Sword Spirit

Chapter 981: make trouble

"The family underneath is just an idle family of cultivation. There is not much fame. There are no strong elders in the family. It is not necessarily known to the seniors." Lu Xuan said with a smile.

"It turned out that the old man did not stay in the holy city on this day. He said that he was not well aware of the Tiansheng City. He also understood that he was seven or eighty-eight. The younger brother came to see him. If there is any need for help, the old man may be able to Help me a little." Tsing Yi old man smiled.

Lu Xuan heard a smile, he was going to do something, fearing that few of them could help, not to mention that he didn’t know the details of the old man, and he wouldn’t easily open it. Lunch.

At this moment, a burst of noise came from the front, only to hear a strong man shouted: "The treasurer, there is no table, and quickly arrange a seat for the brothers."

"Oh, I am really embarrassed to be a guest. There are a lot of people today. This first layer is already full, or do you want to go to the second floor?" The first floor of the shopkeeper smiled and greeted him.

The brawny gave him a look: "Do you think I don't understand the market? The second layer is no different from this first layer, but the price is doubled."

During the speech, the brawny eyes kept patrolling around, and soon they fell to the corner where Lu Xuan was located. Even if it was bright, he walked straight toward this side.

Lu Xuan thought that this person was coming to himself. When he was slightly frowning, he saw the old man and the group walked over to the old man. Lu Xuan’s mouth suddenly hangs a smile, and this strong man also came in time. I just don’t want to talk to this old man again, just to get a gag.

"Old man, you alone occupy such a large table, it is too much. I invited this, you give me a place to go out." The brawny went to the Tsing Yi old man and reached for a table, suddenly A few clear fingerprints were left on the table, and the tables and chairs on the first floor of Tianyu Building were made of ebony. It is also a blessing method that has been blessed by the refiner. This brave man can leave fingerprints at random, but it can be considered a bit of a skill.

The Tsing Yi old man looked up at the brawny. The brawny is not afraid to look at the old man. He deliberately brought a few friends to Tianyu Building to open his eyes. Who knows that there is no such thing as a seat, and if so, it is gone. It’s too much to lose face and say that you have to get a seat.

The old man in Tsing Yi renewed his glass of wine without hesitation, and smiled slightly: "The old man is old and his physical strength is not good. If you sit for a long time, you can't stand up. If you want this seat, you may wish to help the old man. One."

The brawny man suddenly heard his eyes. The old man didn't want to let it... He snorted in his heart and glanced at the people around him and said, "If that's the case, then I will help you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two people next to him stepped forward. One person grabbed one of the old men of Tsing Yi and wanted to lift it up directly. The corner of the strong man’s mouth was already hung with a sneer, giving his face a shameless face. . I have to give this old man a bit of trouble.

Lu Xuan looked at this scene with great interest. This brave man’s move was in line with his intentions and helped him to test the strength of the old man. Although he was not sure of the identity of the old man, he felt that the old man was definitely not an ordinary person, although On the surface, it seems that this old man only has the breath of the late Yuan Dynasty.

Sure enough, I saw those two people who tried to get out of the Tsing Yi old man, but the old man’s arm was not moving, not only that. It was the glass of wine that the old man held in his hand did not see any fluctuations, as if he did not notice the power of the two.

The old man slowly drank the wine in the cup, smiled and said: "I am old and have no strength, how can you young people have no strength? It seems that I can only continue to sit here."

In the eyes of the strong man, there was a trace of irritating color. I didn’t expect this old guy to be a fuel-efficient lamp. If the average person couldn’t figure out the details of the other party, he would stop, but now many people are watching, where is he? Pull the following.

"That seems to have come to me personally." The strong man slammed his fist and strode forward, his right hand slammed hard, clenched into claws, and squatted on the shoulders of the old man. The fingerprints are printed on the table. At first glance, it is good at hand. The power of this claw is absolutely small. If it is a general warrior, the power of this claw can directly pinch the shoulder.

"Well?" After the claw was caught, the brow was slightly condensed. He felt like he was caught on an iron plate. No, it was harder than the iron plate. Even if it was iron plate, he clawed down. Can also be pinched into an iron ball.

However, he is now riding a tiger, under the violent drink, grabbing the shoulders of the old man and struggling to mention it, wanting to take it out directly, but only heard a scream, the old man’s body does not move, but the strong man himself Too fierce, the right hand joint creaked, he felt as if he was carrying a person, but a mountain, can not shake.

The strong man suddenly became annoyed. He suddenly lifted his foot and kicked directly toward the old man. This foot suddenly carried a strong wind to the old man, so that the people around him could not help but squeeze the sweat.

"Hey!" came a sound, the strong man kicked in the old man's chair, but an unexpected scene appeared. His foot not only failed to kick the old man's chair, but it was a powerful one. The power of the earthquake came out of the chair, and suddenly the strong man shook out more than a mile.

"Oh, young people, such a big fire can not." Tsing Yi old man said with a smile, did not take it seriously, Lu Xuan is in the eyes of the flash of light, this old man, absolutely has the power of too virtual, can be so light Clouds are light, I am afraid that it is not too general.

Even now the fool knows, this old man is definitely not simple, the strong man looked at the old man deeply, and secretly adjusted the interest, only to resolve the pain of the foot upload.

This time, he did not continue to find the trouble of the old man. Although it is very shameful to persuade the soft, but it also depends on who is soft, and everyone who knows the eye knows that this old man is not easy to provoke. If he does not know how to do it, it is stupid, of course, This tone is still drawn.

Above the sweep of the brawny, he saw Lu Xuan on the side, and Lu Xuan smiled and looked at himself. He suddenly did not hit a place, and his heart sighed and finally found the place to release. .

"Kid, what do you look at!" The strong man shouted to Lu Xuan, seeing the strong man toward Lu Xuan, this time the old man smiled and watched the excitement.

Lu Xuan smirked and said: "There are so many people watching here, I can't read it?"

The strong man sneered, and his big hand waved. His brothers suddenly came to Lu Xuan's table and immediately said, "You two people occupy this table, it is too wasteful. Do you want us to help you to make a place?" ”

As soon as the voice fell, the people behind Zhuanghan were rushing to the palms. They just ate at the old man, and their hearts were unhappy. Since Lu Xuan came here, it was just a good breath.

The audience who had been prepared to disperse seemed to have a good show at first sight. I couldn’t help but come over again. The old man had just revealed his hand. I don’t know if Lu Xuan has some skills here.

However, Lu Xuan’s performance was disappointing. He only heard Lu Xuan haha ​​smiled: “It’s just finished eating, and if you want to sit down, please do.” (To be continued~^~)

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