Sword of Coming

Chapter 1276 Arrow Stomping

A group of visitors rested under the vines, drank tea and listened to Taoist sermons, feasting their ears to the melodious sound of jade chimes. The aura of heaven and earth brought up rippled like running water, as if all the ancient branches and leaves near the Taoist temple had been washed, making them greener and greener.

Since Huayang Palace had not yet issued an order to expel guests, they walked all the way to the Patriarch's Palace and gradually climbed up along the main Shinto. From a wide field of vision, they could see the Difei Mountain Ferry in the distance. In the field of vision, the figures of Taoist officials could be seen. As small as an ant, coming and going like a shuttle. There is a huge cross-state dragon boat that is the most eye-catching. It is a hundred feet long and more than ten feet wide. The head and tail scales and beards are all carved with gold ornaments. The buildings on the ship are like Qionglou and Yuyu, planted with ancient pines and strange cypresses, just like a complete Taoist temple. It is said that this famous ferry belonging to Cuiwei Palace has a mystery hidden at the bottom of the cabin. Large iron coins are densely arranged like a tabletop, which is called "Successful Money" to withstand the tilt of the hull caused by clouds, waves, wind and rain during the voyage.

The young man with a fierce face was the first to break the silence and asked: "The ancestor of the military strategist, Grandmaster Jiang, has been silent for thousands of years. This time he joins hands with his Taoist companions to come out again. The noise is not small, and he must have a big plan. If you are him, What will we do? Use local materials and make some deductions.”

On the top of the mountain, Mao Zhui began to look at this group of children from aristocratic families with admiration. They were not very young and capable, but they were very courageous and bold.

Yin Xian looked even more embarrassed. These troublemakers who knew nothing about the world really dared to talk about anything.

However, it can be seen that the Hongnong Yang family is indeed well-informed. There are many Taoist officials in the dynasty who have never even heard of the surname of the ancestor of the military family.

There was a young man holding a wicker that he had stolen from somewhere, shaking his wrist, pacing leisurely, and said with a smile: "The first step is to enter the ancestral palace of the military master. If you can use the Zhongtu martial arts temple as a private dojo, Right? But Jiang Taigong, Mr. Wei, and the others are willing to give up. This is a huge problem that is destined to be unavoidable. If I go all out to attack the ancestral court, since I am a military strategist, I have to... Hey, Master Jiang. , Jiang Taigong, what a coincidence, they both have the surname Jiang, I don’t know if there is any explanation.”

One dares to ask and the other dares to answer. They are indeed a pair of brothers with different surnames who are very attached to each other just after they met.

There is nothing taboo about talking about these things.

It's just like the Qi practitioners in the world who drank a little wine and said they wanted to beat Bai Yujing. But the problem is that they are in Difei Mountain at the moment, so it is always inappropriate.

"Secondly, even if the military strategists are of one mind and are willing to acknowledge him as their ancestor. Next, we have to look at the attitude of the Middle-earth Confucian Temple. After all, Haoran is a world of scholars. Whether the ceremonial saint nods or not is the key. Ya Sheng and Wen Sheng are two of them. "Whether you acquiesce to this matter or hold a negative opinion is of course also important."

"In the end, even after passing these two passes, the top priority is whether the fisherman who refused to dock to allow the Holy Master to board the boat recognized the military master named Jiang or not."

"Three invisible battlefields, layers of passes, it all depends on how the ancestor of the military strategist arranged his troops, passed the passes, beheaded the generals, and gradually attacked the city and built the stronghold. By accident, the man named Jiang couldn't get along with the Confucian Temple and insisted on quarreling with each other. The hard-earned era of peace will return to the chaotic world and become the same as our current world in Qingming."

An ancient-looking old man said with a smile: "Is there a possibility that Jiang Taigong's fishermen will take the bait?"

"how to say?"

"For example, the ancestral family of the military family has long wanted to fight together again, trying to make the first ancestor take the blame himself, and eradicate the root of the problem in a justified manner?"

"Is there someone else hiding behind the scenes who is ambitious and has been planning for a long time to take over the magpie's nest?"

"What if the first ancestor of the military strategist and the fisherman had already been on the line, bypassing the Confucian Confucian Temple and joining forces with the barbarians? Are they determined to completely change the world with one hand? Rearrange Haoran?"

The topic was discussed together, everyone had their own opinions, and there was a lot of discussion and chaos.

On the top of the mountain, Yin Xian said: "The young man who started the topic first, Guan Liao went by the pseudonym Shangjiao and is a casual cultivator. He seems to be from the Little Four Prefectures, and he carries with him a strong water vapor unique to Leize Lake."

Nan Qiang had a different opinion, "At first glance, he looks like a libertine who steps on watermelon rinds. Shouldn't he just come back from enjoying the flowers at Leize Lake?"

Yin Xian shook his head, "Taoists usually travel, how can they stick to water transport. The two lake owners named Wang and Lei Yu, one is withdrawn and the other is unscrupulous. How can outsiders dare to show off."

Mao Zhui said: "It's hard to say what the specific sect's family education is, but it is certain that he has a close relationship with the Taiyi lineage. At least he has dealt with Wang who likes to raise geese more than once or twice. . Just say that the scholar around Shang Jiao has a good background and is not something that ordinary people can control. "

Shanyin Yuke's surname is Wang, Tao name is Taiyi, the owner of the dry lake in Xiaosizhou, the old Taoist priest and Lei Yu, who is from the demon clan, are all candidates.

Nan Qiang failed to see the background of the lazy book boy and asked curiously: "Strange or mysterious?"

Weird, either an "old immortal" who began to practice in ancient times or even ancient times, or an ancient object became a spirit, gave birth to a little true spirit, transformed into a human form, and embarked on the path of cultivation. Miraculous attributes are mostly the reincarnation of gods or the "turning around" of a certain great monk.

Mao Zhui said: "When we meet, you can ask yourself."

Nan Qiang smiled sweetly and said: "Since we can't use magic to see through their deception, it's just like guessing lantern riddles. It's quite interesting."

Mao Zhui narrowed his eyes. For some reason, he changed his mind temporarily and said to Yin Xian beside him: "Yin Xian, please pass on the message and allow them to go up the mountain. Let's meet and chat for a few words."

It's really a mixed bag. There are more than ten people in this mountaineering team. After careful research on the origins of their families and dojos, it turned out that there are at least four places.

He would like to see the rhetoric, the talk on paper, and the nonsense. It’s still true talent and practical learning, with a clear goal.

Yin Xian's face was troubled. There was no set rule on how to treat guests here. It was said that no one came to congratulate Mao Zhui for his promotion to the palace master. This was an isolated case in the mountains.

Mao Zhui said: "It doesn't matter, just go and stay at my house."

Yin Xian breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, Huayang Palace's etiquette was quite sufficient.

In this truly mixed mountaineering team, the Hongnong Yang family has a pair of siblings, two accompanying maids, and a guard guard.

The apparent identity of the siblings who submitted the ultimatum at the mountain gate shows that they are not Taoist officials now, Yang Zheng or Yang Yu. The boy's name is not ordinary.

The woman wearing a power fence has a graceful figure even though her face is covered. There is a maid on the side gently swinging a folding fan. The fan depicts a magpie on a branch, which means joy.

The handsome young man wears a three-mountain crown on his head, a refreshing deep purple straight jacket, and a sash tied around his waist. Yang Huang looked arrogant and liked to look at people sideways, and rarely looked at people directly.

At this moment, he was taking out a kind of oily honey, which was nicknamed "Xiaolier", and offered it to his sister, who lifted up a corner of the rice cake and chewed it gently.

One of the two maids has a soft face, but looks like a man. She wears a narrow robe of variegated brocade and gold silk. The short knife hanging on her waist is extremely eye-catching. He was given the surname Yang and the given name Yupian.

The other maid was called Luzhu, and she was holding a round fan. She seemed to be a few years older, but she was just pretty in appearance. She wore a small hat, a wide yellow embroidered shirt on the outside, and a narrow green coat on the inside.

A little further away from them, there was a lean man with a dull expression, as if he wanted to separate the Yang siblings from the "miscellaneous people" who were hiking together. His true appearance is that of a sword-wielding man wearing five-color armor and a faceplate to cover his face. He is tall and tall. His armor is wrapped with a gorgeous belt in the style of a snake made from ancient rituals. He looks like an ancient general. He wears a pair of Cloud-head shoes like court boots.

In addition to them, there are two Qing guests of the Yang family. The old man has a strange face, three long beards, and narrow eyebrows. They are like the statues of gods and ghosts in the ancestral temple, with a dark and ancient atmosphere.

The middle-aged man next to him seemed to be a disciple, with a reserved look on his face. He couldn't help but glance at the maid holding the fan.

There are three siblings with different surnames. Among them is a man named Shang Jiao, who is accompanied by a boy named "Xiao Bing". Xu Duan and the lean, taciturn red-faced man have been friends for many years and have met here. This time we traveled together to the mountains. Originally, they had no intention of using any deceit or false ultimatums. They just followed the Hongnong Yang family's descendants to climb the mountain.

The little book boy was sick and listless. It's like the coolness in the mountains, making people drowsy.

The red-faced man said from his heart: "Third brother, on the way here, in an inconspicuous barren mountain field, I met an extraordinary person, a true hermit."

Shang Jiao didn't take it seriously, "Isn't it the kind of thing that's just trying to gain fame?"

The red-faced man said: "I have been tested for a while, but my level is higher than mine anyway. Logically speaking, I shouldn't be so rash, but I really couldn't help it. Fortunately, the other party has a good temper and didn't care. If it were left to the outside world, there would probably be a fight. , He doesn’t seem to be very good at fighting with others, but his level is there, if I can’t kill him with one blow, I will definitely be killed by him.”

Shang Jiao was shocked when he heard this: "Is the realm higher than yours?"

One of the sworn brothers beside him is Luo Yi, whose Taoist name is "Huo Guan". He and Shaoyin Hou Wuxi are both one of the ten candidates in Qing Ming Tianxia.

Of course, "Shangjiao" has access to many strange people.

When it comes to family background, friends, and relationships with elders, among the younger generation, even the guy who gave Yang Zheng a Shangjiao pseudonym in the entire Qingming world can be ranked high.

Because of this, he dared to talk about this in the main Shinto of Difei Mountain, almost in front of Master Bai Gu.

If he dares to make such a mistake relying on his identity and background, he is underestimating Shang Jiao, just because he is too familiar with Difei Mountain. The two sisters also wanted to see the place where their brother practiced Taoism in the past. The small Taoist temple where he just stopped to rest was where he spent his early years.

The red-faced man nodded and said: "There is no doubt that he is definitely a level higher than me."

Shang Jiao's eyes sparkled, and he suddenly became interested, "I must help introduce you. It doesn't matter if you are rejected."

The red-faced man smiled and said, "That's easy to say."

Shang Jiao always had some wild ideas, and asked everyone curiously, "Why do some ancient books describe Taoist ancestors with the saying that 'Tao is like a dragon'? Isn't it the kind of Spring and Autumn writing style that praises and denigrates openly?"

Everyone seemed to be stunned by the question, and there was silence for a while. After all, when it comes to Daozu, no one can say anything nonsense.

Even Yang Huang couldn't help but look at Yang Zheng, "Sister, Brother Shang Jiao's question is very tricky. Can you read a few more books and answer it?"

The Mi Li woman shook her head.

Shang Jiao continued to ask, "There is another description of a person's strategy, which is far superior to that of his peers at the same time. Why is he called 'great wisdom and almost a demon'? Is this a compliment or a curse?"

Still looking at each other.

The ancient-looking old man who had been silent until now smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist Shang, both of these statements actually have their origins."

Shang Jiao's eyes were bright and he asked sincerely: "How do you say that?"

The old man said slowly: "It is said that in ancient times, there was a team that formed naturally. It stretched very long on the road of the human world, like a long snake. During this period, there were Taoists who heard the Tao and practiced Taoism, and they all turned into dragons and snakes on the land. When the Taoists left, they cried or laughed, but they did not forget to kneel and return the greetings to the Taoist who walked in front. Later, more Taoists joined, and later, there was a relatively simple bowing ceremony."

"The one walking at the end of the team is the Taoist ancestor."

"In addition, one of the Taoists walking in the front of the team, who not only listened to the Taoism up close, but also served as a part-time protector, and preached the Taoism selflessly, and took the initiative to preach what he heard and understood. , never hide anything. Whenever there is a severe drought, he will not hesitate to expend his own energy, change his body shape, ride on clouds and mist, perform water magic, and bring down sweet rain. He has a great merit in the world. Unfortunately, his fellow tribesmen made a big mistake later, and the merits and demerits were divided. He was hated by the heavens and it was a disaster. Only one in ten thousand could escape. "

"As for the other metaphor, it describes a woman who is proficient in refining things. She was born in the demon tribe and has great wisdom, so there was no derogatory meaning at the time. "

Hearing this, Shang Jiao sighed: "How did the old man know these old almanacs?"

The old man couldn't help laughing and asked back, "Of course it was hearsay, otherwise?"

Shang Jiao laughed and clasped his fists to beg for mercy.

The old man seemed to be aroused by this topic. In his eyes as deep as an ancient well, there were golden threads swimming, just like a hidden dragon in the abyss.

Even though it has been many years, it is still something that we have personally seen, heard and experienced. It is very difficult to forget something that happened right next to us. There is no need to deceive ourselves.

Yang Yu then asked, "Five-color soil is easy to explain, but what about ten thousand-year-old soil?"

Could it be that the soil that can be seen everywhere in the world also has an age, and there is a high or low age?

Yang Yu is a chatterbox. No wonder his sister Yang Zheng always said that he must have been a mute in his previous life, and that he would make up for it in this life.

The old man smiled and replied, "Among the five elements, the earth element is the most difficult to maintain the word pure. If you don't believe it, look down at our feet. This earth that carries all things and all living beings, if it is too... clean, like the purest water, can it feed fish?"

The woman nodded. This is a unique theory, profound and wonderful.

Yang Yu immediately looked at the old man with new eyes. The young man only knew that this Yang family guest, who called himself the deaf Taoist, was a poor family from Xiaosizhou and often went to the Yang family to beg for money. In terms of Taoism, he was only a minor success in practicing Taoism. He liked to collect and was good at collecting, and was a master of version cataloging. He had met him twice in the family before. Yang Yu thought he was just a "celebrity who talked about food and drink for free", but he never thought he was really a bit of a man.

The one who cared least about these worldly affairs and could not get a word in was the middle-aged man next to the old man with an ancient look, who was absent-minded.

Shang Jiao saw that the man named Tian Gong was bored, so he took the initiative to chat with him. If he had something to chat about, he would not be bored.

Tian Gong also thought that "Shang Jiao" was just a foil like himself, so he sympathized with him and chatted with him about some random things in a not-so-pure Youzhou Mandarin, but he was grateful in his heart.

Of course, it was not that Tian Gong had lustful thoughts about the maid named Luzhu. Tian Gong did not have the courage to do so. Even if she was a maid, the close relatives of the descendants of the Hongnong Yang family were not his to marry.

He always felt that her eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to those of a native. So Tian Gong could not help but take a few more glances, but Tian Gong knew that it must be a coincidence.

There is still a difference between a person's accent, strange and astringent.

They were both Youzhou Mandarin, but Yang Yu was the kind that made others feel awkward, but Tian Gong knew that he was a foreigner from another state as soon as he opened his mouth.

There has always been a proverb in the Qingming world that you are not afraid of heaven or earth, but you are afraid of people from Youzhou Hongnong County speaking Mandarin. So there is a joke that when chatting with the children of the Hongnong Yang family, either you let it go in one ear and out the other, or simply don't talk at all. As long as you still want to reply, you have to listen carefully, otherwise you will not understand it at all. It was very difficult for Xu Xuyuan to talk to Yang Yu. Previously, I traveled around Youzhou with my two sisters. During the period, we passed through Hongnong County, and I experienced the power of the people there. For example, the women in the market cursed people, which was both vicious and clever. They liked to call old men old turtles and those idle playboys floating corpses. For example, they cursed themselves instead of their husbands, and only needed to say "I will definitely be a widow in the future", which showed great skill.

In addition, the scholars and women in Hongnong County could drink and sing boxing at the banquet. Although the women had a soft voice, their posture was heroic, with sleeves rolled up and hands handed over, and their eyebrows and eyes flying, so there was a different charm. The spectators at the same table were really enjoying the beautiful scenery and refreshing.

In fact, this Shangjiao, whose real name is Xu Xuyuan, especially his two sisters, are all remarkable people who have achieved the Tao.

The owner of Qingni Dongtian, Xu Mian. The co-lord of Tianrang Fudi, Xu Yingning.

Two more mountain monks who have become one of the ten candidates.

Xu Xuyuan glanced at the woman in Mili. There is a custom in their hometown that when a woman is about to get married, she will wear a "wind, flower, snow and moon" coin on her body. It is said that this will make the couple love each other forever.

This kind of coin is made of heavy copper, with beautiful words and good appearance. When a rich family builds a house, it will be embedded in the main beam, and the owner will make a fortune.

Marriage between wealthy families is like gambling. Once you buy it, you can't return it.

What a pity, such a beautiful woman has no intention of taking care of her husband and children. This move shows her feelings and she will marry Taoism in this life.

When Xu Xuyuan went out, he made up his mind that all the people in the world were brothers. Since his family was not weak, he would use money to clear the way and exchange real money for sincerity. When a friend borrows money from him, is that called borrowing? It means taking back the money deposited with him. The same goes for friends on the mountain who "borrow" magic weapons and spiritual books and secrets. In short, Xu Xuyuan never let the word "money" be bigger than the word "friend".

Xu Xuyuan asked sternly: "I dare to ask fellow Taoist Jinsheng, why do you want to practice Taoism and become an immortal? Is there such a fate and long-cherished wish that in this life, when you accidentally remember it, you have the heart to seek Taoism and the ambition to become an immortal?"

This situation is common in the mountains.

Tian Gong has neither a disciple nor a disciple, so he has no Taoist title for the time being. However, similar to the self-title of the deaf Taoist, the Tian Communist Party's Taoist nickname "Golden Sound" will not be recorded by Bai Yujing.

Don't look at Xu Xuyuan's casual remarks to Luo Yi. When he first met Yang Xu, a proud man of heaven, he was even more generous. After getting acquainted with him a little, Yang Xu was guessed. Asking "", Xu Xuyuan could do anything. Unconcerned, he smiled and said, "No one knows more than his father."

On the contrary, when dealing with Tian Gong, he always attached great importance to etiquette, took care of him a lot along the way, and often asked for words when he had nothing to say, so that Tian Gong would not be at a loss and lose his way.

Tian Cong did not hide anything and said truthfully: "In the beginning, I was seeking wealth, and later I was seeking longevity."

Xu Xuyuan asked curiously: "After going through many hardships, I finally became a true immortal. How does Taoist Jin Sheng feel?"

Tian Gong said with embarrassment: "Brother Shang Jiao is joking. What kind of god am I? I'm already in my forties, and I'm still at the bottom of my career. I haven't seen any improvement. I'm lucky enough to get to know you, and to travel together. I just feel I'm just trying to make up for it."

Xu Xuyuan smiled and said: "I would like to ask, is the deaf Taoist your disciple?"

The territory of the Little Four Prefectures is not small. Bai Yujing's battle to encircle and suppress the alien demons caused a continent to sink into a lake, and the waters were vast. Many casual cultivators and private Taoist priests who could not deal with Bai Yujing liked to operate their influence here. Xu Xuyuan was no stranger to the customs of Xiaosizhou, and he had never heard of any deaf Taoist.

Tian Gong shook his head and did not want to say anything more.

After all, it involves the extremely private Taoist lineage. Xu Xuyuan did not ask any more questions, changed the subject, and asked casually: "Fellow Taoist Jinsheng, how do you view the matter of cultivation?"

Tian Gong thought for a moment and said, "To learn Taoism is to read ancient books."

"Good argument."

Xu Xuyuan nodded and smiled: "Fellow Taoist Jinsheng, if I have the chance, I'll treat you to a goose stewed in an iron pot."

Before going up the mountain, Xu Xuyuan learned through casual conversations that the farmer claimed that he had practiced cultivation in the Immortal Family since he was young, but that he had not been able to practice the Dharma. He suffered from the lack of guidance from a master, was deaf in one ear, and had injuries to his organs. He then went out. Seeking immortality, traveling through mountains and rivers, looking for enlightened people who can cure diseases and guide people to become immortals. Fortunately, the road is boundless, and he actually found a Qi practitioner in the market who was playing in the world of mortals. After many tests, the master saw that he was firm in his Taoism, so he led him up the mountain and practiced a genuine immortal method. That's why Xu Xuyuan guessed that the "deaf Taoist" was the tutor of the Tian Cong who went astray in the past and lost one ear.

Xu Xuyuan once thought that the best candidate to be a disciple was Gao Gu of Huayang Palace. For this purpose, he made a special trip to a Taoist temple in Difeishan Mountain and became the resident Taoist priest. He remained anonymous for more than a hundred years and learned the Eight Classics seriously. Talisman, I started to refine the elixir honestly. It's a pity that Gao Gu has been watching Xu Xuyuan for several years, but never fell in love with Xu Xuyuan. Perhaps he didn't want the young man to continue to waste his time, so he took the initiative to show up and persuade him to go down the mountain and find another master. Gao Gu has made his position so clear that Xu Xuyuan can't help but stay in the Taoist temple, especially since Gao Gu also suggested that he go to Xiaosizhou. Only then did Xu Xuyuan go there, and he actually got to know the old man who raised geese. The Taoist priests learned many techniques from Wang, but they did not have the status of master and disciple.

Tian Cong only regarded it as a polite word, smiled and nodded in agreement. When a person is in a foreign land, wandering and helpless, he is inevitably lonely. It is an unexpected joy for him to find a friend who meets him.

Luo Yi knew the inside story and was helpless. Xu Xuyuan's goose stewed in an iron pot, don't eat it if you can't help it.

Xu Xuyuan laughed from the bottom of his heart and said, "Fellow Taoist Jin Sheng, like me, you all use a pseudonym, right?"

Tian Gong hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Xu Xuyuan patted Tian Gong on the shoulder, "To be honest, my real name is quite famous. Just don't mention it. Making friends requires heart-to-heart communication, not names."

Tian Gong smiled and said, "My real name is unknown. It doesn't matter whether I say it or not."

Xu Xuyuan held Tian Gong's shoulders and lowered his voice, "Then let's talk about it and tell us our real names?"

Tian Cong just shook his head.

Xu Xuyuan lowered his voice and said: "Actually, my surname is Chen and my first name is Ping'an. It's good for you to know and don't spread it outside."

Tian Gong was stunned on the spot and looked at this person blankly.

I don't know if I was shocked by "Shang Jiao's" shamelessness, or if I suspected that I had made a mistake and mistook "Shang Jiao" as the kind of person who could be a friend. It turned out that I was warm and attentive, but they were all other people's. Joking behavior?

When Xu Mian heard this, he suddenly stared and reminded from his heart: "Remember not to call Yin Guan by name!"

Xu Xuyuan was frustrated.

Huang Zhen patted the back of Xu Xuyuan's hand and said with a smile: "Since Taoist friend 'Shangjiao' has made the secret, I have to be wise. The single name, 'wood, water, fire and earth are all fake'."

Xu Xuyuan let go of his hand and was confused.

At this time, a Taoist priest from Huayang Palace came up the mountain and said that the palace master wanted to invite you.

While I was still thinking, my sister Xu Yingzha smiled and helped to answer the question, "Wood, water, fire and earth, among the five elements, there is still gold missing. Since they are all false, there must be something true. Adding the true character to the radical of the word gold means "town"?" The Taoist nickname of "Yu Tian Gong" also matches."

A single name contains the word "town".

Xu Xuyuan suddenly realized, a single-name town? So what about the real last name?

Xu Ying saw that his younger brother was confused and would ignore such obvious clues. Isn't the "name" of Tian Communist Party the answer?

Just when she was about to solve the riddle for him, she looked up and saw the couplets on the plaque of Wanjuan Tower, and changed her mind.

Luo Yi asked: "Why are you so interested in this Tian Gong?"

Xu Xuyuan joked: "Why do you think our Tiancang brothers have ordinary qualifications, smell of earthiness, and can't stand the Dharma's eyes? You are a mud-legged person who looks down on mud-legged people!"

Luo Yi laughed dumbly. Scholars all like to tell lies. As the founding emperor of the largest dynasty in a state, Luo Yi is only good at making scholars cut off their heads one by one.

In fact, Luo Yi came from a very low background. He rose from a small soldier in the border army to his current high position step by step. Naturally, he would not look down on him just because he saw that the Tian Communist Party did not come from a wealthy family. Besides, what does a wealthy family mean? Think back to that year, when Qiankun decided to launch the founding of the People's Republic of China, when his soldiers and horses entered the old capital, several streets were filled with blood, all from the mansions of the yellow and purple princes. The flow out will make the horse's hooves slip.

At that time, there were conspirators around me who advised me that this move was inappropriate, "Ignore it? If you kill too many people, you will easily lose people's hearts. It will not look good in the history books of future generations."

Luo Yi sat high on the horse, with a calm expression, and just replied, "You have to take care of it, the knife is too slow."

Xu Xuyuan said quietly: "My two sisters are famous for their high vision and accurate judgment of people. I won't mention what they think of Brother Wu Xi. I'm just talking about you."

Glancing at Xu Mian, the stoic man hummed and remained silent for a moment, "If you don't speak the same language as one family, you will call me brother-in-law from now on."

Wu Xi did not proclaim himself emperor like Luo Yi, but he was recognized as the supreme emperor by the entire Peizhou. As a result, on the border of Yongzhou, Zhu Xuan, the empress of the Yufu Dynasty, seemed to have lost her mind and went crazy. She acted arbitrarily and built the Universal Jiao. Divination of the four states. Peizhou happens to be one of them.

As a result, it was naturally impossible for Wu Xi to accompany his two sworn brothers on a trip. Especially the destination is Huayang Palace. If Wu Xi dares to show up at Difei Mountain at this time, it is estimated that in the eyes of Bai Yujing Taoist officials, it will be the same as that of a rebellion.

In the early years, after learning that Lizhu Cave had fallen from the sky and was consecrated as a blessed place, the ambitious Wu Xi had always wanted to find an opportunity to travel around the world and invite the True Dragon King Zhu to Qingming World.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Yin Xian of Cuiwei Palace and the south wall of Damu Temple had been waiting for a long time.

The palace owner Mao Zhui was not waiting at the door. Indeed, even if the head of the Hongnong Yang family arrived, he might not be able to treat Mao Zhui, who has a double clone, well.

Yin Xian led them into the courtyard of Palace Master Mao. There was a main room with an Eight Immortals table and four wooden benches. They were all made from nearby materials and chopped by Mao Zhui himself. There was neither a plaque nor a shrine in the main room. The rooms on both sides, a Everywhere is Mao Zhui's residence, and one is a study room. There are no doors, and the scenery inside the house is unobstructed.

Those descendants of the Yang family from Hongnong, who were born in Huazhou, were very curious. It was probably the first time for them to see this kind of "humble house" as mentioned in the book, a common people's house?

Yang Huang casually found an excuse and ran alone to the Guanyu Pavilion on the other side of the deep pool. Seeing no one around, the boy became playful. Suddenly, a golden rooster stood alone, put his fingers together, widened his eyes, and muttered something.

Hey, snakes in the North River, dragons in the West Lake, fish in the Southern Ocean, and carps in the East China Sea, don't take a quick look at them. Don't underestimate them. How can the gods be things in the pond? They will turn into dragons when encountering wind and clouds.

Yang Xu found that the deaf Taoist and Na Tian were not sitting there, so they also came here for a walk. The young man lost interest and went to Huayang Palace to learn more from Master Mao.

Entering the yard and crossing the threshold of the main room, I saw that my sister had already picked up the power fence. Wow, it was really brilliant. Yang Huang smiled brightly and asked directly: "Palace Master Mao, can I go in and take a look at the study?"

Mao Zhui said: "Whatever."

Without waiting for Yang Zheng to stop him, the young man had already hurried to the study room, staring at the several documents from the study room on the table. His eyes stopped on an inkstone with ink left on it, and he murmured to himself: "This kind of bricks and tiles Inkstone, I know it has its own uniqueness, but no matter how I look at it, I can’t tell that it’s any good.”

Of course this phrase means something.

Since you, Mao Zhui, can be favored by Gao Gu, your Taoism is of course superb. But forgive me for my blindness, I can't see your extraordinary uniqueness.

The woman wearing a power fence reprimanded him in her heart not to be rude. If he dared to say another word, he would immediately go down the mountain. At the same time, she smiled softly and said: "When a young man appreciates inkstones, he only looks at their beauty and does not care about their ugliness. In the final analysis, Still not enough experience and accumulation.”

Yang Huang quickly clasped his fists towards the main room and begged for mercy: "Good sister, stop scolding me. I finally climbed over the wall and sneaked out. I have been scolded countless times and I am full of scolds."

Probably because he was a member of the noble family, he couldn't hide his arrogance. Even though he got Yang Zheng's gift, he still didn't say hello to the owner. He picked up the square inkstone on the table without permission and read the contents of the inkstone at will.

The sword light suddenly rises, awakening Li Long, who is trapped in the mud pond, and has been sleeping for a long time. The rivers and lakes are wet with foam, the night is long and the water is cold, and the pearls on the chin are like lamps. The wind and thunder force him, and his scales and beards spread out. In the darkroom for thousands of years, my soul is ruthless. A single point makes it clear, and everything in the sky and the earth is illuminated.

Not to mention Yin Xian, who was the most disciplined person, felt that the boy was rude. Even Nan Qiang, who was already informal enough, couldn't help but frown. Do you really regard Huayang Palace as your own home?

On the contrary, Mao Zui still maintained a calm attitude. In the past, he rented comic books at a stall outside Zhuxu Temple. After closing the stall, the comic books were full of fingerprints and even snot.

Yang Zheng stood up, went to the study, grabbed the boy's ears, and pressed him on the bench.

Before, Mao Zui stood at the door and watched the guests coming in one after another. The first thing Bai Gu Zhenren saw fell on the maid behind the Mi Li woman.

She was so brave that she dared to come to Difei Mountain.

Mao Zui looked at the jumping "boy" at this moment, the real owner.

In the fish-watching pavilion, the old man didn't need to speak, as if he could isolate himself from the world by the water, and was confident that he could hide it from the White Bone Immortal. He smiled and said, "Too much talk leads to mistakes. You shouldn't have mentioned your name to Shang Jiao. His family is big and he can afford to lose anything if he makes a mistake. Can you? Of course not. If you make a wrong step, you will end up in an irreparable situation. Your master sent you here to settle in Lei Ze Lake, which is equivalent to entrusting you to my care, not to let you make mistakes. A dumb person knows the pain of eating coptis. Be careful when you go out, and learn more from the hidden official of the same age."

A hero is one who can turn a gloomy life into a magnificent one.

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