Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 897: Undersea World

During the flight, some warriors were constantly struck by lightning and turned into powder.

This day, the thunder sea area is indeed extremely dangerous.

Ling Tian sighed in his heart, but he didn't have time to pity anything. Xiaoqing spread his wings and ran, passing directly through several purple thunders that hadn't been condensed, and rushed to the deepest part of the sea.

In the ensuing journey, more and more purple thunders fell from the sky. That terrible power destroyed many powerful people physically and mentally, but fortunately, the luck of Ling Tian and others was good, and there were no dangers along the way. After half an hour, the figure that he squeezed out gradually slowed down.

At this moment, in front of him, the black thundercloud in the sky had disappeared without a trace.

In the sky, only a vortex can be seen at this time, and the black thundercloud is spinning around, like a ring-shaped cloud wall.

"Under what circumstances, is this the hunting ground?"

Qin Shaoyang and others rushed to see the scene in front of him, wondering.

"Uh, it must not be."

Sitting in Ling Tian's arms, Qin Mingyue suddenly looked at the sea below her feet and exclaimed: "Below! Let's fly higher!"

When everyone heard the words, they urged their mounts to fly to a height of thousands of feet, and when they looked at their feet, all of them opened their eyes wide!

At this moment, at the bottom of the sea just below the center of the whirlpool, anyway, a layer of hazy light can see through the transparent water, and there is a world in it!

Although it looks like a vague microcosm of a space, the size of it still makes them as small as ants!

Obviously... this hidden space under the sea is the destination of his trip, the royal hunting ground!

Ling Tian also knew in advance that the mysterious relics of the sect!

The world on that side seemed to be hidden under the sea, in a vast range, so that everyone in front of it was like an ant, such a masterpiece, as if it came from the hands of a god.

Ling Tian looked at this scene with a slightly shocked expression. Such a handwriting is worthy of a sect in the ancient times.

"This hunting ground looks so strange, how does it feel like a cave sky?" Cui Chenxiang looked at the cave house looming in the thunder light with big eyes and asked.

"Almost, but it is much larger than the ordinary cave sky."

Ling Tian nodded slightly, and immediately raised his gaze. On the surface of the sea, the three princes' mansion, Yang Tong and others had already entered. With their strength, dealing with those purple thunders is nothing to say.

"They went in!"

Zhang Kaifeng called out.

The warriors who rushed in in the distance did not hesitate and plunged into the sea one after another.

"Let's enter too, but don't worry, this place is very weird, maybe there is still some danger waiting for us!"

Ling Tian stepped down and led everyone into the sea.

After rushing into the sea, the huge seabed space is gone. Everyone can only vaguely see a small spot of light in the distance. That is the real way of the hunting ground. It looks so big, but it is It was magnified by the sea water lens.

However, in the foremost Ling Tian, ​​he felt a sudden tremor of the peach core on his chest, which was a warning signal issued by Tao Yaoyao!

Ling Tian's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened at this time, and the line of sight in front of him quickly brightened. Then, he saw that there were countless blue light spots in the distant front, like a swimming fish.


However, just after everyone entered the water, the light spots seemed to be alarmed, and after a piercing roar, he saw that the space was distorted, and countless light spots on his face, like a school of fish, mixed with destructive thunder. Wei, shot at them.

"Damn, there is still danger, guard carefully!"

Ling Tian yelled, directly guarding Qin Mingyue behind him, and pulling out the jail stick to wait for it.

When everyone saw this, they all raised their swords.

When the group of light was exhausted, they discovered that those were actually small fishes wrapped in thunder light!

These thunderfishes are like arrows, they are extremely fast, and wherever they pass, the seawater is evaporated, radiating this extremely strong energy.


Ling Tian was the first to make a move, a stick fell, stirring the sea, and his vitality condensed into a stick shadow, directly falling among the fish, immediately killing hundreds of minefish.

But the number of this kind of rayfish is too much, and when it gets closer, it spreads and kills everyone from all directions.

Ling Tian couldn't protect everyone with his own power.


Zhang Kaifeng danced with double halberds and split a thunderfish in half, but immediately after that, two thunderfish slammed forward. The speed was so fast that he could not react at all. In desperation, he could only sacrifice. The little halberd treasure, in an instant, two Qi blades cut down, killing the mine fish.


On the other side, Qin Shaoyang couldn't stand it anymore. He attracted more ray fish, and his arm was hung up, blood drenched.

If this continues, there is absolutely no way.

"Damn, there are few bullying us!"

Ling Tian was very anxious, and was about to directly sacrifice the phantom sting bees and strangling them clean. Although this would expose the phantom sting bees, there was no better way.

"All come to me!"

But at this moment, Cui Chenxiang shouted.

At this moment, she saw this pink crystal jewel floating above her head, exuding radiant rays of light.

The light was spurred by Cui Chenxiang, and it suddenly expanded, instantly forming a bubble-shaped ball of light with a radius of ten feet.

The mine fish hit the air bubble, but couldn't make any progress.

A defensive treasure!

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't expect that Cui Chenxiang still had such a treasure in his hands!

"What are you looking at? Go in!"

Ling Tian shouted loudly, and the crowd hid in the bubbles one after another.

Only Ling Tian was left outside.

"Agarwood, follow me and rush out!"

Without looking back, Ling Tian danced the Hellfire Club to kill the Quartet, and rushed directly to the entrance of the sect relic in the distance.

With Cui Chenxiang's treasure body, everyone was able to pass the road smoothly, and finally, after a stick of incense, they arrived at the entrance of the Zongmen ruins.

Without hesitation at all, everyone in Ling Tian sank directly into the opening of the space.

At the moment when he rushed into the aperture, Ling Tian could clearly feel a powerful spatial fluctuation emanating, and the bright silver light filled his eyes. After a long while, after gradually adapting, Ling Tian also slowly opened. Got binocular.

Opened his eyes, the foreground of his eyes seemed to be in his eyes immediately, and then in Ling Tian's eyes, there was a brief loss of consciousness.

What appeared in front of Ling Tian was an extremely vast earth and mountains. On the earth, there were groups of temples, but most of these temples today have been reduced to ruins, but judging from the scale of the ruins , It is still not difficult to see the majestic and vastness of this place when it was intact.

This is definitely a relic of a sect!

Moreover, this scale is much stronger than that of Yunzhou's Qingtianzong!

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