Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 898: Tairanzong

This is really surprising.

As soon as they entered this space, were they on top of the sect ruins?

However, Ling Tian frowned instantly.

He looked behind him, but he could clearly feel the existence of the space boundary.

Here is the edge of space!

Moreover, although the scale of this sect relic is large, it is definitely not amazing enough.

It is not worthy of Wang Ting's research for more than ten years.

There is no need for such a dangerous thundercloud ban on the periphery.

Otherwise, this is making a fuss.

So, the only reason is that this is just one of the relics of the sect on the edge!

This space is not only the relics of Fangzongmen!

The scale of this space is far beyond what Ling Tian had previously expected!


At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly felt a tremor in the storage ring, he raised his eyebrows, and then in his hand, the sign that Yue Qianfang gave him appeared in his hand.

But when Ling Tian was surprised, a layer of light and shadow appeared on the surface of the brand that originally had nothing.

It looks like it is a map!

At this moment, on the edge of the map, a small red dot was flashing.

Around the little red dot, there were geometric patterns of different colors. Ling Tian raised his brows, looked at the surrounding buildings, and found that what this showed was exactly the remains of the sect!

This token is not only a map, it looks more like a radar location!

"Ling Tian, ​​what's the matter?"

Qin Mingyue and everyone else, seeing Ling Tian's strangeness, stepped forward one after another.

"Huh, the space here is huge. The relics of the sect that we are looking at are just a relic of ordinary scale on the edge."

Ling Tian pursed his lips.

"Stupid? Is this a normal scale?"

Qin Shaoyang was speechless and couldn't believe it.

"So, this time, we have entered the space of ruins everywhere? This sounds very tempting!"

Zhang Zhao was a little excited on his face.

Everyone looked at each other and understood what Zhang Zhao meant.

Under normal circumstances, an undiscovered cave house may have hidden inheritance, not to mention the ruins of the sect all over the place.

"But it looks so broken here. What baby can I have?"

Cui Chenxiang on the side looked at the dilapidated earth with big eyes, and couldn't help muttering.

Ling Tian smiled and said, "Let's go, look for it first. Even if the ruins of the sect of this size are disintegrated for a long time, there should be some gains."

When the voice fell, his figure was the first to get out, and this time his speed slowed down a lot. The figure flicked across the air, and his eyes were constantly sweeping across the ruins of the temple below.

When everyone heard the words, they all followed with excitement.

The feeling of exploring treasure hunting is really cool.

"Ling Tian, ​​look ahead!"

The crowd flew towards the center of the ruins, Qin Mingyue suddenly said, her little finger pointed forward, where there was a dilapidated square in ruins, and at this time, there was a vague figure in the square.

Ling Tian stared at him, his eyes condensed slightly, the glaucoma inside his body surged, he waved his hands to make everyone be careful, then the speed gradually slowed down, and finally stopped in the middle of the dilapidated square.

As he approached, Ling Tian discovered that there were nearly a thousand figures sitting cross-legged in that huge dilapidated square!

It's just that these figures have lost all their vitality now, and their bodies are covered with dust, like puppets!

Ling Tian hung in the air, looking at this scene solemnly, he found that all the people were facing the sky, holding the sky with their hands, this appearance seemed to be uniting to fight against something, and it seemed to be worshipping...

However, looking at this situation, they should have failed in the end, and they have paid their lives for it.

However, although these people are dead, their costumes and hairstyles look weird.

Although I couldn't tell the strangeness, it just gave Ling Tian a different feeling.

"Hey, the clothes these people wear are so weird, why don't they look like they are not ours?"

Cui Chenxiang frowned.

"Uh, is there anything? These may have been dead for tens of thousands of years. It is normal for the clothes to be different." Qin Shaoyang said.

"No, it's not the same. I have studied the evolution of our continent and I have never seen this kind of clothing. Moreover, look at the words on the mountain gate, have you seen it?"

Cui Chenxiang shook his head and pointed to the mountain gate at the end of the square.

Everyone stared at it, and it was true that people weren't what that was, but it was three words that were certain.

Qin Mingyue looked at Ling Tian, ​​who was already frowning at this moment.

That's right, the characters on this mountain gate are indeed ancient seal characters!


Here, it turned out to be a place called Tairanzong.

"Hey, Ling Tian, ​​you actually know this word?"

Cui Chenxiang was stunned, but he didn't expect Ling Tian to understand it.

"Look, my heavenly brother is amazing, nothing he doesn't know." Qin Shaoyang shrugged.

"Chen Xiang is right, this is indeed not the former sect of this continent."

However, Ling Tian had confirmed Cui Chenxiang's guess through this ancient seal character.

Because the ancient seal characters can only be understood by him and Gainie, and this is foreign.

But before, Ling Tian came across the figure of the ancient seal characters only by accident, but now he did not expect to encounter a mountain gate!

Is there really such a world where ancient seal characters are commonly used?

"Follow him, he is dead anyway, let's hurry up to hunt for treasures, such a big sect, there should be ancient alchemy secrets, and even the existence of ancient weapons? If we find it, we will post it!"

Zhang Kaifeng said.

"Yes, brother, let's hurry up and hunt for treasure 1"

Qin Shaoyang also squared his eyes.

The other people's faces are also full of hope.

Now that the treasure is in front of you, how can you not be anxious.

"Hehe, but someone is coming!"

But Ling Tian turned around and looked at the mountains and sky on the right.


Everyone followed the prestige when they heard the words, and counted until they broke through the air. In the next moment, there were more than twenty figures flying from all directions.

But after a while, he flew down and landed on the square.

"Ling Tian, ​​what should we do? Can't let them get on the ground first!"

Zhang Leiqing was about to rush up with his weapon.

This ruin cannot be shared by so many people.

"Don't worry, it's not that simple here."

However, Ling Tian stretched out his hand to stop Zhang Lei, "Just so, let them be cannon fodder?"


Sure enough, as soon as Ling Tian's voice fell, a scream sounded from the crowd.

Then, in the square, most of the thousands of dead corpses sitting cross-legged were shocked and turned into ashes, but there were still hundreds of dead corpses, trembling unexpectedly.

"I'm going, what's the situation?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw it.

"It seems that these people are going to be resurrected?"

Cui Chenxiang said in surprise.

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