Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 936: War Yuwen

"Hehe, after waiting for a long time, Ouyang Kna Lanjun didn't see it, Yun Yang Lin Zhuoran didn't see it, but you came out, which is really unexpected. It seems that Ma Lie and Liu Xiu have already I lost to you!"

Yu Wentai turned around, it can be said that he was a little embarrassed.

At this time, Yu Wentai's armor was shattered, and his body was covered with scary wounds. Even his face was **** and bloody, as if he had been hit by his hands. It looked like he was crawling out of a sea of ​​corpses. The beast that came out was very shocking.

"Yes, right now, there is only you and me!"

Ling Tian nodded, **** the purple gold treasure box, "However, I want this thing."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Because half of his face was rotten, Yu Wentai's laugh sounded strange, but the mace in his hand fell to the ground and buzzed.

"Your madness is more surprising to me than your combat power."

"Do you want the things in this treasure chest?"

Yuwentai turned around and opened the purple gold treasure box directly. The two items in it floated out with a scream.

It was a black stick with regular edges and a purple cheat book.

"Things are here, but, depending on your life, come and get it!"


At the end of Yu Wentai's words, the tone was extremely heavy, almost at the moment of falling, the terrifying killing intent on his body was radiated.

"Ling Tian, ​​I Yuwentai said that if I see you in this ruin, I will kill you!"

Yu Wentai said coldly.

"Hehe, isn't it?"

Ling Tian raised his brows, his eyes looming sharp.

For this royal hunt, he was fully prepared. He has not exhausted his cards all the way, and now he has a cyclone in his hand, so why be afraid of Yuwentai! ?

"kill me!?"

"Then I have to ask about the thunder sword in my hand, whether I can answer it or not!"

Ling Tian drew out the thunderous fire sword behind him, coldly said.

"Life and death! No one dared to talk to me like Yuwentai, whether it is Ouyang Ke or Nalanjun, or Ma Lie and Liu Xiu. These people know very well what will happen if I offend Yuwentai!"

Yu Wentai's expression was indifferent to the extreme, and while speaking, his whole body was full of vitality and quietly escaped.

"Maybe you have such a reputation before, but this time, it belongs to Ling Tian. If you don't agree, I will fight until you do it!"

For so long, Ling Tian had never had a hearty battle.

Now, this Yuwentai can just let him give it a go!

As for the pride of Yuwentai, it is also time to be cut to pieces by himself.

This royal hunt only allows one myth, that is, he Ling Tian!

Ling Tian's words were loud and powerful.

"I have seen a lot of arrogant people. It is really rare for me to be as arrogant as you. But it doesn't matter, no matter how hard your mouth is, you will only end up with one result in today's battle, death!" Yuwentai showed disdain, simply Without putting Ling Tian in his eyes, he sneered coldly.

"Life and death don't depend on your mouth to make the final decision!" Ling Tian said indifferently with a cold expression.

"Yes, then I will see how many catties you have!"

Yu Wentai's killing intent has long been unable to bear it. During the previous conversation, he had always wanted to find the flaws in the opponent's aura. It is a pity that Ling Tian's aura is extremely fierce, and under the pressure of his vitality power, there has been no fluctuation at all, but instead he has become more fierce.

Right now, I am really impatient.

With a cold drink, his right fist squeezed the mace, and suddenly a majestic force condensed on his mace.

"Just shot it."

Ling Tian's expression was indifferent, without the slightest fluctuation.

The aura of the two constantly shook in the air.

This breath alone made people shudder and tremble.



Yu Wentai burst out with a sharp edge in his eyes and took the lead.


Seeing his feet stomped fiercely, a phantom of the mountains violently violently behind him. The mountain is as high as eight zhangjiu, and it is as thick as an abyss, and it is as tall as a high mountain rising out of thin air.

And this is Yuwentai's Wuhun.

It's a small Taoist body of the Nature Department, and it's as rare as Yunyang!

Then there was a loud noise coming out of the sky, a distance of hundreds of feet, a step in the past, the clenched stick, burst out.

Wrapped in the vitality condensed by that mountain phantom, this stick immediately expanded after it blasted out. Constantly zooming in mid-air, it was comparable to the size of a house in the blink of an eye. Upon closer inspection, you could even find that the swollen stick figure was the outline of a huge rock.

The power of one blow, the sky falls and the stars are like!

Is this the real combat power of the opponent?

Ling Tian didn't think too much, opened his hand and held the hilt of the Thunder Sword. In that moment, the Thunder Sword also exploded, not inferior to the opponent's sword power, and directly slashed out.

Thundering sun and moon!

This sword is exactly the strongest ultimate move of Thunder Sword Technique today!

Although this technique is not Ling Tian's most powerful martial skill, Ling Tian is extremely willing to use it, and this is also somewhat similar to the opponent's stick giant rock.

He wants to break the club with a sword!

The light of the sword is as bright as the star and the moon, and the body of the sword is as hot as the sun. The former is the condensed star and the moon of sword moves, and the latter is the burning thunder and fire. The body of the sword is radiant and crimson like a morning glow.

For a time, there was the strangeness of the stars, the sun and the moon, lingering on the sword body, severely smashing on the huge rock where the vitality was condensed.

Suddenly, the two burst into pieces in the air, and countless star fragments and flames burst into the air one after another!

The hall shook, and the next moment, a shock wave swept across the hall.

Immediately after a continuous loud noise, there was a violent explosion, and the air wave rushed to the sky. The amazing explosive power seemed to be about the destruction of the entire hall!

After a long time, the wave of anger dissipated.

I saw that above the huge hall, they were blasted out of a huge pit by the two.

However, Ling Tian and Yuwentai were suspended on both sides of the giant pit, and they did not retreat at all!

In the first confrontation, the two were on the same side!

"Hehe, I didn't expect your weapon to be so sharp and engraved with golden patterns? Was the prince prepared for you?"

Yu Wentai asked with a frown.

He used his own weapon, and he didn't help Ling Tian.

Then, all of this should be attributed to the sword in Ling Tian's hand.

Moreover, this sword, it seems, is indeed extraordinary!

"Hehe, you don't need to know this. If you hear that you are bloodthirsty and warlike, then let me try, are you insane?

Ling Tian chuckled and raised his thunder sword.

This time, he shot first!

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