Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 925: Golden Armor Zombie

The first level is not a difficult test for Ling Tian and the others, but it caused other people to complain and lose.

"Damn it, this defense is too terrifying."

"The cultivation base is actually a bit higher than me!"

"Don't you even have the qualifications to truly set foot on the ruins?"

At the same time, many warriors of the battle team that entered the ruins were all being tested. For the three princes' mansion and other Tianjiao martial artists, the test was fragile, but most people fell into a bitter battle.

After the first floor, half of the people have been brushed down.

Beyond the black thundercloud.

At this time, the platform on the isolated island was already full of people.

Moreover, the canopy is like a cloud, and there are many honors.

The most noticeable among them is a woman in a purple palace dress sitting in the center of the ceremonial guard.

This woman wears a phoenix crown, which charms nature.

Sitting lazily on the phoenix chair, countless princes and noble sons were watching.

It was the eyes of Li Kan and Li Yu, who looked at this woman, and there was fire hidden in the depths.

This can be called a disaster-like woman, and even the newly arrived Prince Concubine of the East Palace, Cui Zhuer.

The prince was forbidden, and the royal hunt was about to end, only Cui Tuer came by himself.


This is, among the thunderclouds in the distance, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, attracting everyone's eyes to the past.

After seeing the sound of breaking through the sky, a figure stood up from the high platform and stretched out his hand. The next moment, a golden spike with eight golden dragons surrounded by phantom shadows appeared in the hands of this figure.

This figure looked gray, but was dressed in a dark golden python robe and a golden crown, with a majestic air.

At this moment, he held the golden nail in his hand, which made all the princes and noble sons hold their breath.

Only Li Kan, Li Yu and other county princes looked at the golden nails in their hands with fiery eyes.

This person is Li Chongyang, the lord of the clan mansion, and he is also the contemporary patriarch of the first royal family, the Li family, among the five great families.

His seniority is only under Emperor Wu and the four princes.

At this time, this Li Chongyang retracted the punishment nail, and then with a big wave of his hand, a sand table appeared in front of him.

At this time, there was a pyramid influence on the sand table, but only the approximate shape was not clear.

Not only that, outside the pyramid image, a group of dense golden light spots are crazily pouring into the tower.

"Uncle Wang, your punishment nail is really strong, and even this Thundercloud barrier can be broken!"

Li Muyan said with envy.

"Hehe, your kid is talking nonsense, this punishing nail is just my custody on behalf of Emperor Wu, not mine."

Then Li Chongyang scolded with a smile.

"Let's take a look at this hunting. To tell you the truth, in this space, there is a relic of the mainland. At its core is this nine-storied pagoda. No one has ever entered before."

Li Chongyang's eyes were always on the sand table in front of him.

"Oh? The mainland ruins? Just like Uncle Wang meant, that Wang Ting didn't know what was in it?" Li Yu frowned.


Li Chongyang nodded, "However, I just entered it with the heart nail, but I sensed an extremely powerful wave. It seems that these little dolls will be in big trouble this time. I want to be able to walk to the top of the nine-storied tower. Yes, not many people."

As soon as Li Chongyang's words fell, a group of figures moved directly out of the thundercloud, and fell heavily on the formation under the platform.

This is just the beginning, and many people have been forced to flee.

"They have entered the Nine-storied Pagoda..."

"Tsk tusk, it seems that this ruin has a different response. I don't have enough strength and I want to pick up the bargain. I'm afraid I am thinking too much."

"I don't know who can laugh at the end. In this nine-storied pagoda, it depends on the real strength. There is no fluke."

"It goes without saying that it must be the team of the three princes' mansion. This time, their lineup is luxurious, but it is the strongest in history."

Along with the people who were brushed down on the first floor, one by one appeared out of thin air with their heads down, and the great relatives of the emperor on those platforms suddenly became energetic.

And the three of Li Mu also leaned on the big chairs, looking at the phantom of the nine-storied pagoda, waiting for the names of their respective teams to stand out from the crowd.

Of course, the much-anticipated Crown Princess Cui Rouer was talking and laughing with Cui Yan on the side. Did not care about it at all.

"Huh, Niang Niang, don't you just worry about Ling Tian? If Agarwood has a long and two shortcomings in it, I will definitely not let him go!"

Suddenly, brightly said coldly.

"Hehe, you, don't worry, Ling Tian's life is not only very hard, but he will never put his own people in danger. Come, you will give my nails and change the color."

Cui Tuer said disapprovingly.

"Oh, all right."

Cui Yan shook her head, also very helpless.

Inside the heavy building tower.

On the first floor, Ling Tian's team didn't take much effort at all.

The next second and third floor, because of the existence of Ling Tian and Qingming Guiteng, also quickly cleared the customs.

But the harvest, except for the more powerful cyclone, there is nothing amazing.

Finally, Ling Tian and others stepped into the third layer of formation and appeared in the fourth layer with a brushing sound.

On the fourth floor, it seems that the area is smaller than before.

After a while, Qingming Ghost Vine once again sent the guardian's location information, and Ling Tian led the people to kill it all the way.

However, when a total of four zombies wearing golden armor appeared in their field of vision, everyone took a breath.

These four zombies, although they have not improved much, are almost at the peak of the late stage of the Dharma Stage, but they are wearing golden armor, and they look extraordinary.

In addition, this zombie is controlled by the breath of silence, the body is extremely tough, the defense is very terrifying, and the power is infinite.

The horror of combat power, each one, was stronger than that of the Wang family brothers.

Along the way, the number of guardians has increased, and the armor has become more powerful.

The second layer is two bronze armor zombies, the third layer is three silver armors, and now, it has become four gold armors.

Although the cultivation level does not seem to have changed much, the defense and attack have skyrocketed.

"This is a bit difficult..."

Zhang Zhao and the others looked at the four zombies and muttered to themselves, a little surprised, only the fourth level encountered such a powerful character.

The Wang family brothers made them unable to parry, and now there are four more regrettable guys.

If you go all the way to the ninth floor, what will it be like?

"Ling Tian, ​​how do we fight this level?" Cui Chenxiang asked.

Along the way, they all listened to Ling Tian's command.

The same is true for the fourth floor now.

Without Ling Tian, ​​they couldn't deal with these four zombies at all.

Ling Tian put on the silver gloves and said lightly: "I will take three of them myself, and I will leave the other one for you!"


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