Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 866: Found by the Crown Princess... [Three more]


Ye Zimei took two steps back, and in the eyes of everyone, he bowed and bowed to Ling Tian, ​​"Thank you for the poem..."

"Haha, it's not enough to raise your hand."

Ling Tian held his hands empty.

"My son, your wine."

Yue Qianfang also sent up a delicate vial at this time.

Ling Tian took it, opened the mouth of the bottle, sniffed it, and suddenly raised his eyebrows before directly covering the bottle.

This wine really deserves to be brewed in Qunfang Pavilion's 300-year-old.

Then, Ling Tian stepped back from the platform and sat back behind the prince.

When everyone looked at Ling Tian's figure, they couldn't help sighing, secretly saying that this guy is destined to be famous as Chang'an City after today!

In fact, Ling Tian didn't expect that after he arrived in Chang'an, the road to rise would start in the fireworks field like Yurenfang, that is, he didn't know how to explain to Qin Mingyue at that time!

"Hahaha, Ling Tian, ​​great! Gu really didn't take you out for nothing, happy, really happy!"

The prince screamed once again to unfold the folding fan, and laughed like no one else.

Then he looked at the sullen-faced King Zhongshan and others, and said, "Li Kan, what, are you convinced!?"

"Huh, I'm convinced? I've never convinced you! Prince, let's wait and see, today this is just the beginning, a month later, you also know that it is our royal hunting day, wait for that time, we will see the truth! "

"let's go!"

Li Kan felt the pointing of the people around him. He could no longer stand it any longer. He was spoiled since he was little, and he had never been slapped in the face like this. He immediately groaned, gave the prince and Ling Tian a cold look, and left.

But Yun Yang and Lin Zhuoran were at the end, walking to Ling Tian's side, but suddenly stopped.

"Ling Tian, ​​these are just side streets. The gap between you and us cannot be made up. It used to be, and it is the same now. I will wait for you in a month. Don't let me down!"

Yun Yang squinted at Ling Tian and said coldly.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​I will make you regret coming to this place. If you touched me, you must die! Just wait and see! Humph!"

Lin Zhuoran's hatred for Ling Tian at this time was no less than Yun Yang.

Ling Tian was favored by Ye Zimei, and Lin Zhuoran couldn't wait to kill Ling Tian directly.

After all, the two had to leave.

"Hold on!"

However, Ling Tian chuckled lightly, shouted at the two of them, and attracted the surrounding eyes again.

"Ling Tian, ​​I am most tired of threats and others' unprovoked arrogance."

"Since the two have written the battle book, I should go to Ling Tian."

"The son is my deceased, I have nothing to say."

"It's you, Lin Zhuoran, right?"

Ling Tian got up and looked at Lin Zhuoran, his chin raised slightly, condescendingly.


Lin Zhuoran stands with his hands, people are very confident,

Although he lost by one stroke today, he is still confident of suppressing Ling Tian above martial arts.

"It's nothing, I'm just a pity for you, the Dragon Gate Competition, you, can't wait any longer!"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes, his eyes were also full of murderous intent!

Ling Tian's voice is not small, everyone in the cave can hear it very clearly.

Dragon Gate Competition, you can't wait!

What does Ling Tian mean?

Is it to make Lin Zhuoran disappear before the Dragon Gate Competition?

Didn't Ling Tian know that Lin Zhuoran was the younger brother of Lin Feihua, the chief of Kunwu Academy, and also the core disciple of Yudaozong, the first sect of Zhongzhou?

And Lin Zhuoran’s grandfather is now a great general in Mobei, commanding the troops, and the respect of his position is no longer under the first-class state, so he is full of murderous intentions to Lin Zhuoran, and Ling Tian is tantamount to directly offending the Lin family. And Yudaozong.

If Lin Zhuoran really had something to do, it would be even more offensive to Kunwu Academy.

Moreover, now that the king of Zhongshan County Li Kan is still there, it is tantamount to offending the entire Prince Guo's Mansion!

This Ling Tian is too courageous!

For a while, everyone was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Oh, ha ha, ha ha ha..."

Even Lin Zhuoran also stood there for a while, and laughed in anger.


However, after a while, the smile on Lin Zhuoran's face disappeared instantly.

In the presence of so many people, and even in the presence of Ye Zimei, Lin Zhuoran was actually threatened by Ling Tian, ​​and the other party was still acting as if he had killed himself.

Since Lin Zhuoran grew up, no one dared to treat him like this.

"Who persuades who is the grandson! I'm Lin Zhuoran, waiting for you to kill me..."

Lin Zhuoran's teeth squeaked, almost squeezing this sentence out of his mouth, and then left with Yun Yang.

"Hmph, a descendant of the General's Mansion, don't you think nobody cares about him? I'm used to it!"

The prince's face was also extremely ugly.

Lin Zhuoran first revealed his killing intent, and the prince was still there. After all, Ling Tian is now a member of the Eastern Palace. Lin Zhuoran was angry, so he was naturally even more angry.

"Ling Tian, ​​let it go and do it, it's just this kind of rubbish, you die if you die, I'll carry it for you!"

The prince snorted coldly.


Ling Tian glanced at the prince, and now he has no hope for the prince.

Today's prince can't be his absolute patron.

Because he had already seen it, the prince now cannot protect himself.


After coming out of the Qunfang Pavilion, Ling Tian and the prince did not stroll around, and returned directly to the East Palace.

Moreover, Ling Tian could clearly feel that there were a few breaths following them along the way, but he didn't know whether it was the one who protected the prince or the king of Zhongshan County, perhaps, both.

He climbed over the wall and entered Ling Tian's courtyard. The prince had the token of the formation of the East Palace in his hand, unconsciously.

"Ling Tian, ​​you rest early. As for the royal hunting one month later, you don't have to worry about it. Birthday congratulations to Concubine Yi is the most important thing. Today you have restored face for Gu, and remember it. Your love, Donggong Defense, you don’t have to participate. I will inform Zao Wou-ki, if you have any needs, you can go to Manager Li!"

The prince walked to the door, turned around and said to Ling Tian.

"Thank you for your understanding."

Ling Tian nodded, but instead, Ling Tian frowned again, saying: "But, Ling Tian has something to say, I don't know if it's not appropriate to say it."

"Hehe, there is no gap between Gu and you. I admire you, privately, Gu has already regarded you as a brother, but you say it's okay, I forgive you!"

The prince screamed and unfolded the folding fan, and he was very free and easy.

"That's... Your Royal Highness goes out of the palace privately, or go to the Jade Square. Are you really afraid of the prince concubine to blame?" Ling Tian raised his eyes and glanced at the door behind the prince.

"She blames loneliness?"

The prince was surprised, and then smiled, "Are you stupid? Who is the lonely? The lonely prince, the lord of the East Palace! Being alone is the law, she dare to blame me, and turn her back!"

After all, the prince tossed his robe sleeves and pushed the door directly to leave.

But the next moment, he knelt down with a grunt.

"Guo'er, listen to Gu's explanation!"

Ling Tian looked at it from the corner of the eye, and stroked his forehead with his hand.

Outside the door, Princess Cui Zhuer took Cui Yan and other female guards, standing there with frosty faces...

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