

The old man in the golden robe slowly got up, "I remember, soon, it will be the royal hunting day, right?"

"Yes, there is one month left..." Master Wei nodded.

"Hehe, after Wendou, it seems that fighting is going to be done. If Ling Tian will work, we will just wait and see!"

Let's talk about it, the old man in the golden robe stepped back to the top of the mountain.

Everyone looked at each other and hurriedly followed.


"Self-best among the flowers! Young Master Ling is really amazing!"

On the platform, Yue Qianfang looked at Ling Tian with full approval, and then looked at Ye Zimei, "Zimei, what do you think? The winner of this round of competition?"

After all, the decision is still in the hands of Ye Zimei.

Yun Yang still didn't give up completely, looking at the Ye Zi frieze, looking forward to a miracle.

But Ye Zimei curled the corners of the confidante's mouth and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Please also my son, let's name the wine!"

After a word fell, everyone knew that Ling Tian had won again!

"It's called Dufang Bar, and I hope everyone can stand alone!"

Ling Tian pursed his lips.

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