Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 926: Strong pass

When the killing sound fell, Ling Tian directly launched an attack, and Ben Lei flashed out a golden afterimage, and under the strong vitality blessing in his hand, he blasted out fiercely.

Qiang Qiang!

The fist was on the armor, and a sharp spark was drawn, and there were slight cracks in the zombie's golden armor, which were not to the point of hurting the bones.

It is also a zombie, but this golden zombie, the armor on its body is very sophisticated, branded with ancient spirit patterns, and exudes great coercion.


Before Ling Tian got out, the offensive of two zombies fell, and a spear pierced straight. It was as fast as lightning, as if it had pierced the air, and the swift airflow above the tip of the gun snorted.

The spear in the hands of another zombie evolved into a mountain and took it down.

Although these warriors have turned into zombies, their martial arts consciousness has never dissipated.

Although the aura is not very huge, it covers thousands of feet at every turn, but the speed is extremely fast, and it is impossible to guard against.

Ling Tian's expression did not change, but he did not rush back.

In the shadow of the gun, the fist was violent, and the blades of the two zombies were directly broken.


However, the huge power from his fist still shocked Ling Tian's shoulders. The fourth-tier zombies were much stronger than before.

What is even more dangerous is that the two zombies did not hesitate to kill Zhang Zhao and others!

Zhang Zhao couldn't cope with the two flowers that were already struggling.

The zombie had been shooting at Qin Mingyue, Zhang Zhao directly blocked him, but the long spear was on the latter's long sword, and there was a loud bang, and Zhang Zhao was directly blown out.

Although his weapons and armor have been updated now, his own combat power is still far from that of the puppet.

The other zombie directly killed Cui Chenxiang in the middle of the team.

Although the latter is not terrified, but there is no way to deal with it.


Ling Tian yelled from a distance, and the next moment, the phantom Fei Xiao hidden in the darkness appeared directly in front of Cui Chenxiang, and a pair of silvery claws outrageously won.


In an instant, sparks splashed everywhere, and both of them suddenly collapsed back.


Xiaoying climbed up from the ground and looked at the marks left by the spear on his paws. At that time, a grinning smile was also raised at the corner of his mouth. The next moment, the figure looked like an illusion and slayed the zombie fiercely.

"Into the battle!"

At this time, the calm Cui Chenxiang had already arranged the formation, letting Zhang Zhao hide the remaining zombie into the formation and fight.

On this side, Ling Tian suddenly shot a sharp edge in his eyes, and his vitality was condensed on the glove. On the front of Ling Xi's fist, a bright silver light suddenly burst, like a star, blooming in this dim tunnel.


The boxer hit the chest of a zombie, and amidst the loud noise, he abruptly knocked it out and fell heavily on the wall.

The armor of the zombie's chest exploded with quite eye-catching cracks, and a few broken spirit patterns could be seen in the splash of sparks. With the sword intent torn apart, it expanded bit by bit.

Although this zombie's defense is strong, it is still not enough under Ling Tian's fist.

Ling Tian raised his head and glanced, and he probably understood Bao Jia's defense in his heart.

Raising his arms, Ling Tianping moved sideways, as if he had eyes on his back, easily avoiding a shot coming from behind.

It was not over yet, in the midst of the blue shirt hunting and hunting, Ling Tian hadn't fallen yet, and he turned his head and blasted out with a punch.


This punch hit the zombie's chest, and the sharp punch was like the tip of a sword, causing the armor to burst continuously. The long spear in the opponent's hand hovered half an inch in front of Ling Tian's chest, and he couldn't move forward.


With a blast, this zombie was also blown away by Ling Tian!

Ling Tian tapped his toes and just landed, the person was in mid-air, and he rose into the air again. The figure shook slightly, and the shadow of his fists was like the wind, and the zombie struggled to get up from the ground.

But it was too late.

At the moment when the vitality was flooding the front, Ling Tian punched again. The powerful shadow of the fist condensed into a ten-foot-sized fist, directly engulfing the zombie.


At almost the instant of overlap, the zombie exploded into a mass of debris.

Ling Tian didn't stop, vacated again, turned around and killed another zombie.

"Qi Jue Fist, kill!"

In front of the bully, Ling Tian shouted, and the fist directly pierced the body of the zombie. The whole zombie burst into pieces, turning into a pile of scattered parts and scattered on the ground.

Ling Tian immediately turned around, shot the spear on the ground, and shot directly at the third zombie who was fighting with the team in the formation.

Chi Chi!

The spear pierced the zombie's golden armor and nailed it to the ground, no matter how hard he struggled, it seemed useless.


When Zhang Zhao pulled out the spear, the entire zombie fell apart, leaving only a cyclone.

At the same time, Xiaoying's claw danced wildly, tearing the last zombie to pieces.

Although Xiaoying still has color on his body, it looks extremely excited.

"Huh! Damn, is this still killed by people? These zombies are too strong to move!"

Qin Shaoyang, who was already injured, fell to the ground, panting.

At this time, his face was already very bad.

"Yeah, it's too cruel. I don't know if we can hold on to the next level."

Zhang Zhao leaned his sword, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a sad smile.

"However, Ling Tian is really amazing, but only ten breaths, he killed three zombies. I have only seen this ability to fight in close quarters on the battlefield of Mobei."

Zhang Lei looked at Ling Tian in the distance and exclaimed.

"Hehe, although my brother Tian has never been to the Mobei battlefield, I tell you that if there is a chance to let him go, the Hungarians would never want to cross the frontier!"

Qin Shaoyang pouted and said with a proud face.

"Okay, stop blowing, your whole body doesn't hurt anymore?"

Qin Mingyue tweeted.

"Haha, but this time we have gained a lot. These pills, weapons, and cheats should be able to rank well, and these cyclones, tusk, I think those freshmen who have not come to participate in the royal hunt should be You will regret it!"

Zhang Kaifeng also sat on the ground behind and smiled.

"Compared to the newcomers under the battle of the sky, this royal hunt is indeed an extremely rare opportunity, and the appearance of this cyclone is probably beyond many people's expectations. After this hunt, you can go out, It will definitely increase its cultivation base."

"However, for the ten people on the Zhan Tian list, there is not that big gap."

Cui Chenxiang said while putting away the treasure chest on the altar.

"What do you mean?"

Everyone looked over and didn't understand what Cui Chenxiang meant.

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