Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 935: The eighth floor, Yuwentai

"I said, your knife is in front of me, it's nothing!"

Ling Tian looked at Yun Yang coldly.

In fact, he did not expect that Yun Yang would lose so neatly.

However, he held the Thunder Lihuo Sword, which burned in a cyclone again, and used the sixth stage of the Thunder Sword Technique, which was no less powerful than Chun Yang Zhi.

Used to defeat Yun Yang, also said the past.


Yun Yang held his chest. At this time, the armor on his chest was shattered, his body was covered with wounds, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

But at this time, there was not much shame in his eyes, and a bell was pinched in his hand, but in the end, it was not sacrificed.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​let's wait and see, don't think that you are surpassing me if you beat me now!"

With a sneer, Yun Yang directly took out the token in front of Ling Tian like this, the light flashed and disappeared.

Yun Yang's defeat and sudden departure made Ling Tian a little surprised.

Ling Tian always felt that Yun Yang was really weird.

But since Yun Yang has left the heavy tower, there will be no more threats.

Ling Tian sighed and looked at the altar behind him. The only disappointment was that the seventh-tier guardian's purple gold treasure chest and Martial Spirit Orb were not obtained.

The seventh floor is white.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Ling Tian stepped forward directly, not in the formation.

On the eighth floor, I Ling Tian, ​​here comes!


The high platform of the island outside the thundercloud.

Everyone looked at the bewildered Ma Lie and Liu Xiu, whose cultivation bases had already been abolished, and they were all speechless in shock.

The first son of Houfu in Liang and Yong prefectures, just like that, was abolished and his martial arts cut off?

This is the first time since the birth of this elder son, the elder son's cultivation base has been abolished.

Because, even other princes don’t have the courage, right?

"Who, who abolished your cultivation base!"

On the high platform, Changshan King Li Yu was furious.

The two elder sons were brought by him to participate in the royal hunt.

Now it has been abolished. How does this make him explain to the two state leaders?

"Junwang, yes, it is Lingtian, he abolished our cultivation base!"

Ma Lie's face was sullen and pale, and he wept blood.

However, Ma Lie's figure fell, and the audience was inhaling again and again.

Everyone was surprised.

Ling Tian abolished Ma Lie and Liu Xiu?

How fierce and courage is this Ling Tian's combat power?

This not only offended Prince Rong's Mansion, but also offended Liang and Yongzhou!

What does he have in Ling Tian, ​​why is it so rampant?

Even Li Chongyang and Crown Princess Cui Rouer on the high platform changed their faces.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian would make such a cruel move.

Abolishing the elder son's cultivation base and breaking the martial arts, this is more cruel than killing them!

"Hmph, this little guy, don't you know how much trouble you have caused?"

Cui Yan's face was gloomy and angry.

Ling Tian is a member of the East Palace, and what he did this way undoubtedly pulled the East Palace into the water!

Donggong was not welcome at first, but now it's even worse.

"Finally, sooner or later, we will have to be guilty. Ha ha, this guy is cruel."

Unexpectedly, after a while, Cui Tuer shook his head and chuckled, but did not see any embarrassment.

"Niang Niang, then Ling Tian will cause trouble!"

Cui Yan said anxiously.

"What? Isn't it troublesome now?"

Cui Zhuer fiddled with her fingernails and smiled and said, "That's good, let the people in Chaoye see, I'm Donggong, I'm not a cat, I'm anxious, we will bite people!"

As she said, her face was also gloomy.

"Cui Tuer, don't be proud of you, I promise, Ling Tian won't live out of this secret realm!"

Li Yu looked at Cui Lu'er, his lips trembled in anger.

"Hehe, then we have to see if Yuwentai has that ability!"

Cui Zhuer smiled.


At this time, the three of Ouyang Ke also walked out of the formation.

"The prince, I'm not doing things badly, so I will ask the prince to convict."

As soon as he came out, Ouyang Ke handed over to Li Mu on the stage.

"Haha, it's okay, I didn't expect that you guys came out too, wouldn't it? That Lingtian did it too, right?"

Li Mu glanced at a few people. Although he seemed to be seriously injured, there was nothing serious about it, and he was relieved.

"No, Ling Tian saved us, otherwise I will die at the hands of Ma Lie and Liu Xiu!"

Ouyang Ke sneered and looked at Ma Lie Liu Xiu who looked like two dead dogs next to him, and said.

"What? Ling Tian saved you?!"

Li Mu frowned, took a look at Li Yu, and then said, "You wait and say it slowly."

When Ouyang Ke and others finished speaking, everyone was even more surprised.

In this way, Ling Tian not only abolished Ma Lie and Liu Xiu, but also helped Ouyang Ke win the sixth-tier guardian! ?

This is really incredible.

That's not true for the big dark horse, right?

Just when everyone was surprised.

Above the phantom shadow of the nine-storied pagoda on the high platform, the light spot where Ling Tian was located suddenly rushed into the eighth floor, and appeared together with Yu Wentai, who had already reached the eighth volume!

Suddenly, Wan Lai was quiet, all surprises ceased, and countless gazes were quite hot.

I was extremely anxious to know who the two eliminated.

"On the eighth floor, only Ling Tian and Yuwentai are left..."

"It's really unexpected, it's Ling Tian, ​​maybe this time, Donggong can really become the biggest winner!"

"Well, only Yun Yang is left in Prince Guo's Mansion, but why is he back to the sixth floor?"

Yunyang did not enter the eighth floor, so naturally there was no controversy.

And such a scene became more interesting. Among the remaining two people, one was recognized as the strongest existence among the leaders of this royal hunting, and the other was the super dark horse, the chief freshman of this college.

The confrontation between the two on the eighth floor is a battle between the old and the new.

Whether Yuwentai can hold the final glory of Prince Rong's Mansion, or Ling Tian's superior skills, people are looking forward to it.



When Ling Tian walked out of the formation, what caught his eye was not the black mist.

This ninth floor looks like a luxurious hall with a very high dome, but at least it can still be seen.

At this time, a throne stood in the center of the hall.

But the harvester above the throne has already fallen under the altar.

At this time, on the altar, the purple gold treasure chest was suspended on it, exuding bursts of precious light.

And in front of the altar, a tall and sturdy figure, standing there, dripping with blood, looked terrifying.


Seeing this figure from behind, Ling Tian didn't feel much surprise.

Although a little unexpected, Ling Tian didn't expect that the guardian of the eighth floor would really be killed by this Yuwentai alone.

You know, the guardian of the eighth floor should be the strongest among the remaining three palace masters.

And Yuwentai used his own power to kill the Guardian, which is worthy of this royal hunt, recognized as the strongest leader.

However, the corners of Ling Tian's mouth suddenly bent, holding the prison fire stick, and stepping forward step by step.

There is no fear at all.

Such Yuwentai is worth the decisive battle of this royal hunt.

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