Sword of Coming

Chapter 1275 Reaching the Summit

The young Taoist priest is sitting on a small bamboo chair, with a mountain of poverty behind him. This is called having a backer!

Xianwei dipped his saliva in his mouth and turned over a page of the book. Unconsciously, a faint blush appeared on the snow-white paper and the pitch-black words. When the Taoist priest raised his head, he saw that the sun was setting in the west, and there were still red fire clouds in the sky, still reluctant to leave and longing for the world.

There is a book in your sleeve, you are so rich and noble, I have nothing to do today, little fairy.

The long river of time is a dojo, and the days and I are like swimming fish, swimming leisurely together.

After the mountain patrol, the father-in-law who had been busy for a day had already been delivered to the door of the house. Xiaomi Li came to the foot of the mountain, tugged on the rope of the cross-body package, and asked tentatively: "Master Xianwei?"

The Taoist Xianwei understood it, nodded and said with a smile: "I'll finish the work immediately. I'll take some when I have some free time."

This is a riddle that belongs exclusively to him and Xiaomi Li. Nagging is also knocking, and eating melon seeds is also knocking.

After all, Luolu Mountain is not an ordinary mountain. Welcomes and visits are not that frequent, and even if they occasionally receive guests, they are not ordinary people. When I'm free, I'm really free. If I'm busy... I can't keep him busy.

The owner of the mountain generously allocated the fragrant volcano directly to Xianwei and his new disciples as a dojo to "open the mountain". In recent days, Taoist priests Xianwei and Lin Feijing have been carrying hoes and dustpans on the other side of the mountain. With the hatchet in hand, we are busy working together to build bridges and pave roads, gradually build pavilions, and build huts... Simple is simple, there is no need to be so particular, but after all, it is the contribution of "one's own family", no matter how you look at it, you will feel happy. .

Xianwei did not ask for a tael of silver from Mr. Wei Wenlong, the accountant of Jise Fengquan Mansion. With his salary as a janitor, it was more than enough. Besides, how could Chief Zhou not show any signs every time he climbed a mountain? As a man, when your money bag bulges, your back becomes stronger. The poor man is no longer poor now, he knows he is a rich man!

Nuanshu sent a message, saying that it was the wish of the mountain owner that Taoist Master Xianwei could go to Xiangshan Mountain more in the near future. He was busy with important matters and there was no one to watch over the mountain gate, so it would be okay.

Xianwei was the best at being rude to polite people, and he immediately humbly accepted the mountain master's suggestion. In the Xiangshan Mountain, he and the cheap disciple took a break between their work, eating pickles and chewing dry food, with the gurgling sound of the stream in their ears. I drank a pot of glutinous rice wine with my apprentice among the mountain flowers and looked around. I always felt that every day was a good time to have a new look.

There is no one on Luolu Mountain who dislikes Xiaomili, but if we really want to say who chats with Xiaomili the most, to be honest, if we count the number of words in the chat, it is really the gatekeeper, Taoist priest Xianwei, who has the most. It is estimated that Nuan Shu and Chen Lingjun are not comparable.

Xianwei really likes to chat with Xiaomili. He is very interested every time and is never bored at all.

So much so that even Chen Lingjun and Bai Xuan were in admiration. It would be a pity that Xianwei didn't open a school to learn from him.

During the mountain patrol, Xiao Mili would also save those wonderful ideas that suddenly came to him, and then go to the mountain gate to share them with Taoist Master Xianwei.

Occasionally a few will run away, but they will usually be picked up next time when patrolling the mountains.

One of them has nothing to worry about, and the other has nothing to worry about. They talk about everything with their brows stretched out and lazily.

The Xianwei put his hands in his sleeves like a farmer, with the palms of his sleeves overlapping each other. "Our sorrows are often brought about by yesterday, and worries are often worries about what will happen tomorrow. Even if there is a recipe for immortality in the world, how can we solve the problem that yesterday has passed? Things that have not yet come tomorrow. Buddhism says that things cannot be eliminated except the mind. As a common man, it is easy to do but difficult to do. How can we truly let things change according to our heart?

Xiaomi Li shook his head and said seriously: "Master Xianwei, you are an immortal who practices superb Taoism in the mountains."

The young Taoist priest leaned comfortably on the back of the bamboo chair and said with a smile: "Maybe Xiaomi has a clever trick, please give me some advice."

Xiaomi Li laughed and said, "Then just ask the right person!"

If you ask me how to practice immortal magic, I'm sorry, the big water monster in Dumb Lake can only wander the rivers and lakes, but if you want to ask me how to fight with Unhappy, oh, I do have some insights!

The little girl in black put her chin on her hands and blinked her eyes. She saw the high mountains, the curved water, the chubby white clouds, the big-bellied blue sky... There is no need to start with the real words in your heart, "Yesterday's worries and unhappiness are all gone." They are small grains of rice and a few big ones. Put them in the big happy bowl today, eat them, fill the gaps between your teeth, and put the bowl on the big table tomorrow. "

The young Taoist priest gently touched his palms and exclaimed in admiration, "That's right, that's right. Don't dedicate your limited body to dedicating millions of sorrows to the world."

Xiaomi Li handed over another handful of melon seeds, and Xianwei took it and said with a smile: "I also have a bowl, but I didn't bring it with me. I left it at my ancestral home."

With a glass of wine in hand, big things are like mustard seeds; while eating melon seeds, small things are like the sky.

Xiaomi Li rubbed her cheeks and hesitated to speak.

Xianwei smiled heartily and said: "Pindao didn't pop out of a stone. Of course he has his hometown and his ancestral home."

Xiao Mi Li chewed the melon seeds and whispered: "Master Xianwei, Sister Pei said that you were not yet prosperous back then. When you were in Longyou Shoal, you were captured by the bandit den as the accountant. Sister Pei also said that you were the big guy. The plump female head of the house is strong and powerful. She is greedy for beauty... and wants to steal you as her husband. Sister Pei also said that it was a shame that you refused to obey and used many tricks to pretend that she was in Beijing to take the exam. After you have been named on the gold list, you will definitely come back and the matchmaker is marrying her. He brought her home in an eight-carriage sedan chair, so that the female leader let you go. When you were leaving, you splashed ink and left a piece of calligraphy for the village. It's like 'God rewards those who work hard', the bandits cheer loudly, and the master sends you down the mountain, the pear blossoms bring rain. Is it true? The story is full of twists and turns, wonderful and wonderful."

The Xianwei blushed and felt dizzy when he heard this, "It's an embarrassing thing, an embarrassing thing."

Some of them were made up by Xiao Heitan back then, and some were real. For example, the head of the family was actually very handsome and as beautiful as a flower. As for the eternal oath of eternal love, of course there is no such thing.

There is a small town saying that describes something meaningless, and one would say "there is no bright spot". Plaques will be hung in the main halls of wealthy homes.

If a bandit's den where people cut paths down the mountain hangs the slogan "Heaven rewards those who work hard," it will be used to encourage oneself every day. Master Xianwei, don't you consider the feelings of the people nearby and the merchants passing by?

Xianwei recalled some past events and said softly: "It is said to be a bandit's nest, but in fact it is a people who are driven to the mountains by the world to survive. There are people who block roads to make money, but there are none who kill people. After getting the money, the bandits still pay IOUs. After traveling all over the country for so many years, the only people who robbed the most villages were the old men who resigned and returned to their hometowns with lavish eunuchs. Hehe, they often hired hundreds of people. Can you imagine those officials? When you leave office and hand over your seal, not to mention the tables and chairs in the government office, even the windows will be removed and moved home. I remember that Zhaizi has always wanted to save money, and when the debt is paid off, he will build a famous martial arts sect and make a living as a escort. , every time we talk about this while drinking, the eyes of men, women and children all light up.”

Xiaomi Li held her cheeks in her hands, listening intently, and listened carefully to Taoist Xianwei's narration about the past.

After taking another look at the sky and scenery, Xianwei raised his sleeves, shook them slightly, closed his eyes, and reached out to count.

Setting up a stall to tell fortunes, being able to pinch and calculate, and cutting gold with an iron mouth are the skills of traveling Taoist priests all over the world.

Xiaomi Li asked in confusion: "Master Xianwei, what are you doing?"

Xianwei slowly opened his eyes and said seriously: "Do the math and see if there is green pepper-fried ham on the table today."

Xiaomi Li rolled his eyes.

Xianwei patted his belly and said with a laugh: "Food is the most important thing for the people, so you can't fool yourself."

Xiao Mili suddenly said: "Check again, see if there are any braised bamboo shoots."

The Xianwei asked: "If the right protector opens his mouth to order, the old cook won't show off his 120% skill?"

Xiao Mili explained: "Zhong Qiyi has no discernment. He eats three meals a day, plus a midnight snack, and orders dishes every time. It pisses off the old chef, so I won't add fuel to the fire."

Besides, in private, the old cook would send her and Sister Nuanshu all kinds of pastries every now and then, so many that he could hardly even remember their names.

Xianwei nodded vigorously, but he was actually extremely grateful to Zhong Qian, the toothpick-wielding man. Without him to face the difficulties, Xianwei and Zheng Dafeng would not be able to get back to work.

On the mountain road, a young man with an astonishing face walked slowly. Xianwei was already accustomed to this, but he couldn't lose his etiquette and stood up together with Xiao Mili.

When he arrived at the gate of the mountain, the young man pointed to the top of the mountain very close to Luolu Mountain, signed up for his number, and said with a smile: "Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. I come from Tiandu Peak. My surname is Lu Mingshen, and my Taoist name is 'Tianbian'."

The Xianwei said, "I'm glad to meet you. I'm a poor and mysterious person. I'm a down-and-out mountain concierge. I've met fellow Taoist Lu."

"Tianbian", right? The boy's Taoist slogan is not bad either, Xuanxu, let's see who has the more powerful Taoist slogan.

But Xiao Mili was curious as to why the music composer, who was always diligent and diligent, didn't show up.

Lu Shen calmly turned aside slightly, his face as usual, "Xuanxu Immortal and Luolu Mountain really complement each other. If the mountain is not high, the immortal will be spiritual, and if the mountain is not high, the Tao will be revealed."

Xianwei couldn't answer the question for a while. Such kind words were a bit too much. According to Zheng Dafeng, it’s the heat, so pay attention to the heat.

Lu Shen said straight to the point: "I visited Luopo Mountain today to tell you something. I hope that the Taoist Master can tell it to Master Chen as soon as possible. Ma Kuxuan in Xinghua Lane has a direct descendant. He is both the founding disciple and the closed disciple. This person is the town's master. The local people. As for the other disciples who were recruited outside, it is Ma Kuxuan's trick. As for this person's name, I really can't say much."

Xianwei was confused when he heard it, but he still nodded and agreed.

Wei Bo followed Lu Shen to the mountain gate.

Lu Shen said: "I have met Wei Shenjun."

Wei Bo looked unhappy, "I don't dare to take it seriously."

Lu Shen said from his heart: "A few years ago, Cui Guoshi came to Tiandu Peak and had some honest remarks with me."

Wei Bo frowned slightly.

With Lu Shen's cultivation and methods, he deliberately concealed it, and the Dali court couldn't find any clues even if they wanted to.

Of course, the premise is that Lu Shen's cross-continental journey and settling in Dali have the permission or acquiescence of Cui Han, the national preceptor.

Tiandu Peak is located between Luolu Mountain and the town. It is closer to Luolu Mountain than Tiaoyu Mountain and Fuyaolu. Therefore, it is not an ordinary close neighbor, but like a next-door neighbor.

On the surface, the Immortal Capital Peak, which has great meaning, and the "landlord" recorded by the Dali imperial court, is an Xianjia sect with similar background as the Huangliang sect.

For so many years, Tiandu Peak, which has always been full of fairy spirit, has only a dozen or so mountain monks. There is no earthly immortal sitting on the top of the mountain. They live in seclusion and rarely go out. It is more like a closed mountain than Luopu Mountain. Occasionally, there are monks going down the mountain, and they also let a young monk who has not yet entered the middle five realms go to the state capital to buy some firewood, rice, oil and salt regularly. Tiandu Peak and Luopu Mountain have never had any dealings, and they can't even be considered familiar faces.

The top of the main mountain of Tiandu Peak is a little lower than the main mountain of Luopu Mountain, Jiling Peak, so it does not hinder the view. Chen Lingjun and his friends are on the top of their own mountain, and the town scene is unobstructed.

The identities of the three neighboring mountain owners are naturally recorded in the archives of the Dali Dynasty. Wei Bo, as the boss of the Five Sacred Gods, can of course check it at will. But for so many years, Chen Ping'an has no intention of exploring and asking, and Wei Bo never mentions this matter on his own initiative. Later, Fuyaolu was secretly bought by Pei Qian, and Tiaoyu Mountain was the private property of Gan Yi of Changchun Palace, and was also taken by Cui Dongshan. Xie Gou had set his eyes on Tiandu Peak and wanted to buy it as a dowry. Unfortunately, when she mentioned this to Wei Bo, Wei Bo only said that it was impossible to buy it with money, and that he had to wait until the mountain master of your family became the Dali National Master.

Xie Gou was not the mountain master. She had already confirmed that there were indeed no earth immortals in Tiandu Peak, let alone the Supreme Five Realms practicing there, otherwise she would know it if they just breathed in and out and refined their qi.

If there were an old-fashioned Ascension Realm that was extremely good at concealing the secrets of heaven hidden in the mountain, if there really was one, it would be fine if it was hidden very deeply, but fellow Taoist had better not move.

When Lu Shen chose to show up on his own initiative, Wei Bo felt depressed and annoyed, and that was the point. According to Wei Bo's unique information channel, Tiandu Peak did have a "real landlord" hiding behind the scenes, but Wei Bo never thought that this person and his family were still pawns pushed to the front by Lu Shen. So Wei Bo felt that it was precisely his silence that misled Chen Pingan, who had always been cautious.

Damn it, this Tiandu Peak is the mountain under his nose. Wei Bo was scared when he thought about such a big mistake.

Lu Shen, the head of the Lu family in the Central Plains, is a man of high virtue. Others respect you and fear you, but I, Wei Bo, don't care about you!

Wei Bo was very unhappy, and Lu Shen was also very depressed.

The appearance of the girl in the mink hat was a big trouble. I don't know if she was idle or had special magical powers. She actually separated a divine consciousness every now and then, day and night, without any regularity. She often secretly patrolled Tiandu Peak, doing things in an unauthentic way. It was really unrefined. This made Lu Shen dare not take it lightly. He could only set up three small worlds and add dozens of secret techniques to cover up his own aura. It was not a big deal to spend some spiritual energy and a sum of immortal money, but it was extremely troublesome, making Lu Shen feel constrained.

Later, in the Lu family of the Middle Earth, Chen Pingan and the girl in the mink hat who returned to the human world from the outer space, "the bad guests came to the door". At that time, Lu Shen, who showed himself as a teenager, was actually very familiar with Xie Gou, or the wild Bai Jing. Not only was his swordsmanship amazing, but he was also proficient in many categories of Taoism. Even Lu Shen, who thought he had good qualifications for practicing Taoism, almost doubted whether Bai Jing was similar to Ruan Xiu and Li Liu.

Lu Shen looked up at the archway of the mountain gate and said to himself: "The enemy of my enemy may not be a friend, but at least there is a certain chance to become an ally."

"Zou Zi is my mortal enemy of the Tao. He has never been able to stand out in the world. It's very miserable."

"Since the goal is the same, he has his dragon-slaying skills, and I have my own dragon-slaying and dragon-supporting skills. Then let's show our magical powers and compete with each other."

The matter of practicing Taoism is to sail against the current. A Taoist heart must never retreat a little, and the spirit of a Taoist must never be exhausted.

Xiao Mi Li had already sensed that the atmosphere was not right. It was rare to see Wei Shanjun so angry, so she sat upright on a small bamboo chair, her eyes on her nose and her nose on her heart, her mind going to the old cook's kitchen.

Xian Wei also sat upright, but he looked at the young man with a big Taoist name from the corner of his eye. Judging from his attire, he didn't look very rich, but since Wei Shenjun could come to entertain him in person, his identity must be very intimidating.

Wei Bo was too lazy to beat around the bush with Lu Shen, and sneered: "May I ask Master Lu, when did you come to Tiandu Peak to plan your great cause in person?"

The country has its own laws, the family has its own rules, and the village has its own village agreement. It is the duty of the high-ranking mountain and water gods to help the orthodox court keep an eye on the movements of those cultivators and immortal palaces within their own jurisdiction.

Lu Shen said calmly: "It is customary to regard the winter solstice as the New Year in the mountain. We arrived at Huaihuang County on this day. After a rough geomancy, we chose Xiandu Peak as our temporary dojo. On the second day of the first lunar month of the new year, I saw the face of Chen Shanzhu for the first time in the mountain." (Note 1, Chapter 188 "Big Rules and Trivialities")

At that time, the mountains in the west were all undergoing large-scale construction, opening up caves and building mansions to add fairy spirit to the dojo. Because there was a mountain god temple in Jiling Peak that was officially conferred by the court, the specifications of the Dali Ministry of Works were all set according to the mountain and water etiquette, and the money that should be spent was not a single copper coin less. The young mountain master picked up a ready-made one, and he did not need to pay out of his own pocket to spend money on things such as opening up roads. As for pretending to be rich, he had to show it to others. At that time, only Chen Lingjun and Nuan Shu were with Chen Pingan. There were only three of them on a mountain, and at most one mountain god without assistants or maids.

On this day, according to local customs, people should have started to pay New Year's greetings and visit relatives. Naturally, Chen Ping'an had no relatives to visit, so he simply took the boy in green and the girl in pink into the mountains.

Lu Shen couldn't help but look complicated, and said slowly: "The boy in straw sandals who is close to the water, looking at the clouds and climbing the hills, carrying water and fire, with a hatchet on his waist, climbed the mountain, reached the top, and saw the sky."


In Difei Mountain, Mao Zhui seems to be teaching the swordsman Nan Qiang. Lord Heavenly Lord Yin Xian was extremely pleased.

"Taoism emphasizes the relaxation of nature and the natural way of Taoism. So you can work steadily and easily become an immortal. This is your ability."

Whether ordinary people can practice Taoism depends on whether there is a "way to come". Once they enter the mountains, they start to refine their Qi and preserve their spirits. Whether they can finally attain enlightenment depends on whether they can find a "way out".

"The mountains stand tall and the rivers flow, just like people express their feelings. But no matter how high the mountains are, can they pierce the sky? No matter how majestic the rivers are, the destination is still the sea."

"You are a student of swordsmanship and have devoted your life to pursuing the origin of swordsmanship. Therefore, it is difficult to find people who share the same path while practicing in Difei Mountain. It is inevitable that you will feel that you are alone in your way. Over time, as your level increases, you will easily become arrogant. Arrogant. Of course, you also have your difficulties. As the abbot of Damu Temple and commanding more than a hundred sword cultivators, you need to bear the honor and disgrace of the Huayang Palace Sword Immortal lineage. You can use this convenient method to unite people's hearts without any question."

Nan Qiang smiled and said: "More than a hundred people?"

This was clearly her starting to find fault. Palace Master Mao had just entered Huayang Palace, so he must be busy with official duties and not familiar with the specific situation of Damuguan, a Taoist tributary, which is reasonable.

Even though Mao Zhui had recommended her as the leader of Difei Mountain, Nan Qiang should be somewhat grateful, but she always had an indescribable awkwardness when getting along with him.

When a cultivator with a keen sense of spiritual awareness has such inspiration, he must not take it lightly.

The sleeping area should be small so that it is easy to rest your mind. The study room should be large enough to gather energy. Therefore, the library is very tall and covers a large area, and Mao Zhui's residence is very small. He just randomly picked a small courtyard near the gate. There is actually a white gauze mosquito net in the house that is common in people's homes down the mountain.

Not to mention the enlightened people in the mountains, even those accomplished martial arts warriors can drive away mosquitoes and flies on their own with an invisible force of energy, and frighten the wild beasts in the mountains.

It's a good thing that no one visited the "humble house", otherwise everyone in the south would be suspicious. This Bone Bone Master, who has obviously reached the Ascended Realm long ago, lives such a simple and ordinary life, who is he showing off to?

Mao Zhui said calmly: "Damu Temple is a Taoist priest, and the ancestral hall has a total of six generations of genealogy, a total of 105 people. You have been in retreat recently, and I will only know better than you where all of them are currently practicing Taoism."

Nan Qiang asked: "It seems that Gao Qiong is going to retreat. Has Fellow Taoist White Bones seen her?"

She was a little girl that Patriarch Gao brought back from his hometown a few years ago. Her qualifications were not very outstanding, but the palace master personally led the person up the mountain. Nanqiang and Damuguan were certainly very fond of her.

Mao Zhui said: "According to the secret manual passed down to Gao Qiong by Cuiwei Palace, if she practices step by step to break through seclusion, something will definitely go wrong, she will not be able to pass the Dragon Gate, and she will most likely fall into the realm. I have asked someone to do it. Secretly taught her two sword arts, one specifically about dividing water, and the other about refining mirage swords. When she reaches the point where her mind is in tune, the Taoist formula will be able to manifest the dragon gate and a river in Baidi City, and the Taoist priest will be immersed in it. , shaped like a water dragon walking across the river to climb the dragon gate, it can increase her chances of winning. "

Nan Qiang was very surprised. He never thought that our Palace Master Mao really knew all the sword cultivators at Damuguan? Is it because Grandmaster Gao had secretly given instructions before, or was Mao Zhui trying to open up the situation through Damu Temple? The new official took office three times, and the lineage of Sword Immortals, which had not made much progress in the hands of Grandmaster Gao, started to flourish on Mao Zhui's side. Isn't this a common tactic used by Shanshui officialdom?

Mao Zhui said: "Lu Chen has a study, which is not located in Nanhua City, his dojo. It is built in Yushu City and is called 'Guanqian Sword Studio'."

Nanqiang didn't know what Mao Zui was doing when he mentioned this. Isn't this something known to the whole world?

Mao Zhui said slowly: "It's prepared for me."

Nan Qiang was stunned.

She openly admitted her mistake and said with shame: "Fellow Taoist White Bones, I judged a gentleman with a villain's heart and looked down on you."

Mao Zhui said: "No matter who inherits the Taoist lineage of Huayang Palace, you will be hostile to him. You feel that no matter the merits and morals of any Taoist official, he is not worthy of sitting in the chair of the Patriarch Hall. Furthermore, you are a human being. He is a Taoist priest who is particularly energetic, and he is also a sword cultivator, so when you stand next to Master Bai Gu, who is also a sword cultivator, it is natural that you feel a potential danger, which is a kind of prediction that goes beyond instinct. If I were in Huayang Palace. If you have murderous intentions, you will be the second to notice."

Nan Qiang asked curiously: "Who is the first, Yin Tianjun?"

Mao Zhui glanced at Nan Qiang, maybe he didn't quite understand why she asked such a question.

Behind the south wall, I finally realized the truth. It was the real owner of this mountain, the Taiyi Mountain God.

Mao Zhui walked to the water's edge. Perhaps the fish swimming in the pond mistook him for his old master, and started to gather around him.

The old blind man cut out his eyes, and forcibly cut off a piece of land in the wilderness to create a hundred thousand mountains. The five elements of native gold kept moving into the mountains, supplemented by the group of divine generals and warriors wearing golden armor, suppressing The powerful Tao Qi from all the air palaces in the body almost rises to the sky, preventing the body from rising to the sky!

The master of Bixiao Cave in Luobaotan, and later Donghaiguan Taoist Temple, have been so unforgiving since ancient times. If anyone dares to harm Pindao's Taoism, Pindao will cut off your favorable circumstances!

Pure freedom, the ability to do everything you want to do, say no to anything you don’t want to do, and be completely able to bear the cost.

How many ordinary people give up the glory and wealth of the world and go to the mountains to seek immortality. They only seek enlightenment and longevity, and extravagantly hope to live as long as heaven and earth.

Only Lu Chen's pursuit has never been the so-called fifteen realms, or even the perfection of the great road, but only "seeing my true self".

I don't know if he was touched by the scene or just sentimental. He lowered his head and stared at the fish in the water. In an instant, the fish mistakenly thought that there was bait in the water. They scrambled for food for a while, but in the end it was all in vain and they all dispersed.

Except for the swordsmanship that breaks through the illusion of life and death, it seems that Lu Chen has given all his longing for the world to a pair of bones.


Luoshan Mountain.

Chen Lingjun was burping with wine as he wandered back from the Tiefu River Water God's Mansion. The boy in green had sharp eyes and saw what seemed to be a visitor at the mountain gate. He immediately put away his spell, pressed down his cloud head, and let it fall on the road. He concentrated on it. Look again and again, it's okay, not like the heroic figures in "Passengers", then go and meet for a while, have enough wine and food, and be in good spirits.

This was not a mistake between him and the new Water God Bai Deng and Rongsheng Miaozhuang. They were all brothers. They had not seen each other for several days and missed them very much. They made an appointment for the three brothers to have a good meal today. Before picking up the glasses, they did not forget to remind Bai Deng to only have a small drink and not to delay official duties. Zeng Cuo packed up his clothes and went to Shuifu to help his brothers. He worked as a dog-headed military advisor, taking care of his criminal title, money and food, and being a master. He made money in a good way and controlled his subordinates well. Remind Bai Deng of many tips for dealing with people, how to deal with bosses, control subordinates, and make friends with colleagues, clearly. Bai Deng's character and temper were indeed a bit rough due to his Dao roots. Thanks to Ceng's mistakes in planning and Chen Lingjun's checking and filling in the gaps, he saved a lot of effort. The position of the Water God is now secure!

Chen Lingjun swung his sleeves and walked towards the mountain gate. He found Wei Bo and the young young man with an unfamiliar face looking at him with such...respect? !

It's strange, there's something wrong with Wei Bo. Ever since he became the Night Traveling God, his nose is not the nose, the eyes are not the eyes. Is the sun coming out in the west today?

Finally, he found that Xiao Mili and Xianwei were winking at him and gesturing behind him. Chen Lingjun turned his head and was startled. It turned out that two people came up the road and they looked like scholars.

Chen Lingjun looked happy, turned around, put his hands on his hips, stood in the middle of the road, and laughed and said: "Nephew Zheng Shi! We said goodbye last time, long time no see!"

Zheng Juzhong smiled and nodded.

Liu Xiang on the side had no expression on his face, tut.

I have seen people who are cruel and life-threatening, but I have never seen someone who dares to mistreat Zheng Juzhong as Zheng Juzhong.

Zheng Juzhong just didn't have his name engraved on his forehead. The kid in Tsing Yi couldn't recognize it?

Chen Lingjun was wondering why the temporarily unidentified scribe looked a bit stooped.

Lu Shen on the other side of the mountain gate remained calm, but his eyelids trembled slightly.

Chen Lingjun strode towards the apprentice of his brother Chen Zhuoliu, put his hand to his mouth, and said in a low voice: "My nephew, if you haven't had time to find an inn in the county, why not stay at my house in the mountains? You can choose the east and west wings. If you don't like it, The houses on both sides are small, so I’ll just leave the main house for you to live in. If my family doesn’t speak the same language, there will be no host or guest, so you won’t be polite or pretentious!”

After thinking about it again, the boy in green hurriedly added, "If you like to be quieter and more comfortable, there are a few nice houses in the mountains. I'll take you to have a look. Let me know if you like them?"

Poor scholars are all good-looking. understand! Then the friends around the poor scholar must not be rich, Lao Lier!

Wei Bo had nothing to say and put his hand on his forehead.

But he was too lazy to explain anything to Chen Lingjun.

This has been the case for so many years.

Zheng Juzhong said: "Xin Ling, no need."

Chen Lingjun was obviously a little disappointed. He fisted his fist and smiled brightly again, "I have to have a meal before leaving. I have a good cook at home, and his skills are quite good..."

Liu Fang smiled and helped to relieve the situation: "Unfortunately, fellow Taoist Jingqing, we just had a home-cooked meal at Zhao Shuxia and Ning Ji's place."

Chen Lingjun was not discouraged, "Then let's talk about it next time, save this meal for now."

Good brother Chen Zhuoliu was a poor scholar with little money in his pocket and a thin face. Scholars have such virtues, so Chen Lingjun and the old cook borrowed some serious books, sorted them into categories, and put them on the table. It is convenient for them to browse through it when they live there one day.

Set up a table in the yard, and there are only empty wine glasses on the table. There is no point in empty wine jugs. There is enough wine.

Calling Bai Mangan, plus Brother Jia, who has always been in love with him, called him up the mountain. Then the four of them would gather at a table, fist pump and drink, having a good time.

Every morning, whoever gets up first, just shouts when walking out of the door, and an arrow pierces the clouds and thousands of troops come to meet each other. Brothers, where is the morning wine? !

Chen Lingjun remembered something and said from the bottom of his heart: "My nephew, to tell you the truth, I have always had a bright mind and am famous for not being confused about important matters. This is not because I was sitting on the steps chatting and spanking with your master earlier. I am not thinking of you and Wen You can chat with Master Sheng and Big White Goose. I thought this was quite strange. My brain twitched and I was confused. I guess you are the Demon Zheng from Baidi City. Bah, bah, bah. , Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji, must be the righteous and heroic Mr. Zheng, hey, he almost scared himself to death."

Liu Xian and Lu Shen looked at each other, and then they both looked at Wei Shenjun, the chivalrous and courageous Zheng Juzhong? Who taught Luo Luo Shan? Wei Bo had no choice but to rely on his understanding and self-taught.

Zheng Juzhong smiled and said: "If I were Zheng Juzhong, then wouldn't my master be Chen Qingliu? If he were Chen Qingliu, you and the man who killed the dragon could be brothers. From now on, what are you afraid of?"

Wei Bo was inevitably a little worried. No matter how outspoken Chen Lingjun is in his words and actions, he is still a conscientious person.

Liu Fang was more curious about how the boy in Tsing Yi would respond.

Lu Shen felt that as soon as Zheng Juzhong said these words, murderous intent was everywhere.

Unexpectedly, the boy in green just tilted his head and remained still. It was hard to tell whether his eyes were clear or confused. He just stayed there, "Huh?"

After staying for a long time and shaking his head vigorously, Chen Lingjun stretched out a finger and shook it, "No, no, that's not the calculation. I don't know the specific reason, so I don't know much about it."

Zheng Juzhong said: "What about leaving some for now?"

Chen Lingjun laughed endlessly. To be able to chat with him, he must be someone who has read but not read much.

Lu Shen felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and his heart strings became tense.

Why did Zheng Juzhong come here? !

Even so, Lu Shen still acted politely with the people around Zheng Juzhong, holding his breath and concentrating, performing an ancient ritual.

Liu Xi just turned a blind eye.

As they walked towards the mountain gate, the boy in green clothes first exchanged a fist salute with the strange young man who valued etiquette. He seemed to have thought of an explanation, scratched his head, and said a sincere word to that nephew Zheng Shi.

"I just want to make a few true friends. It doesn't matter whether their status is high or low, whether their wealth is big or small, whether their money bags are bulging or flat. The tabletop where the wine and bowls are placed is always flat."

Zheng Juzhong was stunned, smiled knowingly, nodded and said, "Uncle Shi knows how to drink."

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